🏆 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]

Challenge Entry - :exclamation: A Witch’s Intuition – Intuitive Witch

For this challenge, I wanted to share a few different exercises I’ve found helpful for reconnecting to my intuition. Some of them are videos, but I do have a few things to share from a book titled Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Taylor.

The first exercise that helps me connect to my intuition is a body scan meditation. This can be as simple as five minutes or as long as necessary to address every part of my body. There are so many body scan meditations. The purpose of these is to go into a relaxed state and mentally scan your body. It helps me to notice different pain points, where I’m holding tension, and where I may be holding different emotions. When I don’t do these regularly it is very easy for me to feel disconnected from my body and my intuition.

Listening to the Body -- Exercise from Intuitive Witchcraft

Find a quiet place and get into a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness sink into your body. Occupy the space, from your toes to your scalp. Where are you holding tension? Breathe into one of those areas and listen. What is the tension telling you? Listen to the tension. Let it speak. What is it saying? Find the wisdom hidden within. Offer that body part the opportunity to relax before moving on to listen to the next body part that is holding tension. Finish by giving yourself a hug and doing something nice for your body, like taking a walk or treating yourself to a little dessert.

– Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Tayler p. 20-21

Another method of connecting with my intuition involves something like guessing games. You can do this with a lot of different things, but the easiest one to manage is with objects that are the same shape, size, and weight. You can put different shapes on pieces of paper and shuffle them or, if you’re like me, use what you already have and get out your tarot cards. Choose a handful that you’ll remember, shuffle them up, and try to intuit the order the cards are in.

There’s also this post here with other ways you can build your intuition → Three Methods Of Intuitive Practice :sparkles:

And a wonderful spell by @starborn that I have on my “to-be-cast” list → A Spell for My Intuition: Building My Trust in Me