Thanks for this timely post, Kasie! Another suggestion for those interested is to read Hekate’s page on
And, like you mentioned, the book Keeping Her Keys by by Cyndi Brannen has a Dark Moon Ritual that could serve as inspiration too:
Hecate’s Dark Moon Ritual
• What is your intention: Do you want to focus on specific blessings you’ve received? Will you be using certain epithets?
• Choose the offerings that best match your intention.
◦ If you are working with particular epithets, select offerings that correspond to them. For example, you may be honoring Hekate as Gatekeeper, so offerings of keys would make sense.
• Design your altar for the ritual. What correspondences, objects and tools will you be using?
• Select music if you’ll be using it.
• Choosing the ritual:
◦ Doing an existing one – such as using the Evocation of Hekate Suitable for Any Rite or using the Orphic Hymn.
◦ Writing your own ritual script:
- A ritual script can be called many things – a hymn, a prayer or petition are examples. A hymn is generally just a piece of poetry, prose or song that is about Hekate and a prayer or petition are to Her.
- Start with the opening welcome to Hekate, including any epithets that you are honoring. This summoning of Hekate is known as the exaltation.
- State your intention as it corresponds to the epithets being called upon.
• Offer your gratitude for Her protection and blessings and bid her farewell at the end.
• Set up your offerings beside your image of Hekate. Light a candle and then recite your hymn, prayer or do the evocation.