Blessed Lughnasadh everyone!!
While I’m no baker, I didn’t want to miss out on this wonderful celebration so I gave it a try!! If you’re looking for a recipe, @MeganB just posted one that looks great! Lúnasa Bread Recipe 🍞
This 2-minute video is for enchanting and blessing the bread with a spell. I found this on the book of Lammas by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason.
Lammas Bread Spell & Ritual
The Old English meaning of Lammas is “loaf mass”, the big celebration of harvest. The symbolism of this bread is saving and storing for the coming winter so most rituals have to do with blessing the foods prepared.
To learn more about Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, read here: How to Celebrate Lughnasadh Alone (the 1st Harvest Sabbat!) 🍞
The Blessing of the Bread
Before you put the loaf into the oven, dip a paintbrush in milk and write on the crust what you most desire. I spelled “Heal” because it seems that on this year, the world is in so much need for healing.
Bake the bread and eat it while still warm.
The Lammas book includes a protection ritual, which is done by breaking the bread into four pieces, and chanting:
“I call on the spirits
Of North and South, East and West
Protect this place
Now, at the time of the Blessing.”
You can leave the bread as an offering, for the birds to eat, bury the pieces, or share it with friends and family.
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I wish you a Very Plentiful (Spiritual and Financial) Harvest!!