Prayers to share😻

@Satans_Helper thank you for sharing!

As for sharing any to connect or find deities… I don’t know that I have any specific to that :thinking: I didn’t realize that a lot of things that I did would be considered a prayer… but I think that was my own thing from being raised in a very Catholic household & how they used or had prayers.

Any that I use now, a few are from memory & it wasn’t until after I started working with the deities that I used any. I can’t say that I necessarily made the initial connections either. Thinking back on how I started with the 2 of them, they sort of found me… it may have taken me a little bit, but I eventually figured it out & then started working with them. So that would be another thing I would have to think on at least in my case.

I did a quick search & came across these to see if there is anything that may help you within the original post or the replies for help with deities or divine connections :hugs: