I was wondering if it’s normal to feel a little scattered or the best I can describe it is unbalanced after doing some spellwork. Last night I did a couple of things and I felt great afterward, really confident and in a great mood. Today though, once I was up for the day, I feel unbalanced, almost scattered. I took a 2 hour nap, that is something I haven’t done in over a year. Things just feel, different, maybe off? I’m not in a bad mood, my anxiety isn’t crazy something just feels scattered. I got the braids in my hair and that makes me feel really good and that I am going to put more in when my hair is finished this month. I just don’t know there is something unbalanced and I feel almost exhausted? It could be totally unrelated and just a blip on my daily radar, but I feel like it was something leftover from some really good spellwork the night before.
Yes, that’s normal! Especially if you’re drawing energy from yourself only.
This is why it’s good to work with deities, ancestors, the Cosmos or the Earth. Working with these means asking permission to draw on energy through them.
Make sure to ground yourself when closing the ritual. For example, stand barefoot on the floor and visualize the energy of the ritual draining out of you back into the Earth. Also eat and drink something right after.
Oh, thank you @Francisco! I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what was going on because it’s such a different feeling. I couldn’t pinpoint it all day or explain it to my husband. I feel better now and I will make sure to have something to eat and close the ritual barefoot.
You’re welcome!
Magic can be hard work!! Try to approach it like any other demanding activity: proper nutrition, warm up, rest, etc.
If you work with crystals, use a grounding stone such as Tourmaline, Hematite, Smoky quartz, Tiger’s eye…
I do have crystals. I will meditate with a black tourmaline tonight!
@Francisco is right @Susurrus, it sounds like you need to ground yourself. If you can, maybe go out tonight and lay down and look for shooting stars. That might help too.
Oh that’s a great idea! I have the perfect spot on the porch to sit where the moon comes through. I know, it’s a New Moon, but that’s where I go when I want to see the moonlight. I love looking at the stars too. We only have 1 street light so my backyard is very dark and great for star gazing.
I hope it helps!
I’ll try to catch them too! Tonight’s New Moon should make it easier to watch!
Okay Krissie 117, I am new, so take this with a grain of salt! Did you remember to ground yourself after the spell. From what I’ve read you can feel this way if you do not ground the energies you raised at the end of your spell or ritual. “Green Witchcraft Series by Ann Moura”.
Everyone has some great advice, and I hope your new moon time was very healing for you, @Susurrus! Remember it is absolutely normal to feel scattered and tired after spellwork. Doing magick takes a lot of focus and energy- it is important to be aware of this and make some time for self-care and recovery afterwards
@janelle shared her experience with post spellwork exhaustion in this post: Energies After Doing a Spell - and there are many suggestions on how to recover from spellwork aftermath!
There is also a very thorough discussion about the energy involved in spellcasting and a host of ways to treat and recover from spell-burnout in @MeganB’s guide: Feeling Tired After Spellcasting? Here’s why- and How to Help!
All in all it’s absolutely a normal and natural feeling- I hope you can find some good advice on ways to recover and feel good so you can continue practicing and learning again soon!
Blessed Be!
The pictures are phenomenal I absolutely love the sky! I think I’m from another planet bc I definitely don’t belong here lol I get lost looking at the sky, more so the night sky.
I went outside and looked at the stars for a few minutes. After I did the meditation for grounding and protection, I felt a lot better and I was able to relax enough to sleep through the night! I didn’t wake up once! It’s been forever since that happened. I did have a snack before bed and I had written in my journal about my day and realized not only did I do some spellwork the night before, but I had actually done quite a bit during the day. So I needed to ground myself. I forgot to do that when I did the spellwork, I will remember next time though.
I’m so happy you were able to find a restful sleep, @Susurrus! It sounds like a combination of these things (star-gazing/fresh air, meditation, organizing thoughts, spellwork, and grounding before bed) all help you to relax and put your mind at ease- this is a great discovery!
I hope you can reclaim that sense of restful peace before bed again tonight- sleep well!
I made sure to do a meditation before I went to bed and then I spent some time journaling and reading in my space away from the hustle and bustle of the house. I woke up a couple of times, but I wasn’t wide awake, I was able to go back to sleep each time until it was time for me to be awake for the day. I like finding a little routine that works for me and getting to bed without thoughts keeping me awake.
Glad the grounding helped @Susurrus! I think forgetting to ground is something we all do once or twice.
I’m going to start doing my spellwork barefoot now. It was not a fun feeling, I almost felt like I had no idea what was going on and I was watching myself be completely lost. Lol
Maybe that’s why some groups go skyclad. It helps them ground.
I did take a cleansing ritual bath today because I knew I was going to do my initiation ritual tonight. That felt amazing, I didn’t get to totally air dry, but it still felt really good to do it and the go about my day.
@Susurrus the thought of air drying is all well and good but when you’re trying to sit and sticking to the seat, well, you’ll be glad you dried off and put something on.