Metatron's Cube: Angelic Symbolism in Sacred Geometry

This is a continuation of previous topics where I researched Sacred Geometry, including the Vesica Pisces and symbols of creation. We saw how one can start drawing circles to get to the seed of life, and keep adding circles to obtain the Flower of Life symbol.

From vesica pisces to Flower of Life

If the circles are given volume, a 3D cube made of 4x4x4 = 64 spheres is obtained, the three-dimensional Metatron’s Cube. So today, we’re going on a magical adventure to explore this mystical cube.

Who is Metatron?

Archangel Metatron
Islamic portrayal of the angel Metatron - 14th century CE

Metatron is a complex and multifaceted figure in Jewish mythology and mysticism, particularly within Kabbalistic texts. He is often described as one of the most powerful angels and holds a unique place in various spiritual traditions.

In the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah, Metatron is considered one of the highest of the angels. He’s often referred to as the “Chancellor of Heaven,” and is said to have a throne next to the Divine, hence his name “meta-trone” (behind the throne). - Wikipedia

In Jewish apocrypha and early Kabbalah, Metatron is sometimes identified as the transformed form of Enoch, a character from the Hebrew Bible. Enoch is known for “walking with God” and being taken up to heaven, where he was transformed into an angel. This transformation from a human to an angelic being is a key aspect of Metatron’s story, symbolizing a journey of spiritual ascension and the union of human and divine realms. -

What is Metatron’s Cube?

Metatron's Cube

Metatron’s Cube is more than just a simple cube; it’s a symbol composed of circles and lines interlocking in a complex pattern. In early Kabbalist scriptures, there is a fascinating idea that Metatron forms the cube from his soul. This concept suggests that the cube is not just a geometric pattern but a direct expression of Metatron’s essence. It implies that the harmony and balance in the universe, as represented by the cube, are reflections of Metatron’s own spiritual nature.

The Platonic Solids

The Platonic Solids are a group of five geometric shapes that are believed to represent the building blocks of the universe in philosophical and mystical traditions. These shapes are the tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. Each shape is linked to different elements of nature and carries unique properties.

Platonic Solids Metatrons Cube
Image from CueMath

Metatron’s Cube is said to contain the patterns of these Platonic Solids, making it a symbolic representation of the underlying geometric principles of the universe. The idea that these shapes can be derived from Metatron’s Cube highlights the cube’s role as a visual expression of the cosmos’s complexity and diversity.

Metatron’s Number

Metatrons Number 314

The number associated with Metatron is 314. This association comes from numerology, where the Hebrew letters forming the name Metatron (מטטרון) are given numerical values that add up to 314. This number is significant because it is also the numerical value of the Hebrew word ‘Shaddai’ (שדי), one of the names of God.

Metatron’s Frequency

Metatron’s Cube can be used as a symbol of universal energy and harmony, and one way to connect with this frequency is by drawing or focusing on the shapes and patterns of the cube (also, by creating a crystal grid!) :gem:

Here’s a meditation video designed to resonate at certain frequencies that align with this balance and cosmic harmony:

Meditation: 999 hz | Light Body Activation | Metatron’s Cube | Binaural Beats
Video by Brainwave Music (YouTube)

Why is it Important?

Metatron’s Cube is significant because it symbolizes the interconnectedness of the universe. It serves as a reminder that everything is part of a larger whole. Understanding this can change our perspective, allowing us to see the world as a more interconnected and magical place.

So, this is the story of Metatron and his mystical cube. Remember, the world is filled with mysteries waiting to be unraveled.


Oh wow! I had often wondered where the name had originated, the design, & history.

I recognize the platonic solids and the other formations that are commonly used in crystal gridding. I had no idea Metatron was a person, angel, or that he had anything to do with the Hebrew Bible. I didn’t realize that there was so much meaning and symbolism with Metatron’s Cube! I’m so glad that I got learn more and now it’s on my list of rabbit holes to head down! Thank you :blush:


This message really resonates with me. As a symbol of interconnectedness, it could also be seen as a symbol of peace and unity :dove:

I’ve enjoyed learning about Metatron’s Cube, thank you for sharing your wisdom, Francisco! :pray: :sparkles: