Message from a Magickal Creature (Roll the Dice!)

Messages from Magickal Creatures

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night!

Have you heard your message from an animal guide? If so and you’re ready for another, you will find it here.

Remember that this is a moment for you - so consider doing some deep breathing and let yourself set aside any stress or worries you might be carrying. When you feel ready, open your mind to connect with a magickal being.

These creatures exist beyond the mundane and are intricately tied to magick and myth. They are not necessarily your personal spirit guide (although the creature you connect with may be of deeper importance to you) – they are simply here as a passing entity who symbolizes something important. The magickal creature you are matched with has a message that the universe feels will be beneficial to you right now.

Ready to receive your message? Let’s go!

Recieve Your Lucky Number :1234:

Each magickal creature is represented by a number - so let’s begin by getting you your lucky number!

Here are two ways to get your number:

Method 1

The forum has a built-in handy helper named Discobot :robot: In addition to helping new users feel comfortable using the forum, Discobot is also a random number generator.

Some of you may know Discobot from the Forum Tutorial. If you haven’t done the fun tutorial and learned how to use the forum with Discobot yet, I recommend it! (The tutorial is completely private- it takes place in your Private Messages).

To have Discobot give you a number, all you need to do is:

  1. Click “reply” at the bottom of this post
  2. In the text box that pops up, type the following (EXACTLY as shown!):
@discobot roll 1d6

It should look like this:

  1. Click the blue “reply” button to send your post

Discobot will reply to your message with a random number- this is the number of the magickal creature with a message for you :email:

Method 2

If you’re having some trouble with Discobot, no worries! You can also roll a physical die to get your number :game_die:

Take a standard die (with 6 sides), give it a roll, and use the number that appears!

Meet Your Magickal Creature :envelope_with_arrow:

Got your number? Great!

Click your number below to meet your magickal reature and receive their message.


Green Dragon

The Green Dragon

The green dragon stretches their mighty wings up to the sky while digging their strong talons into the soil - they are a connection between the earth and the heavens. As master of terrain and planes, they are able to see you as both your physical and spiritual self. With their clear green eyes, they can help you assess any disconnect between the two.

Your green dragon wants you to know that it’s alright to take the time you need to step back. Healing is not instantaneous, it is a journey - it takes time and care to mend wounds and tend to the needs of both the body and the spiritual self. Your dragon asks you to look both outside and within - in what parts of your life do you feel well and fulfilled, and what parts require mending? Your dragon assures you that, although it may not always be easy, you have the power to bring your physical and spiritual selves into balanced harmony if you choose.

Recommended spellwork: Spiritual Learning: Awaken Your Spiritual Power and Good Health & Good Wealth: Ginkgo Magick


White Unicorn

The White Unicorn

Her coat is lush and healthy, her crystalline horn shiny and sharp. She stands guard over those who are worthy and helps those on their journeys find their way to the light. The unicorn is a symbol of both purity and protection - and she is here to help you with just that!

In the hustle and bustle of life, it is natural for messes to build up and negative energies to accumulate. Your unicorn is here to nudge you into taking action - it’s time for a thorough cleanse. This may be to your space (such as your room, your home, or your altar), or it may be a more personal cleanse of your spiritual and physical self. Many options are on the table - from cleansing baths or showers to sound cleanses, smoke purification or using cleansing crystals. Whatever method you choose, welcome the pure and protective energies of your unicorn into your space to chase away negativity and leave you and your space feeling refreshed.

Recommended spellwork: Chamomile Cleansing Tea & Salt Ritual to Purify a Space


Red Phoenix

The Red Phoenix

The red phoenix burns bright, his eyes sharp and full of vigorous energy. His flames are warm and reassuring. He wants to tell you to keep your head held high - things might be difficult right now, but it’s not the end. You have a beautiful spark within you!

As a symbol of glorious transformation, the phoenix overcomes death itself to rise anew. He wants you to know that this too shall pass. Whatever difficulties come your way, trust that you can outlast them. Like the dawn after a dark night, you can rise up over the challenges, becoming even brighter and more beautiful than ever before.

Recommended spellwork: Burn Away the Past: Fire Release Spell & Energy Spell to Boost Motivation and Ignite Inner Fire


Blue Mermaid

The Blue Mermaid

The mermaid swims leisurely through the water, her beautiful blue scales melding in harmony with the sea. She is in her element here, and, even though there are sometimes challenges, she feels at home with herself, her body, and her surroundings. She wants you to feel the same!

This is your sign to indulge in what makes you happy, without worrying about what others might think. Sing in the shower, wear the clothes that make you feel good, and treat yourself to some extra self-care. Your mermaid wants you to know that you’re beautiful, inside and out - others can sense it too, but their opinions don’t matter anywhere near as much as your own. Cut the anchor free and swim without worry - you are the master of your own sea!

Recommended spellwork: Chamomile and Eucalyptus Healing Bath & Mermaid Glamour Spell for Attraction


Golden Griffon

The Golden Griffon

What are you waiting for? The golden griffon puffs out his chest and spreads his magnificent wings. From his proud beak to his sharp talons, the griffon has everything he needs within himself to succeed - and he wants you to know that you do, too!

The griffon knows that not every day can be sunny. Sometimes the skies are cloudy, sometimes it rains or even storms - but even when things are tough, it doesn’t mean that you are powerless. If you’re struggling to make progress, look at it from above - what things can you control? Where can you begin to move towards change?

Your griffon assures you that you are the champion of your life. You have the power to manifest your wishes, even if it takes one step at a time. So move forward and spread your wings - it’s time to soar!

Recommended spellwork: Blood of Thine Enemies: Cleanser Spell for Success & Golden Candle Spell for Success and Prosperity


Gray Gargoyle

The Grey Gargoyle

The gargoyle sits patiently, waiting and watching. Far below, people scurry about with their heads down and minds buzzing with the many details of their busy day, but the gargoyle isn’t in a rush. Unlike those below, the gargoyle can see everything from high up here and will only take action when the time is right.

Your gargoyle wants to assure you that what you need most right now is patience. No, it’s not an easy thing to hear - but it will help save you from the frenzy of the moment so you can see the bigger, holistic picture. Meditate and regain your center. Then, when the time is right, make sure your flight path will lead to something better for you, your loved ones, and the world. You hold a lot of power, so it is worth taking care to make sure you are using it wisely and well.

Recommended spellwork : Black Tea Meditation for a Relaxed Focus & Grey Candle Spell for Neutrality and Balance

Which magickal creature did you meet? Did their message resonate with you?

Feel free to share your thoughts, advice, etc. with your coven members in the comments below.

Blessed be! :sparkles:


Time for a roll of the dice! Discobot, I choose you!

@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 1


@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 4


This is an interesting tool to return to. Bookmarked.

@discobot roll 1d6


You’ve disabled me in your preferences. You need to allow new user onboarding tips to interact with me.


@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 4


Ok. Not sure how I did that. Looks like I need help here. Try again.

@discobot roll 1d6


You’ve disabled me in your preferences. You need to allow new user onboarding tips to interact with me.


@discobot roll 1d6

Maybe @BryWisteria or @MeganB can help you trouble shoot this!


:game_die: 5


@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 1


@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 2


@discobot roll 1d6
Ooh, i got a 5

The Golden Griffon
What are you waiting for? The golden griffon puffs out his chest and spreads his magnificent wings. From his proud beak to his sharp talons, the griffon has everything he needs within himself to succeed - and he wants you to know that you do, too!
The griffon knows that not every day can be sunny. Sometimes the skies are cloudy, sometimes it rains or even storms - but even when things are tough, it doesn’t mean that you are powerless. If you’re struggling to make progress, look at it from above - what things can you control? Where can you begin to move towards change?
Your griffon assures you that you are the champion of your life. You have the power to manifest your wishes, even if it takes one step at a time. So move forward and spread your wings - it’s time to soar!
Recommended spellwork: Golden Candle Spell for Success and Prosperity

Looks like I know what the universe wants me to do for rhis weeks challenge…
Thanks for this fun experience @BryWisteria


:game_die: 5


I think I’ve fixed your settings for Discobot, @georgia – please try again :blush: