Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Jan 15 - 21) 🌓

Welcome to your weekly update about what’s happening in both the forum and the witchy world at large :newspaper_roll:

Scroll down to read the news for this week :eyes:

Please remember that you must be logged into your active Spells8 account in order to view content located in A Sacred Space and the Energy Exchange.

Don’t have an account yet? No worries! You can join Spells8 here :sparkles:

Upcoming Events :spiral_calendar:

Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on these upcoming events and occasions!

[ [ Moon Phase: First Quarter Moon :first_quarter_moon: ] ]


→ Thursday, January 18

This week we will be blessed by the light of the First Quarter Moon. Note that the exact moment of peak illumination will depend on your location :telescope:

The Spells8 Moon Magick Guide to First Quarter Moon Magick notes that this moon phase is an excellent time to take action towards making your dreams become reality and bringing about positive growth. It is a great time for forward movement and healing :hugs:


This moon phase is part of the Waxing Cycle :arrow_double_up: For more information including history, meanings, and a collection of spells and rituals that work in harmony with this moon phase, check out the Waxing Moon Spell Page :first_quarter_moon:

Ready for More Moon Magick? You can find complementary spells and rituals for tonight’s moon on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :astrology_moon:

[ [ Group Ritual :infinite_roots: ] ]

S1 Group Tea Ritual

→ Thursday, January 18

You’re invited to a group ritual meditation- this activity and discussion is open to all active Coven members :tea: The ritual has step-by-step instructions that you can join in on your own schedule at any time during the day.

Group rituals are held on Thursday in A Sacred Space and remain open over the weekend. Feel free to check out last week’s group ritual to get an idea about what to expect.

UPDATE: This week’s group ritual post has arrived! Feel free to view the ritual here:

(Group Ritual - Jan 18) :zap: ĂžorrablĂłt Midwinter Ritual for Strength

[ [ Group Healing Session :handshake: ] ]

Energy Exchange Circle Jan 2024

→ Friday, January 19 at 8:00 AM ET

Join a group healing circle to support those who are going through hard times this month. Microphones and cameras will be turned off during this one-hour open space, and coven members are welcome to come and go as they please. This is the second of four healing sessions this month.

For more information about the Energy Exchange Circle, please see the section below in Ongoing Activities or visit the Energy Exchange.

[ [ Weekend Divination - Free Readings :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Weekend Divination with Megan Black

→ Friday, January 19

Have a question on your mind? Seeking some guidance on how to best approach a problem? :thinking: This is your chance to find some answers, as the talented @MeganB is kindly offering free readings via tarot and oracle cards! :raised_hands:

Look for the post in the Energy Exchange on Friday- free readings will be available throughout the weekend and will close on Sunday. You can check out the previous Weekend Divination to know what to expect when this week’s Weekend Divination post arrives.

[ [ Additional Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

Other Events - MMM

A collection of interesting (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week:

Stay on top of witchy news by printing or downloading the NEW 2024 Pagan Holiday Calendar and the Spells8 Forum Events Calendar to add to your digital calendar :spiral_calendar:

You can also get the free Spells8 Email Newsletter for even more witchy updates (plus magickal freebies!) delivered right to your email inbox :envelope_with_arrow:

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These activities are open to enjoy whenever you’d like- feel free to participate anytime before their deadlines!

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

The current challenge theme is: Fairies & Fae :fairy:

Fairies Fae Witch Challenge

Every week, the forum hosts a challenge exploring a specific area of magick. Challenges are open to everyone and all are warmly encouraged to participate in a way that reflects their unique magickal practice.

This challenge will remain open until Tuesday, January 16 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time). After the challenge closes, a “Props and Presents” post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift:

Are you ready? Join the current challenge here:

(A brand new challenge will launch on Wednesday in the public Activities category )

[ [ Spells8 Book Club :books: ] ]

Spells8 Book Club

The 34th Session of Blook Club has come to an end- thank you to everyone who participated! :blush: If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to share and swap your book reviews in the new discussion thread:

The next reading session of Book Club will begin this Friday, January 19 - so pick out a fun witchy book to read and let your coven know what you’ll be reading at that time!

More information about the book club and how to join can be found in Book Club F.A.Q and Introduction . Book club and reviews are hosted in the public Activities category.

Happy Reading! :books:

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Spells8 Energy Exchange Circle

Do you have a little extra love and light to share with fellow Coven members? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use a boost of positive energy yourself?

The Energy Exchange Circle is hosted in the Energy Exchange is the place to connect and share love with fellow Coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show that you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the Coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Wiki .

This month’s Energy Exchange Circle will end on Wednesday, January 31 .

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

[ [ Energy Reports :dizzy: ] ]

Mystic Magick January

Are you sensitive to energy? Interested in how energy studies and magick benefit one another? Come explore the magick of energy with the talented @Marsha in these insightful daily energy reports!

The Mystic Magick discussion is open for all to see and enjoy in the public Activities category. It will be available throughout the month- please be aware that this month’s reports will close on Wednesday, January 31.

[ [ Coven Member Birthdays :birthday: ] ]

coven birthdays

Come wish your fellow Coven members well on their special days! You can congratulate those with a birthday this month in the discussion:

If you wish to appear in this list, please set your birthday on your profile. Additionally, please note that the birthday list is housed in the private, Coven members-only A Sacred Space.

This month’s birthday discussion will remain open through Wednesday, January 31.

[ [ Your Daily Draw :tarot_card: ] ]

Daily Single Draws Tarot Oracle Rune

Looking for a bit of higher guidance to help you out today? This collection of daily oracle card (as well as tarot and rune) readings is available for you to access and read thanks to the generosity of the Coven :pray:

To enjoy a daily message or to share your own, visit:

Please note that this divination discussion is housed in A Sacred Space and will remain open until Sunday, March 31.

[ [ Tending the Flame :fire: ] ]

Tending Brigid Brighid's Flame Spells8

Stop by the fire and tend the flame with your Coven- this ongoing discussion invites all to come in, relax, and pick up a bit of motivation and support for the day.

Share a picture of your own flames or simply enjoy the lights of the coven! :candle: Help tend the flame and visit the discussion in:

The Brigid Flametender discussion is hosted in A Sacred Space and will remain open throughout the year- please feel free to enjoy this activity as often as you’d like.

New Members :wave:

Merry meet to the new members who have joined the Spells8 Forum over the past week!

:infinite_roots: Welcome to the Forum and the Infinite Roots Coven! :infinite_roots:

@nikki4 - @TwistedFizzies - @barnulf - @dario - @kari13 - @nicole1 - @francise - @becky1 - @kamila1 - @angel - @melissa15 - @laura10 - @dawn13 - @kellie1 - @brittany24 - @kristina2 - @diana1 - @coty - @heather26 - @shay2 - @michelle19 - @mary-beth - @willow1 - @sandris - @jermaine1 - @cyane - @chandra3 - @jessica20 - @michelle20 - @ben2 - @krystal6 - @donna18 - @Steffie777 - @karla2 - @kary - @nadja - @kelly18 - @brittany25 - @christina10 - @kylie6 - @harper - @rose1 - @ashley21 - @Scarlett_rvn - @tabitha - @kari14 - @amanda38 - @renee16 - @tess1 - @rhiannon1 - @LightworkerWitch - @skye - @virginia - @susan6 - @WhisperingWillow13 - @denise2 - @WendyC - @jackie11 - @josie1 - @brandy6 - @julie10 - @crysta - @remonne - @raven_apothecary - @samantha21 - @marissa - @sherie - @melissa19 - @guadalupe - @karen10 - @gina1 - @kimberly24 - @brea1 - @steven1 - @renee17 - @ophelia - @evelyn - @jason2 - @Rachelle_Comer - @savvy - @jessica21 - @sheree - @tanya5 - @fiona2 - @jennifer8 - @moyn

If you haven’t done so already, please get started by creating a new topic in Introductions. Feel free to share a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick, or simply say a quick hello- we’d love to meet you! :wave: :heart:

Wishing you a very warm welcome to the forum! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

Forum Activity

Each week, those who share the most posts and give the most hearts receive a shout-out and thank you for their contributions.

Shout-outs from this past week go to:

  • @john1 - for sharing the most posts :writing_hand: (on a two-week shout-out streak!)

  • @Sivonnah - for giving out the most hearts :heart:

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiration through posts and your love and support through hearts- your time here helping the coven is greatly appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Click here to learn more about Activity Shout-Out Rewards

Anyone who earns a shout-out for three weeks in a row is awarded the special MMM badge (and will not be counted in Activity shout-outs again for a two-month rest period- this is so that others will have a chance to earn the badge too!) .

The legends who have won the MMM badge 5 times will no longer be counted- they have earned their place in the Forum Hall of Fame ! :trophy:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And Thank YOU! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

We’d also like to say a very big thank you to all members of Spells8 :infinite_roots:

Your contributions and presence here help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world. Thanks for being a part- Spells8 can’t exist without you! :hugs::sparkling_heart:

Any rituals planned for the week ahead? :magic_wand: From moon magick to herbalism, astrology, numerology, and more- where are your magickal studies and workings focused this week? :open_book:

Whether it’s magickal or mundane, feel free to share your plans for the week, chat about upcoming spellwork, or give a shout-out to your fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed be! :first_quarter_moon: :sparkles:


Congratulations @john1 and @Sivonnah well done you. Fabulous and thankyou :partying_face::green_heart:

For me the first day of the week and chaos hit again. I’m at work, and my autistic son calls, power cut at college, have to come home. He’s never walked home from college before, even though it’s only around the corner of our house. New routines don’t always work well. So I call Loki. Help my son. My daughter is working from home, but can’t leave her workstation, I’m in care so can’t leave my client, so my daughter says I’ll call him and talk walk with him on the phone. It works. He walks home. So not only did chaos hit (as usual), my son gained confidence in himself through the experience. Now the only question is, did Loki cut the power at the college? Cuz it’s all fine now! :thinking::rofl:

Hope you all have a great week. :green_heart:


No questions there I know he did


Congratulations and thank you to both of you!

I’m heading to the coast tomorrow for the week so I’ll still be around but also spending a lot of time on the beach looking for :shell:, :rock: and :shark: teeth. I’ll bring my portable altar and hope that I have what I need for the next weekly challenge and the weekly tea ritual!

Ok time to get out of the car and into the sleet to go get 5 miles done :laughing:


Yay, @john1 and @Sivonnah! Thank you for all you do!

I hope everyone is warm and safe this week. Here in the States, it’s COLD and snowy! I canceled my doctor’s appointment because I didn’t think I could hop in Sally’s car in the snow and ice. I didn’t want to go out in this cold anyhow. LOL! Hopefully it’ll be warmer next week when I have to go out.

Here’s to everyone having a good week!


Congratulations to @Sivonnah and @john1 :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Congratulations and thank you for everything!

Wishes for safety to all having weather issues!

Loki may have cut the power, but he also helped your son grow, @tracyS . The end justifies the means. I’m glad it all worked out well and everyone is safe.

A lot of my work is hereby flying “Out the Window” thanks to a dream about Life Purpose- pages to be repurposed for birdie bottoms. Let’s see how this works with the rest of my life.


Thank you everyone! @john1 congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:
It’s only Monday, but I’m feeling better than I did over the weekend. Tomorrow I have to drive an hour and half to go to my ALS clinic. Supposed to get some snow so I hope we can still get out. Tomorrow will be hard. It’s 4 years since my mom passed. I take some time to honor and celebrate. I try not to make it a sad day. I do miss her terribly. She was my best friend. But, I’m ok after the weekend and I will be ok tomorrow!


Congratulations :partying_face: @john1 :tada: and :balloon: @Sivonnah :sparkling_heart:
Thank you :pray: both for sharing so much love :heart: and wisdom :writing_hand: with us! :people_hugging:

My schedule for the week is overwhelming :roll_eyes: so much to do and so little time! I usually don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they are impossible to keep! Astrologically and energetically it’s a time of clearing and purging… so I am working on that although it’s going slow!

I brought in a friendly but sickly stray :cat: cat! I’m hoping to get him to the vet this week, so he is in the guest bathroom right now. I think it’s best to keep him separated from my cats. We have an Arctic freeze here, with temps around zero! :cold_face: I was afraid he would die if I left him outside.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead! Keep warm, and if you are traveling… “safe home!”

With love :revolving_hearts: magick :dizzy: always


@marsha you have such a kind heart :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:. I hope your kitty will be ok :pray::blush:


Congrats @john1 and @Sivonnah ! :+1::tada::slightly_smiling_face::snowflake:

This week it’s back to work after a long weekend. I’ve completed my seven day career spell and feel optimistic about the outcome of that. It was a challenge if I’m going to be honest to do a seven day spell! But I’ll give myself grace, it was my first multi day spell. I’m going to take a little break from spell work until the full moon I think.

I experienced some unexpected kindness at the gas station today (when does that happen?!). And had a great afternoon out tracking scent with my dog companion Luna. The temperature has warmed up here in Illinois to 9 degrees Fahrenheit! We had a super cold snap this weekend with wind chills in the negative twenties and thirties. Looking forward to more light, longer days, warmer temps, and less wind in my future.


I enjoyed the day off today! My whole family has been embracing the inner maker this weekend and we have done so many projects! My husband has been saving for a 3D printer and actually lucked up and got two! One uses filament and one uses resin. He’s a gamer so he is excited about making mini figures. I immediately printed out Harry Potter bookends. They meed a few more costs of paint, but I love them! I have also found some adorable candle holders that I want to make! Here’s what they look like so far!

I set up a two altars this weekend…. A Wiinter altar downstairs (it isn’t finished) and a lovely set up for the sacred feminine upstairs.

I seem to be very drawn to “sacred feminine” right now with what I find myself reading and watching. I’ve also been very aware of my dreams. I can’t wait to have a sacred feminine discussion…. But I’m not sure what I’m ready to ask yet. I gotta get my thoughts together! So stayed tuned!

Yesterday, a journal app randomly showed up on my new iPhone so I set it up. I like it a lot right now.

I’m also doing well with my daily witchy reading and have been pairing it with the journal… which I guess is turning into a digital book of mirrors.

I love when all the things just sort of align!

I hope everyone has an amazing week!


@AileyGrey that’s awesome! Your projects are sooo cool! I’m happy that you’re having a good week so far! I hope it continues :pray: :purple_heart::blush::people_hugging:


Aww! That’s great of you! I hope he checks out fine at the vets.


That is very kind of you and you probably did save his life! Hoping that his vet visit goes well and that your other cats aren’t too stressed with the new addition! :cat2:


Congratulations, you two! :tada:

I know I’m late to the party here (life has been life, ya know?) but I wanted to wish everyone a happy week! I don’t have much going on this week, but I think I’m going to be preparing for a craft fair that’s happening in two weeks - I’ve got a lot to do :joy: First, I need to figure out if they’re still taking vendors. If so, then it’s on!

I spent a bit of time organizing my digital grimoire yesterday. There’s not a lot of information in there (yet) and I’m not exactly happy with the way it’s organized, so it needs a bit more work. Here’s a little screenshot so far :joy: it’ll be changing completely…probably… :joy:

I’m glad everything is fine now! :heart: That had to have been scary for everyone involved. I’m glad he was able to get home safely!

I hope you have an amazing time at the coast! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: One day I’ll have to message you and pick your brain about running :joy: it’s something I wanna do but I’ve never been good at!

I hope you’ve been able to warm up! :snowflake: It’s cold here, too - we got about six inches of snow last night and my real feel temperature when I got up this morning was 2F (-17C) :cold_face:

I hope your appointment went well and that your day was alright :heart: I’ve never lost a parent so I can’t even begin to imagine how that must be, but I hope the day was easy for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Why do we do this to ourselves, Marsha? :rofl: I’m right there with you!

I was watching your progress with it - hooray and congrats to you :tada: for making it through seven days!

Those are so cool! I can’t wait to see what other goodies you all decide to make!

That sounds like a good theme to have this week, especially in the time leading up to Imbolc! I hope your cleansing goes exactly as you want it to :heart:


@MeganB The roads were sketchy. It had snowed. We made it. Everything was fine. I didn’t get upset about my mom.


Please feel free to! I always say I run despite myself :laughing: meaning I’m not a born runner. I started off sloooooooowly but I’m very glad I finally did.


It’s up to 14 this morning! Heatwave! It got down to -2 the night before last. It’s supposed to snow all day tomorrow and into Saturday and be frigid over the weekend. I think I’m just going to hibernate. LOL!