I have heard a little about witches ladders recently and wondered if anyone had anymore info on them? What sort of spells do you cast with them, how do you do it? Do you decorate your ladder? Is there an order to how you tie your knots? Etc.
Crafting a witch’s ladder is a way to cast a spell, just like making a jar or drawing a sigil.
They can be used with a specific goal in mind, or simply for meditation, as a healing ritual or a protection amulet.
The first recorded witch ladder found was in an old house in Somerset, England. It was basically a rope with feathers woven into it. You can keep reading about it here: Witches' Ladder: the hidden history
Charms are knotted or braided with specific magical intention into the cords. The number of knots and nature of charms varies with the intended effect.
It is essentially a type of knot magic. At the tying of the last knot, all the energy is directed into the cord and its knots, with a final visualization of the object of the work. The power has been raised and is now ‘stored’ in these knots in the cord.
Witch’s ladders can be used to bind certain energy to use for later. For example for extra strength, patience, or comfort at times. Those energies are stored and when the knots are released, so is the needed energy. You could even store your anger or frustration on it during difficult times.
Ooh! This is what I did with a ribbon! I don’t know much about knot magic but I found the witches ladder rather lovely looking. Rather than hanging it I wrapped it around a spell jar.
This is really interesting- I don’t know much about knot magic! Although I have heard of a knot ceremony during bonding ceremonies (kind of like marriage between partners) where some pagan practices use Handfasting. I would consider this to be a kind of knot magic!
I believe handfasting comes from Celtic traditions and the ceremony looks really beautiful. I am considering doing something similar with my partner, as neither of us want a traditional marriage in a church. This looks like meaningful and beautiful ceremony!
Limeberry, I like the idea of using a witch’s ladder around a spell jar. Very creative!
I need to make one of these for healing. So much sickness in the world right now.
I like to do the jar spells, but adding a witch’s ladder seems so much more binding to the spell! I think I am going to look into this more and maybe add them to my jars when I do spell work or rituals!
Ooh yay! After adding that one to the jar spell you wrote the other day it just felt so right! I’ve been thinking its how I’m going to be finishing off my jars now too! Teamworrrrkkkkk
Cool stuff. Thanks for all the information Fancisco. And congratulations on successful completion of your ladder Tamera.
I’ve read about covens passing the rope around the circle and different members tying knots and each member adding their own influence to the ladder as a whole. I think even with just two people this would make for a great spell. Not saying its not good alone too of course. So far I’ve done all of my spells alone.