Is it Meant to Be? Knot Magick Spell to Get Answers 🧶

Is it Meant to Be Knot Magick Spell

Knot Magick: Is it Meant to Be?

This simple spell uses knot magick to call on the advice of the divine. Use it to help make a decision, check on the suitability of a partnership, or see if something is right or wrong.

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You will need:

~ :yarn: :scissors: A piece of sturdy string

Spell Instructions:

  1. Place the string on your altar, presenting it to your deity. Ask for their blessing (and consider leaving Them an offering to thank Them for their help).

  2. After your string has rested on your altar for one day and one night, it is ready to be used.

  3. Wrap the string around your wrist or ankle. Tie it using three knots.

  4. Say:

If this holds, it’s meant to be.
If it’s not, I’ll set it free.
Stay or hold, please help me see —
Guide me now, so mote it be!

  1. Wear the string for one day and one night. If it falls off during this time, the answer is no, the situation is not meant to be, and/or the person will likely abandon you. If the knots hold for longer than one day and one night, the answer is yes, the situation is sturdy, and/or the person can be trusted.

  2. You may continue to wear the string, or can dispose of it respectfully.

This spell first appeared in the Spells8 Email Newsletter- you can check out previous issues and, if you haven’t already, sign up for the free newsletter to get magickal goodies like this delivered right to your inbox! :envelope_with_arrow:

More Knot & String Spells

Looking for related spellwork? Here are some additional magick spells and other resources you might explore.

Cutting Ties: Spell to Release Negativity and Break Free

Witches Ladder: What it Means and How to Make One

a little knotty magick
Celtic Heart: Knot Magick

How do you get answers or guidance in your practice? Do you have any knot magick spells you’d like to share?

Feel free to share your spell experiences, advice, and wisdom with fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed Be! :sparkles:


This is wonderful. Bookmarked. Loki loves knots. :laughing::beers:


Oh how fun, I like this one! Saving it, thank you! :knot:


Each spring when the flu season and cleanup are over for me, I make a friendship bracelet of knots. Each time I tie a knot, I chant my wishes for happiness for the coming season of light. It generally takes me a couple of days to finish. By then, I have adjusted my habits toward crafts and positivity. Then I wear my bracelet while rebuilding physical strength. Once I have used up the energy I’d put into the spell, I save the bracelet for the remainder of the year. That way, if I want to use it again, I can easily find it, and if I don’t, it is set aside. When I am done for the year, I may pass it on to a friend or bury it as a gift of energy to the earth.


@tracyS and @Artemisia - Yay! I’m happy if it comes in handy for you :knot: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@georgia That’s such a lovely way to use knot magick, and also a beautiful craft that you can treasure throughout the year! :heart:


I use knot magic and braid magic quite a lot. Especially braids. I have a lot of string in multiple colors. When I’m getting ready for work if there is something specific I’m trying to call in that day, such as good luck avoiding the boss because I’m late or just having a good day, etc. I would either grab 3 colors of string and braid them while repeating my intention in my mind. Then knot it and wear it on my wrist or if I wear my hair up in a bun I wrap it around the bun. Sometimes I’ll take one or two pieces and braid them directly into my hair if I have the time. It’s usually much more effective that way too.


That’s such a creative way to weave magick into both your day and your look! Very fashionable knot magick, if you ask me :grin: :+1: :heart:

May your knots and braids continue to tie blessings into your day, CasLyn - so mote it be! :knot: :sparkles: