Hi, I have questions about magic with geometric shapes and numbers. Do they give numbers and tell you to write this number and put it in your wallet to get more money in it or a number that we repeat to a certain number to Let love come to us, are these right? Are they part of the science of numbers? Does anyone have expertise in this area? Or even the geometric shapes known as sigils, do these work? How do they design them? How do we customize them or design seals to suit our needs? If anyone knows the rules, please teach and guide us
I’ve heard about numerology, and the study of numbers but nothing to do with shapes or geometry. Failed that at school. Hopefully someone here will be able to help you.
On working with sigil magick, I’m going to share a link in which it can help you and give you a step by step process to create a sigil. To understand what a sigil is, how to do it and how to activate it.
There’s this app called Sigil Suite that helps generate sigils. That might be helpful. They’re generated by words or intentions. I hope that helps.
Dear @pedros10 , I read the link you sent in response to my questions. It was excellent and helpful. Thank you very much for your help.
Dear @christina4 , this app does not have a version for Android, but maybe I can find a similar version, thank you for your help, I got acquainted with many wizard apps and books on Google Play, I did not know that such apps There are copies of magic books, although they are all in English and I have to spend a lot of time translating, but they will be valuable resources for me. Thank you very much for leading me to a world of books and facilities.
I have an Android phone and it works for me. I’m not what went wrong. I’m sorry!!!
I use the sigil suite version from the same developer. I guess that she couldn’t download it, because is a app that you have to pay, or isn’t available by her location. My app.
When I searched it, it did not find only programs or books with similar topics, it is possible that your version is old and this program will not be found for new users?
Probably so because …
That’s OK @zari , while this Apps can be helpful for one’s in a while, is recommended to the person to make her/his/them own sigil and place in it your energy and style when creating it. Yes you use energy on this Apps, but by creating it by yourself besides of a learning process, it has a deep relation and meaning in your subconscious. Some people prefer to create it by themselves instead of a program for them.
With the app, I created a sigil in which I have it has a background image, so it activates when receiving or doing a phone call.
Wow what a wonderful, engaging and sweet experience. Thanks for sharing with me, I can imagine how exciting it is, I hope you enjoy it and get all your wishes:star_struck:
Hi Zari!
I don’t have great familiartiy with numerology (yet) but I’ve always had an interest in what I later learned was called Sacred Geometry. I’ve been drawn to certain shapes and geometric patterns. I absolutely love finding them occurring in nature and learning about their properties and how they’ve been used and what characteristics were ascribed to in the past. There are many books and sites available on Sacred Geometry and if it’s of interest to you, I definitely recommend starting a search
This site was one of the first ones that I found that had a metaphysical/spiritual correlation to Sacred Geometry. But again, there are many great resources.
I wish you great luck in your journey!
Wow, it is very exciting that you introduce your resources to me. I hope you are successful in this great journey and introduce more resources to me in this regard.
Greetings @zari!
You’ve got some wonderful advice already here- while it’s an interesting topic, I’m afraid I don’t use numerology much myself (I joke that I still have nightmares about high school math class lol ).
Numbers aren’t usually my thing, but I know there are others in the forum who have shared their number magick in the past. Perhaps something in the following discussions will be interesting for you:
- Numerology basics
- Card set numerology
- Numerology: Good/Bad Numbers
- Recommended Numerology Books
- 11-11 Portal
- Letter F and Number 6
In terms of geometry and shape magick, I know @mary25 recently shared a great post about Palindromes (specifically, palindrome words and names) that you may enjoy!
Good luck and blessed learning, @zari!
Wow oh you always give the best answers with all the great links and I think you are a genius here. And it doesn’t matter if your math is good or still a nightmare You have numbers, it’s important that you find your way and enjoy it and help others in this way, I had very good math, but I never used it.
You’re very kind, @zari! I am really happy if I could help you
Beautifully said- I agree!