Tarot-Inspired Questions & Affirmations

I’m not sure if there’s much interest, but I thought I’d start a thread to share the journalling questions I come up with. It goes without saying that you’re free to contribute your own and copy, adapt, or use mine however serves you best, if you so desire. :silver_heart: :black_heart:

Ten of Rings

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury
Sign: Virgo
Timing: September 12th-22nd



  • How am I contributing to my legacy today for it to be remembered and cherished by future generations?
  • How do I cultivate and nurture relationships with my loved ones to create a network of shared happiness and support?
  • What lessons have I learned from past setbacks and challenges, and how have they prepared me for future success?
  • In my pursuit of material success, how do I ensure that I am also nurturing my spiritual well-being and that of those around me?
  • How do I honour tradition in my quest for success while also embracing innovation and change?
  • Who has been instrumental in my journey towards success, and how do I acknowledge and share my achievements with them?


  • How can I create balance between my personal aspirations and my professional obligations, ensuring neither is overlooked but instead complements each other?
  • What does a meaningful legacy look like to me? Beyond financial success, how do I want to be remembered by the people whose lives I touch?
  • What steps can I take to make informed decisions that not only enhance my current situation but also secure a prosperous future for my loved ones?
  • In what ways can I actively strengthen my connections with both my loved ones, fostering relationships that offer mutual support and growth?
  • How have the obstacles I’ve encountered on my journey contributed to my development? Reflect on the resilience and wisdom gained through these experiences.
  • What specific actions can I undertake to sow seeds of joy and well-being in the lives of those around me, enhancing the collective happiness of my community and loved ones?


  • Every step I take is planting the seeds of a legacy that will flourish for generations. My efforts today are paving the way for a future filled with success and satisfaction.
  • I am building a foundation of stability that not only supports me but also ensures prosperity for my loved one in the years to come.
  • I am deeply connected to my loved ones, and together, we create a circle of happiness and support. Our shared experiences are the bedrock of our collective joy and strength.
  • Each challenge I overcome is a stepping stone towards greater success. I am resilient, and my journey is marked by growth and triumph, making the arrival at my goals even sweeter.
  • I honour the traditions that have shaped me, weaving them into my success. My prosperity is a testament to the values of hard work, unity, and the pursuit of excellence.
  • As I achieve my goals, I share my successes with those who have supported me. My prosperity is not mine alone but a source of abundance for my loved ones and community.

I’m using the Marigold deck here (Box Set - "The Marigold Tarot" – 13th Press) and likely for the majority of this, until I get a second deck to complement it. :black_heart:


Pretty neat idea took me a min to wrap my brain around :laughing:


It happens. Especially when you spend the energy it takes to be a 90 something % student! :partying_face: I’m surprised you ever have any energy left. :black_heart:


Lol it happens more often now than it used to. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Made me smile :blush:


Thank You, @starborn I collect journal questions for those times I find myself stuck staring at the blank white page with a blank mind. It happens more than I care to admit. Such questions can be very healing!


Which deck is that you’re using…? Can’t find your reply, still figuring this app out


It’s the Marigold deck. :sparkles:

If you tap your profile picture in the top right you should see your notifications and be able to tap on them to go to them. That might help. :black_heart:


Nine of Wands

Monday, 5 March 2024

Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius
Timing: December 3rd-12th



  • Where might I be holding onto mistrust, and how can I begin to heal and open my heart again?
  • What does persistence mean to me, and how can I embody this quality more fully in my daily life?
  • Where in my life am I being called to take a risk, and what would courage look like in this situation?
  • How can I cultivate a support system that strengthens my resilience and aids me in my journey?
  • What lessons have my past struggles taught me, and how can I apply these lessons moving forward?
  • How can I remain open to change and new perspectives, even when facing uncertainty or adversity?


  • Think about a time in your life that felt like an insurmountable challenge. What was the situation, and how did you feel navigating through it? Write about the strategies and inner resources you tapped into to overcome this challenge.
  • What are your apprehensions about future obstacles? How can you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to face these upcoming trials with courage and resilience?
  • Have there been moments in your life where you felt betrayed or let down by others? Write about these experiences and how they have shaped your view of trust. Reflect on what it would take for you to regain trust in others.
  • Reflect on what hope means to you personally. How does hope guide you through challenging times? Write about a moment when you felt all was lost, yet found a glimmer of hope that propelled you forward.
  • What is a risk you’ve been contemplating, but hesitant to take? Explore your fears and the potential benefits of taking this leap. How might this risk lead you closer to your goals or personal fulfilment?
  • How do your support systems help you maintain your resilience and keep standing?


  • I am resilient, standing strong through all of life’s challenges and emerging wiser and stronger with each trial.
  • I am open to new beginnings and the healing power of hope, allowing trust to blossom anew in my heart.
  • I stand tall and proud, like a sunflower facing the sun, drawing strength from my victories and learning from my challenges.
  • I welcome change and the unknown, trusting that taking risks leads to unexpected avenues of success and joy.
  • My past trials have fortified my spirit, and I am ready to face the future with courage and optimism.
  • I am surrounded by a circle of support, drawing strength from those who believe in me as I journey through life’s battles.


That is all Loki! So I’m not too sure how I originally ended up with this meaning but it certainly fits for matter of this reading!
hehehe…my bad guys I’m an eternal poet, can’t help myself 🫶🏻


Looking at this I definitely thought of this scenario right here… I’ve been repeatedly told by internet physics that my day was coming and to be ready… eek now I see why I was perpetually dragging my feet, I can get overwhelmed kinda easy sometimes. And today is my day to begin working on that apparently! :open_hands:


The tarot and journalling questions are a real gift - very insightful things to explore! Still, I think the affirmations are my favorite :blush: I have such a soft spot for positive affirmations. Reading them feels like a big, warm hug :people_hugging: :heart:

This is a beautiful thread, @starborn, and I’m really grateful to be able to enjoy everything you are so kindly sharing here! I might have to borrow some of your questions to work through later tonight in my journal. Love them - thank you so much! :pray: :two_hearts:


I still haven’t drawn for today but yesterday I got the six of swords and I saw myself with my son escaping from the unjust persecutions we’ve endured to find far off healing waters and tracking down life changing magic!
Prior to preforming that pull I was researching St. Osgyth and Nuns woods after I realized my name wasn’t adding up correctly I started my search over and discovered information that had been hidden from me in my original google search and I also had just been doing a lot of thinking about possibly studying black magic so I might be able to heal the both of us, but I’ve been perplexed, afraid of karmic debt but my family are all carnivores so we sacrifice animals on a daily basis to sustain our suffering existence, wouldn’t one sacrifice for the sake of restoring health we both should have be completely acceptable? Like not even tipping the scales at all… although if I do ever find myself there I would have to use the animal for everything… food… fur if it has any etc. I have a perspective teacher but have been warned about the animal sacrifice being one of the major differences in while & black magic
Along with getting a feeling I need to make good on getting my story out and needing some help to get something into the right format for what needs to get across…
And my original definition was “setting devious acts into motion!” lol I mean, it depends on perspective, isn’t that the case with everything these days?!

they don’t persecute for black magic any more right? Only malicious magic! jk, but I’m pretty sure that’s how the hunts started way back when
Nothing is ever truly only in black & white
don’t we all live within different shades of gray?


I had gotten a movie like imagine in my mind of everything I said when I saw that card yesterday, it was intense & absolutely perfect (as usual!) lol my bad y’all , I’ve gone the so much bs I have to make light of basically everything these days


Wtf?! I just got the same card as yesterday, what the hell kind of odds is that…? Out of 78 cards I managed to pick the same one 2 days in a row…? I mean I don’t know if you can consider that odds since I actually pick the card… that is a first guys, I’m very thankful for this site, it’s my 3rd day and I’m getting a lot accomplished and making significant connections, bless you all!!! Blessed be


This is a pretty weighty topic whether black magick or baneful magick (magick intended to harm others) is acceptable.

I won’t pretend I know your situation nor would I presume to tell you what to do, but I ask you to consider it very carefully because ill intent put out into the world often finds it’s way back to the one who released it. Weighing options, understanding risks and

If you want to read most about others perspectives on a recent challenge - Morality in Magick.

The choice as to how you practice is and always will be, your choice.

:pink_heart: :silver_heart: :white_heart:


I do appreciate your response, but I think there’s some confusion, I only am beginning to entertain the possibility of using the darker magic to heal myself and possibly my son too if I had succeeded… I’m not thrilled about the requirements for this kind of magic I’ve just really been working out if it’s justified on a karmic level (animal sacrifice to heal physical ailments, correct birth defects… and where we eat meat daily to sustain ourselves, I believe if the intent is pure and then the rest of the animal did not go to waste… maybe that would be just fine, I only use magic on myself anyway but I appreciate the additional information!


Welcome to the tarot. It actually happens all the time. You wouldn’t think…, but it does. It just means the message is longer lasting, more important right now, or you didn’t quite get it all, yesterday. Don’t worry about it. Just do your best and let the Universe or your guides take care of the rest.


Thank you so much! I appreciate all of the support! I just did my daily tarot on my phone and got the hermit… definitely coincides with the IV of Swords for me right now!!


Have you considered hoodoo and using poppet (voodoo) dolls if your healing self/others. They’re incredibly powerful in aiding the healing of both physical (with the help of traditional medicine/doctors) and emotional. I use poppets alot, I’ve currently one on the go in spring cleansing my aura. They heal physical stuff too. If you’re interested I can dig out some spells. You don’t need alot of materials, or be a great sewer but it’s another option aside from baneful.

I have used baneful to heal and protect, and although it was powerful, and did (and still is with the protection knot spell I’m using, still necessary sadly) work/working, it’s :thinking: background draining if that makes sense. I haven’t cursed or anything, I’ve done a baneful version of a return to Sender, but if I compare the after effects of the non baneful, with the baneful, there’s is a difference. I’m just thinking in terms of healing, you may experience a draining effect on your energy too. Whereas if you look at some of the hoodoo magic (which is not a closed practice), it’s just as powerful and the side effects are positive.

The other thing to consider if you’re ok with a more left handed/crooked path is calling in a healing demon. Again he would help alongside traditional medicine but he can make healing more powerful. There’s information on the demons here
The Demonolatry Club (Please Read Content Warning) (Part 1)
The Demonolatry Club (Part 2)

A note on animal sacrifice, if your intent is for the use of blood magic, this is something used in demonolatry but we don’t kill the animal, it’s not necessary. Blood is so powerful that tiny amounts work just aswell, so a diabetic pen, adding a drop of your own blood is actually more powerful than taking the life of another creature, as you are giving a part of yourself. There’s more on that here:
Blood Club [Content Warning :warning:]

Just other options to look at.

Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll put together a few things.

As for the tarot, @georgia has got you there, Loki gives me the same card sometimes for a week, sometimes weeks if I’m not getting something. :grin:

Also if you’re looking at herbal treatment this post is excellent.

As a fellow Lokean I’ve done @Artemisia challenge entry on morality from a Loki perspective if you want to take a look

Take care :sparkling_heart:


Woo hoo! Ty TracyS!!! Hells yes! If you have time to pull up some spells & send them my way I would love to try!!! :smiling_imp: Honestly, the whole black magic/animal sacrifice thing is just a topic I have barely scratched the surface off researching , im like, maybe, possibly, if I’m still dealing with this shit or my kid starts really having trouble… how far will I go…? I’ve been scared shitless of karmic retribution so… but then I’m like well wtf did I do In my last encarnation to deserve this endless pain?! :cry: The more I think on it the less scary using that type of magic gets! Knowledge is power after all! So whatever you got on healing yourself and loved ones, restoring health , I want my son & I to be as healthy as we could have been if we didn’t inherit the family trauma we did that ended up resulting physical illnesses… I’m not trying to seem greedy only want what is fair :innocent: