Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night!
As we walk the path of life, we encounter many guides and sources of inspiration. These may be our patron/matron deities, spirit guides, ancestors, or other helpful entities. Some of our guides stay with us across lifetimes, while others pass by briefly to teach or remind of us something during times of need.
In this moment, one of the Greek deities has a message for you. They are here to offer some guidance and wisdom to help you on the current stage of your path.
Getting Your Divine Message
Remember that this is a moment for you - so consider doing some deep breathing and let yourself set aside any stress or worries you might be carrying. When your mind is clear and you feel focused, you are ready to connect.
Keep in mind that deities exist beyond the mundane and are intricately tied to magick and myth. The deity whose message you receive is not necessarily your patron/matron deity – they are here because they symbolize something important. The deity you are matched with has a message that the universe feels will be beneficial to you right now.
Ready to receive your message? Let’s go!
Recieve Your Lucky Number 
Each deity is represented by a number - so let’s begin by getting you your lucky number!
Here are two ways to get your number:
Method 1
The forum has a built-in handy helper named Discobot In addition to helping new users feel comfortable using the forum, Discobot is also a random number generator.
Some of you may know Discobot from the Forum Tutorial. If you haven’t done the fun tutorial and learned how to use the forum with Discobot yet, I recommend it! (The tutorial is completely private- it takes place in your Private Messages).
To have Discobot give you a number, all you need to do is:
- Click “reply” at the bottom of this post
- In the text box that pops up, type the following (EXACTLY as shown!):
@discobot roll 1d8
- Click the blue “reply” button to send your post
Discobot will reply to your message with a random number- this is the number of the deity with a message for you
Method 2
If you’re having some trouble with Discobot, no worries! You can also roll a physical or virtual die to get your number
→ If you have an eight-sided die (like those used in TTRPGs), you can use it to receive your number. Alternatively, here is a virtual 8-sided die you can roll.
→ You can also use a standard die (with 6 sides) to receive a message from one of the first six deities.
Give the dice a roll and use the number that appears!
Read Your Deity’s Message 
Got your number? Great!
Click your number below to see your deity and hear their message for you.
Mighty Zeus is the King of the Gods and leader of the Greek Pantheon. His appearance before you is proof that you are ready to stand up and take charge. As He stands on Mount Olympus, looking over the realms of both the divine and the mortal, He symbolizes a time of control and power - you have the power to take control of your situation.
While the counsel of others may help provide guidance, remember that you are ultimately wearing the crown of your life. Do not wait for others to work out their own problems or let procrastination steal your hours away - right now is about you. Trust that you have the power to lead your own life and make your own decisions. Take control and take action.
Recommended spellwork : Zeus’ Leadership Devotional Prayer – Spells8, Cleanser Spell for Success, Rune for Strength: Powerful Norse Runes to Invoke Vigor – Spells8
In a halo of divine light stands Apollo - a God of healing and inspiration. His appearance before you is a mark of your creative abilities. Whether you are actively working on your passions or your skills are laying dormant, it is time to bring your creative talents into the light.
Apollo encourages you to not fear the roads less traveled - sometimes we need to break away from the beaten path to find something new and better. Allow yourself the freedom to think outside the box and to experiment. Embrace your inner child and the wonder they have for the world. You deserve to pursue your interests, if for no other reason than that they bring you joy. Express yourself and be brilliant!
Recommended spellwork : Apollo’s Devotional Chant for Inspiration – Spells8, Affirmations for Creativity, Inspiration, and Motivation! – Spells8
The Goddess Hekate stands at the Crossroads and holds the skeleton keys - all paths are open to the Triple Goddess. As the Queen of the Night, she is a protector of witches and force of universal justice. She watches over those who delve into the dark and explore the mystical.
You stand at the Crossroads of your own life - with the option to venture deeper into exploring your spirituality and magickal abilities. Hekate offers you encouragement; Her lantern is a light in the dark, helping to lead you down the path you seek. Let Her presence bring encouragement, power, and the reminder that witches need not fear the dark.
Recommended spellwork : ▶️ Hecate’s Devotional Chant – Spells8 , ▶️ Elemental Road Opener Spell: Wiccan Prayer to Unlock Paths – Spells8 , Hecate’s Justice Devotional Prayer – Spells8
Hades is an imposing figure as the Lord of the Underworld and King of the Dead - but don’t let his appearance frighten you. Death, although a difficult and sometimes scary concept, is a natural part of life. Hades keeps a careful and protective eye over those who have passed; granting them a space to transform and enter the next stage of their journey.
Hades appears to you now because you are also going through change. Whether you are deeply submerged in a period of upheaval or are approaching a time of change, He is here with a steady hand on your shoulder. Although it may be difficult, these changes are inevitable. So keep your head high and trust that this transformation will eventually lead you to a better place.
Recommended spellwork : Hymn to Hades, King of the Underworld – Spells8, Persephone’s Chant for Rebirth and Renewal – Spells8, Spell to Spark Change 🔥
In resplendent armor adorned with symbols of owls and olive branches, Athena wields the might of both the pen and the sword. She is the Goddess of wisdom, strategy, and defense. She is here to remind you that sometimes the best way forward can be found in the past, and that having knowledge is essential to not just acquiring power, but to hold it.
The appearance of Athena shows that you are ready to spread your wings and expand your horizons. Take a moment to stop and think - what ideas have been clawing at the edges of your mind? Has there been anything that caught your interest lately? Now is the time to grow your knowledge and develop your wisdom. Hit the books, watch some videos, and study away!
Recommended spellwork : Athena’s Devotional Prayer for Wisdom – Spells8, All Courses – Spells8
With her incomparable allure, Aphrodite captures the eye and the heart of all who behold Her. She exudes confidence and glows with radiant beauty. She is the Goddess of love and beauty - and goodness does She know it!
Aphrodite’s appearance before you is a sign that you’re not currently acknowledging your true beauty. You have a glowing radiance within you, so why not let it out for the world to see and enjoy? Right now is all about increasing your confidence and releasing your inner glow. Look into the mirror and see the truth of your beautiful self - then, once you’ve found them - it’s time to unlock your lovely potential. With Aphrodite’s encouragement, bask yourself in confidence and let yourself be the beautiful person you are - inside and out.
Recommended spellwork : Aphrodite’s Love Bath, Attract Love Charm Bag, Venus’ Love Devotional – Invoke the Goddess of Love – Spells8, ‘Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei – Spells8
Raise your cup and get ready to have a good time! Dionysus is all about the many pleasures of life. He is the God of wine, indulgence, and parties. His appearance before you is a sign that you’ve been a bit too uptight and serious lately - it’s time to let loose!
Dionysus is Lord of Pleasure and sure knows how to have a good time. He’s here to whisk you away to a bit of indulgence - life is short, you ought to make time to enjoy it! Right now, look for ways to bring a bit of laughter and fun to your life. You might spend time with your friends or loved ones, do an exciting activity, have a night out on the town, or just kick back with a glass of something tasty and watch a funny show. Whether you put your feet up or put on your dancing shoes, know that it’s time for you - go on and indulge a bit!
Recommended spellwork : Devotional Prayer to Dionysus for a Good Time 🥳 – Spells8, Happiness Spell Jar - Bottle Queen!, (18/21+!) Alcohol + Intent = Potion 🍸
A flash of moonlight and the powerful sound of a bowstring snapping - Artemis is a force of nature and a mighty sight to behold. She is a Goddess of the wild, cycles, hunting, and the moon. She wields a bow and arrow yet is beloved by the forest, symbolising the sometimes contradictory balance of the natural world.
Artemis has appeared before you because you need a little boost of natural power. There are things that you want or need, but they seem to be too far out of reach. Artemis wants you to pick up a metaphorical bow of your own - this may be physical tools, new ways of thinking, new connections, etc - so that the goals that may seem beyond your reach can still be attained. Let her presence help power you through the dark and into the moonlight. You have the ability to find success - you just need to hunt it down.
Recommended spellwork : Artemis’ Gratitude Devotional Prayer – Spells8, Spells for Success: Catapult Your Life to Extraordinary Heights – Spells8, Real Life-Changing Wish Spells of Magick – Spells8, Burning Bay Leaves Safely for Manifesting a Wish – Spells8
Which deity appeared to you? Did their message resonate?
Feel free to share your thoughts with your coven members in the comments below.
Blessed be!
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