Merry Meet Monday - Witchy New of the Week! (Jan 29 - Feb 4) šŸ•Æ

perfect time for some more cord cutting and its definitely been on my mind before the moon was mentioned hereā€¦

@Artemisia Did you mean get your cats in a row? lol

@starborn Congratulations busy bee! Donā€™t feel bad. I feel like there are so many posts constantly. Dang near impossible to keep up unless you have time to be on here all day. Lol I know I donā€™t as much as Iā€™d love to.

@tracyS Even though it may not be a spoken thing to me chaos is all i know. Or controlled chaos. See i even have a chaos tattoo.

@BlueAngelite Sounds like a blast. Have some fun for me.


Thanks, love. Iā€™m just having some medicine issues right now so itā€™s hard to even concentrate on reading. Which is a sad thing. Iā€™ve got an extra squirrel up there or something. LOL!

Yeppers. Itā€™s annoying. I had just started getting into comfy clothes and had to redress.

True. But I should be doing other stuff instead of reading all the time. I missed the last challenge and the catch-up. Dā€™oh!


Iā€™ve only heard ducks in a row. :open_mouth: Trying to get cats in a row sounds more difficult than trying to create dry water. I like it! :laughing:

Same. Thereā€™s too much content constantly coming in for me to check it all out and reply now, too. :sweat_smile:

I know that feeling. I donā€™t have pyjamas, but I have ā€œoutside clothesā€ and ā€œinsides clothes,ā€ and my structure is not to be messed with! :laughing:

Itā€™s not yet time for me, but I would love to see anyway. :black_heart:

Hoping the same to you. :black_heart: And that the snakes are settling into their new realm well, too! :smile:


Lol me neither, but it sounded good. lmao
Lol for sure itā€™d be like trying to coral a bunch of wild horses. or penguins or something lol

Agreed, its completely impossible with the amount of time allotted for me. Especially now with class. You should see all the vocabulary. Itā€™s so freaking much. Iā€™ve got a million notecards, and we arenā€™t even halfway through yet. We have so many new members which adds to the number of comments and posts. I feel alil bad that I canā€™t get through them all before more is stacked on top. It can feel daunting or overwhelming lol.


Donā€™t dare me to try to get them in a row! Cuz I will! :laughing:


You have to see this commercial if you havenā€™t already!


I triple dog dare you!! Lol u asked for it .
that commercial is pretty funny :joy:


Bahahaha! :laughing: Iā€™ve seen that before, but I enjoy visiting old videos. I was sending some Aussie classics to Devenne and Celestia earlier today. :grin:


Yeppers, I donā€™t like anyone seeing me in my inside clothes. LOL! Theyā€™re old and stained and have holes and are comfy and Iā€™m not giving them up till they fall apart!


I do, too - I think itā€™s because the new year always comes with so much pressure, but also weā€™re finally starting to see more sunlight after Imbolg!

Hey hey hey - we donā€™t ā€œshouldā€ on ourselves here, okay? :rofl: Iā€™m sure you needed that break and time to just exist and read without any other obligations.

I shared it over here! ā†’ An Imbolc Rite For One :yellow_heart:

Oh yes :snake: theyā€™re doing alright! Thank you!


Youā€™ve reminded me that I have to get this place tidy before Chinese New Year next weekend. :scream: :laughing:

Iā€™d better get started this weekend. :muscle:

Or even today. :scream:


Oh noā€¦ not more pressure! :scream: I say start this weekend lol but Iā€™m an enabler. :joy:


I meanā€¦ I did bring this up already :laughing:



Well, it ainā€™t happening today. :laughing: My sister-in-law spent all afternoon here and I got a nice big delivery of herbs, so thereā€™s stuff everywhere!

True! I have that thread open in another tab to return to, which feels productive and makes me lazy to actually follow through. :face_with_peeking_eye: :laughing:


Congratulations :tada: @starborn! :confetti_ball: Itā€™s nice to see you back in full swing & recovered from the move with getting situated.

Iā€™ve just realized that today is Thursday :laughing: I am a little bit late this week on the MMM, but Iā€™m getting through each day & things are getting a bit better each day in their way. So, Iā€™m heading in the right direction anyway.

I think I have a quiet weekend :thinking: As of right now, I donā€™t know of anything we necessarily have planned, but things around here change like the flip of a switch lately, too :upside_down_face:


I canā€™t believe itā€™s February! I feel like I slept :sleeping: January away! I guess it was needed!
I woke up late and I really donā€™t like it! :worried::face_with_raised_eyebrow: Iā€™ve been groggy and lazy all day! All Iā€™ve done is sat on my front porch drinking coffee, :coffee: smoking :smoking:and checking in here! :infinite_roots:

At least Iā€™ve decided what Iā€™m doing for Imbolc :sunny::cherry_blossom::blossom: tonight! :last_quarter_moon: I have the tea :tea: ritual and the cast along video. I have an Imbolc prayer and prayer for Brigid. If I can find my ribbon :ribbon: Iā€™m going to hang that out of the window for Brigid! :brigid_cross:

Happy Imbolc :cherry_blossom::blossom::sunny::blush:


Thank you so much for those words. They took me off one of my meds to see if that was causing my shaking and my depression has really got to me. Luckily I go back to the doctor in just over a week, but darn it Iā€™m struggling.



Love you :sparkling_heart:


Well, weā€™re here for you! :hugs: Depression is no joke, been there. I hope the doctorā€™s visit goes well and you can get things situated. In the meantime - take it easy (and go easy on yourself!) okay?


@Amethyst Weā€™re here for you. When things are rough, itā€™s okay to just hunker down and wait out the storm sometimes. Whatever you need. :people_hugging: :black_heart: