šŸ† Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]

Challenge Entry #5

Dragon Magick

This entry is for the Dragon Magick challenge:

And here is the entry:

Itā€™s a separate post because I couldnā€™t resist spamming those amazing dragon images. :rofl:


I canā€™t keep up with all these amazing entries, itā€™s fabulous. Thankyou :heartpulse:


Challenge Entry- Spell Bags & Pouches

I feel rather lame doing this one, but Iā€™d like to catch up with what I missed while I was away. Thank you for the opportunity to do so.

This past fall was a strange wind season. We had wind from every direction in one week! It happened often enough that I got inspired.

Odysseus and his crew visited an island inhabited by the winds. He made friends with the guardian, there, and was given bags full of wind so that the only wind free would blow his ships home. Odysseus made the mistake of not telling anyone on his crew what was in those bags, and curiosity got the best of them. Within sight of their homeland, someone cut open the bags expecting treasure, and the ships were blown off course, extending their trip by several years.

I didnā€™t want to trap the winds so they couldnā€™t blow. That would be a tale for knot magicā€¦ See below. Instead, I asked the winds for their blessings as they traveled along their way. Each day of wind from a different direction, I carried a pretty lace bag in a corresponding color onto my balcony. I let the wind blow through the bag and requested a blessing to be used in a time of need. Thus, I now have four apparently empty bags tied up, and I am at a loss for how to use them. I think Iā€™ll keep them for a special occasion.

Challenge Entry- Knot Magic

In the days of sailing ships as the only form of overseas travel, sailors were doing everything they could to exert a little control over the uncontrollable- sea, wind, and weather were all they had around them, and a tiny ship in the middle of nowhere could be a frightening place in a storm.

One of the things sailors did to help themselves feel better was to take what they had the most of- rope- and use it to tie up the wind. A length of rope about the size of a belt was used- it could tie up their pants when it wasnā€™t being used to control the weather. Five knots were tied along the length of it. On a calm day, untie one knot for a gentle breeze- not enough to move the ship, but a breath of fresh air in stifling heat. Each knot untied would strengthen the windā€¦ but be careful. The wind didnā€™t appear immediately. If too many knots were untied in fevered anticipation, the ship could easily be lost in a hurricane.

Challenge Entry- Ocean Magick

When the movie White Squall came out in theaters, I fell in love with it. It is a true story. A white squall is defined as a tidal wave in the middle of the ocean on a clear day.

Many of the tabus and beliefs of the ocean were mentioned in the movie. The voyage was meant to be a teaching trip for newbies, so things were bound to go wrong.

A wife went to the sea to see her husband off. She caught seawater in a jar and poured it out again (once, not the traditional three times). She did not say the spell aloud: ā€œI return to you what is yours, now safely return to me what is mine.ā€

As the journey began, a sea gull hit the captainā€™s window, foretelling death. While fishing, they accidentally caught and injured a dolphin. No one knew what to do, so the captain killed it to put it out of its misery. Someone got bothered by an albatross (symbol of good luck if treated well, as albatross is said to be the ghost of a sailor who died at sea) and shot the poor bird.

Oh, itā€™s been so long, I donā€™t remember what else was included. At any rate, all the mistakes made led up to the mid-ocean tidal wave.

As the tidal wave approached, the person in charge of the wheel panicked and tried to turn away. A seasoned sailor knows to face directly into an oncoming wave in order to survive. If a wave hits the ship broadside, the ship will roll, which is exactly what happened in the movie. It doesnā€™t capsize the ship, but it can kill sailors, especially if the wave isnā€™t strong enough to right the ship again. Masts get broken, sails rip, and the ship is out of commission, even if it is rolled all the way over and righted.

The rest of the movie focused on the trial of the captain once the ship returned- whoā€™s fault was it? Did the fabled white squall really happen, or was it a coverup for something else? No one ashore believed such a thing as a white squall existed because no one had seen it before, and those who had didnā€™t survive. Who was telling the truth about what?

When the movie came out on DVD, I was excited to have all the lore, and I bought it as soon as I could! When I went to watch the DVD, though, all the good stuff was removed! I was so disappointed. Some fool decided the movie ought to follow the history of the true story rather than the emotions or superstitions involved. Yet the emotions play a large role in how people react under stressful situations.


Thank you, I appreciate it :smiling_face:


OOoo thank you, I was searching for some lofi to listen to today while I worked on my entries! :heart:


That would be a great idea, too! :clap: One day Iā€™ll get to that point lol when Iā€™m not so busy! :sweat_smile:

Yup, steal away! :clap:

You and me both :laughing: I hope everyone knows that Iā€™m reading every single entry! :revolving_hearts:


Challenge Entry - :dragon_face: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Dragon Magick

To be honest, I have never been particularly interested in dragons from a mythological perspective. They have always captivated me as creatures and I love reading about dragons in fantasy stories ā€“ Eragon and Fourth Wing, anyone? :sweat_smile: Anyway, I decided to break out my Celtic Mythology encyclopedia and see what it had to say about dragons in mythology.

dragon Mythological beast. Breathing fire, eating maidens, scorching villages ā€“ the dragon of medieval legend was an enormous scaly monster, sometimes winged, often snaky, that demanded a hero. In Britain, St. George or St. Michael rescued the land by slaying the evil being, who was sometimes said to be the Devil himself. In Ireland, St. Patrick was the favorite dragon-killer of storytellers, for he fought and killed the monstrous Corra, Caoranach, and Ollipheist, all described as monstrous beings. Indeed, despite the fact that snakes never existed in Ireland, these fearsome creatures were described as serpentine. A number of interpreters have found in these images a coded message about the extirpation of pagan beliefs by the new Christian religion, an interpretation that has been applied as well to the George/Michael Motifs.

In Britain, however, saints were not required; regular heroes could step in when necessary to fight worms - called that not because they were small or insignificant, but because worm was the Norse and Saxon word for ā€œdragon.ā€ Famous English dragons included those of Unsworth and Wantley, the latter having seven heads and three times that many sets of eyes. In the 12th century the famous Linton Worm ravished Roxburghshire with its poisonous breath; it was killed when a local hero shoved a blazing brand down its throat. Even as late as 1614, a dragon was allegedly sighted in West Sussex. While some reports touched on standard characteristics such as breathing fire, eating sheep and maidens, and the like, others described dragons as beautiful, especially when curled up to sleep, their scales looking like shining jewels.

Killing dragons was not easy, for those shining scales protected them. One Scottish dragon had to be lured out of her lair, where she was nursing several dragonets between destructive forays around the countryside. Finally one Charles the Skipper hit on the clever stratagem of building a bridge of empty barrels covered with iron spikes. When the dragon ventured onto the bridge, the spikes impaled her. Meanwhile, back at the cave, her children were being smoked to death by her erstwhile prey. In despair at losing her brood, the dragon flailed herself with her massive tail until she died, on a rock still called Dragon Rock.

Although often described as based in Celtic belief, dragon tales are in fact of unknown origin. They occur most frequently in Wales, a nation symbolized by a red dragon; the Welsh hero who became King Arthurā€™s father bears the provocative name of Uther Pendragon, which may mean ā€œdragonā€™s head.ā€ Some writers have imaginatively linked dragons with underground rivers, others with earth energy; their most famous contemporary appearance is in the work of American-born Irish writer Anne McCaffery, whose fantasy civilization of Perth is described in Dragonbold, Dragonflight, The White Dragon, and many other worlds.

ā€“The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore by Patrician Monoghan

While reading more about these dragons, something odd struck me ā€“ most of the dragons mentioned are said to be female, even mothersā€¦ :thinking:

[image source]

From the same encyclopedia, we find that Corra is mentioned as being an Irish heroine or Goddess. Caoranach is said to be an Irish mythological being but is also spoken about with feminine pronouns. Lastly, Ollipheist redirects to an entry titled Liscannor which states that the location (Liscannor) is connected to the story of The Cailleach. The nearby cliffs are called Ceann an Caillghe, ā€œthe hagā€™s head,ā€ and local legends connect that hag with the monster called Ollipheistā€¦

So all the dragons St. Patrick killed were female dragonsā€¦ :thinking: I donā€™t have time to go down this rabbit hole any further about dragons being killed and the power of a womanā€™s voice and anger, but itā€™s a correlation I am definitely making note of!


Challenge Entry ā€“ Powerful Protection ā€“ Powerful Protector

Practical Protection Magick

Warding spells are protection spells designed to avert negativity, to defend the home, and fend off any magickal danger to your person and property.

There are many objects that can be empowered to protect oneself: a wreath, swag or broom, a rowan cross, horseshoes, a hex sign, gargoyles and grotesques, a pentacle, spell bags, spell jars, and a mirror (mine has this verse on the back: Inside and out, Front and back, Bounce and banish, Never come back).

Crystals that protect include: amethyst*, black tourmaline*, bloodstone, carnelian, hematite, labradorite, lapis lazuli*, malachite, tigerā€™s eye, turquoise, snowflake obsidian, and onyx*. * = especially for psychic attack.

Other quick ideas for warding include red brick dust, iris flowers, rue, iron, and the runes: Thurisaz, Hagall, Eihwaz, Berkana, and Algiz.

Symbols used for protection include: the pentacle, the ankh, the Eye of Horus, the Keys of Solomon, the triskele, the triple knot, Thorā€™s hammer, the wolf, and the dragon.

Curses and Hexes

When it comes to doing curses and hexes I think Ellen Dugan in her book Practical Protection Magick: guarding and reclaiming your power has some sound advice:
"There is both humility and responsibility in a true witch. Learn to control your own reactions and emotions. Reserve your valuable personal energy and use it toward a powerful manifestation of protection magick instead.
Before you begin this type of self-defense work, there are a few golden rules that you should follow:

  1. Know your psychic weaknesses.
  2. Recognize the magickal/psychic attack.
  3. Confirm the problem with a divinatory tool.
  4. Comprehend that all magick follows the path of least resistance.
  5. Be proactive, and nip the problem in the bud.
  6. Gather the best and most complementary supplies possible for your spellcraft.
  7. Work protection magick from a position of neutrality, integrity, and humility.

Be responsible, determined, strong, clever and calm."

You can find her book on archive.org hidden in a file of 45 books called ā€œWicca booksā€. Her book is 575 pages long and is downloadable as a pdf.
She goes through the signs of a psychic attack, gives elemental solutions, a spell to promote psychic awareness, a psychic detox spell, a self-healing spell, a spell with a spell bag, a spell with crystals, and many others. It is worth the read.


Challenge Entry #12 :compass: Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch

I will admit Astrology is one of my weaker areas of knowledge. Itā€™s complicated and confuses me to no end :laughing:

I opted to get my Natal Birth chart from https://cafeastrology.com and share some information.

I wonā€™t lie. Iā€™m still pretty confused by it all but I have figured out

  • My Sun is in Aquarius
What that means for me

(Personal freedom, innovation, progress, humanitarianism, and a sense of community are the most real and important things in life to you.

As an Aquarius, your most important traits are that you are independent and forward-thinking, that you can think outside the box, and that you love intellectual pursuits.

Biggest Growth Opportunity - Aquarians can sometimes be emotionally distant from other people. They can fix this by realizing how important emotional connections are and being willing to be vulnerable and close with others.

  • My moon is in Sagittarius
What that means for me

Your deepest needs are to feel emotionally free and inspired, to look at things from new angles, find new possibilities, and seek out new experiences to satisfy your sense of adventure.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio
What that means for me

You see life as a battle where both victory and loss are common occurrences. Life comes at you with extreme highs and lows. You express yourself with a deep intensity, and it can sometimes frighten those who donā€™t know you. Your lifeā€™s dramatic events will shape you into a person who is strong, resourceful, and wise.

On a first impression, you may appear as: Intense, quiet, secretive, mysterious, powerful, confident

I still think this looks overwhelming and confusing :laughing:

but at least I know what my sun, moon, and rising signs are now!


CHALLENGE ENTRY ā€“ Greek Practitioner

The Greek Influence on Astrology

While the Greeks may not have invented astrology, they played a huge role in shaping the systems that are regularly used in Western Astrology today. For this challenge, I decided to take a closer look at what the Greeks contributed to modern astrology.

The origins of astrology can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia, where it was used as a means of determining agricultural situations as well as influencing the many decisions made by the King. From their, the concept passed into Egypt via trade routes. The Egyptians altered what they had learned to suit their own beliefs, adding their own layers including the decans that are still referred to today. During the Hellenistic period in Egypt, the traditions passed to the Greeks. Unlike others, who invaded lands and forced their beliefs and traditions upon the people. The Greeks were rather fond of embracing other cultures and merging it with their own. This was also the case for the systems of astrology that they acquired and embraced.

They took the idea of the zodiac and itā€™s 12 signs (something that was created by the Mesopotamians) and made it their own. There was no change in the number of signs or how the sky was divided. They simply adjusted the names that were given to the constellations to names from their own mythology. This has remained unchanged since and we still rely upon these names in Astrology today:

Aries is linked to the myth of the Ram and the golden fleece.

Taurus is linked to the myth of Zeus and the white bull.

Gemini is linked to the myth of Pollux and Castor.

Cancer is linked to the myth of Hercules vs Hera and the Hydra.

Leo is linked to the myth of Hercules and the lion.

Virgo and Libra are linked to the myth of Themis and Astraea.

Scorpio is linked to the myth of Orian and the scorpion.

Sagittarius is linked to the myth of Crotos, the centaur.

Capricorn is linked to the myth of the Olympians vs the Typhon.

Aquarius is linked to the myth of Ganymede as the cupbearer of the Gods.

Pisces is linked to the myth of the fish who saved Aphrodite from the Typhon.

Greeks scholars began to incorporate astrological traditions into their own philosophical and scientific pursuits. In the 5th Century BC, the philosopher Empedocles established that four roots comprise everything. These roots were Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Different proportions of these would result in the creation of other materials. These ideas were at the forefront of scientific understanding for over 2000 years. During this period, the Philosopher Hippocrates also theorised that human moods and emotions resulted from excess or lack of fluids (humours) in the body. These were blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile, and they were also said to influence our susceptibility to illness.

The philosopher Plato presented the idea of the Anima Mundi ( the Cosmic Soul or the World Soul). According to Plato, the Cosmic Soul is the principle that gives life and order to the universe. It is an intermediary between the formless realm and the physical world. Itā€™s like a bridge, allowing the Forms to be manifest in the material universe. The Cosmic Soul is responsible for maintaining the harmony and order of the cosmos. It ensures that the elements and celestial bodies move within divine reason to serve a purpose. Plato believed that studying these movements would give further insight into human reality. He was also the first to use the word elements to describe Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

His student, Aristotle held the belief that celestial movements impacted substances and elements on Earth including the weather, plant growth and even animal behaviour. He also extended Platoā€™s idea of the elements further by using two of the following qualities to describe each one:

Hot: high energy, active

Cold: low energy, passive

Dry: objective, discreet

Wet: subjective, coherent

He described Fire as hot and dry, Earth as cold and dry, Air as hot and wet and Water as cold and wet.

In the 2nd century AD, the Roman Greek Philosopher Galen suggested that an imbalance of Hippocratesā€™ humours would reveal a specific personality or temperament. These temperaments were:

Choleric (Hot and Dry/ Yellow Bile) : A strong, natural leader who is energetic, passionate and charismatic but can be prone to impulse, impatience and short temper.

Melancholic (Cold and Dry/Black Bile) : A practical, efficient, reliable, creative, and reflective person. They are organised and analytical but can be overly attached to possessions and the status quo.

Sanguine (Hot and Wet/Blood): An outgoing and friendly person with a strong sense of judgment and forgiveness. They are optimistic, fun-loving and like to chat. They also love learning but can be impulsive, self-absorbed and prone to exaggeration.

Phlegmatic (Cold and Wet/Phlegm) : A quiet and calm person who shows care and affection to others. They think with their emotions and are both intuitive and empathetic. However, they can also be shy and reluctant to make big decisions.

Later, scholars linked the temperaments of Galen and the qualities of Plato with the original roots of Empedocles. Astrologers began associating the elements and their temperaments with the twelve zodiac signs. This marked the beginning of the system we are accustomed to today.

In the 2nd Century AD, the astronomer Claudius Ptolemy made some of the most impactful contributions to the development of Astrology. His book Tetrabiblos outlined the qualities and traits of the zodiac signs and planets. He also divided the zodiac into twelve houses that represented different areas of life. Ptolemy also introduced the concepts of aspects, planetary dignities and even allocated elements to the signs of the Zodiac.

His work, along with that of his predecessors, was the foundation for astrological systems that are still implemented today.

I hope this has been of some interest to you and helps to explain the foundations of our Astrological systems

Blessed Be



I can recommend a good book that takes you through the basics of astrology :joy: :see_no_evil:



I make use of Tarot cards and oracle cards on a daily basis. I actually draw a tarot card at night, asking what is in store for me the following day. This gives me an idea of what may possibly be coming my way, what to look out for and how to tackle any problems that may arise. I have around 15 decks of tarot cards as I subscribed to a magazine collection in the UK which gave you a full deck every 4 weeks. Therefore, I tend to be drawn to different decks at different times. At the moment, my deck of choice is the Egyptian Art Nouveau (no surprises there lol). It is very much like the Rider Waite but the figures are Egyptian. I just feel that the symbols and meanings stand out much more clearly so this is one I have been using regularly for a few months now, infact since I got it. I record my thoughts as well as a sketch of the cards image in my journal. In the morning, I then go about my day.

At night, I reflect on my day in my journal, considering the card that I had drawn and whether it foresaw the day I was likely to have. I then draw my card for the next day and the process repeats. I feel that this ā€œset me upā€ for the day ahead and almost like it ā€œarmsā€ me with the tools needed to get through it.

On a Sunday, I do a weekly oracle draw using Egyptian deity cards. I used to use a deck I purchased but, as some of you may know, I have been making my own Egyptian deity deck and I tend to pull these now. They act as my guide for the week, indicating the overall theme for the week and what may arise. I tend to consider these cards in terms of my relationships, work, money, travel, health, family and friends. I display the deity card on my altar as a reminder and make a sketch in my journal. I also set an affirmation based on the deity and the advice they have given for the week. Each night, I reflect on whether their influence has been evident in my day.

This daily and weekly routine helps me to prepare myself both mentally and physically for the days or week ahead.

Blessed be



Challenge Entry ā€“ Smells Like Magick --Osmic Occultist

A Cauldron of Peace and Calm

Thanks to BryWisteria and @lilysmiles for the Spell-A-Day for June 16, 2024: A Spell for Peace and Calm at Home. I was inspired to make a cauldron of peace and calm because the ingredients were some of my favorites and I had them in stock!
My cauldron contains:
Pine cones for peace, domestic harmony, and defensive magic.
Pink salt for purification, blessing the home, and well-being.
Cinnamon for harmony, moods, and peace.
Cardamom for calm, clear mind, and healing.
Allspice for compassion, friendship, and kindness.
Star Anise for luck, energy, and banishing and because it is my favorite all time scent.
The cauldron smells heavenly.


Challenge Entry - :exclamation: A Witchā€™s Intuition ā€“ Intuitive Witch

For this challenge, I wanted to share a few different exercises Iā€™ve found helpful for reconnecting to my intuition. Some of them are videos, but I do have a few things to share from a book titled Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Taylor.

The first exercise that helps me connect to my intuition is a body scan meditation. This can be as simple as five minutes or as long as necessary to address every part of my body. There are so many body scan meditations. The purpose of these is to go into a relaxed state and mentally scan your body. It helps me to notice different pain points, where Iā€™m holding tension, and where I may be holding different emotions. When I donā€™t do these regularly it is very easy for me to feel disconnected from my body and my intuition.

Listening to the Body -- Exercise from Intuitive Witchcraft

Find a quiet place and get into a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness sink into your body. Occupy the space, from your toes to your scalp. Where are you holding tension? Breathe into one of those areas and listen. What is the tension telling you? Listen to the tension. Let it speak. What is it saying? Find the wisdom hidden within. Offer that body part the opportunity to relax before moving on to listen to the next body part that is holding tension. Finish by giving yourself a hug and doing something nice for your body, like taking a walk or treating yourself to a little dessert.

ā€“ Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Tayler p. 20-21

Another method of connecting with my intuition involves something like guessing games. You can do this with a lot of different things, but the easiest one to manage is with objects that are the same shape, size, and weight. You can put different shapes on pieces of paper and shuffle them or, if youā€™re like me, use what you already have and get out your tarot cards. Choose a handful that youā€™ll remember, shuffle them up, and try to intuit the order the cards are in.

Thereā€™s also this post here with other ways you can build your intuition ā†’ Three Methods Of Intuitive Practice :sparkles:

And a wonderful spell by @starborn that I have on my ā€œto-be-castā€ list ā†’ A Spell for My Intuition: Building My Trust in Me


Challenge Entry - :world_map: Magick on the Go ā€“ Wandering Witch

For this challenge, I want to share a spell jar I created last year (I thinkā€¦? or the year beforeā€¦) thatā€™s been in my bag with me wherever I go. Itā€™s a jar I created for safe travels no matter where I go or how I get there.

The jar contains juniper, snake skin, salt, and lavender. It also has the ashes from a burned sigil inside. I then sealed it with black candle wax for protection. As I said before, it stays in my bag with me wherever I go and it has protected me from harm a few different times! There are three in the photo because I made one for myself and two for a different reason :sweat_smile:


Weekly Witchy Challenge #1 for Amethyst: All About Intuition

Iā€™ve been working on my intuition for a while now. Trying different things to see what sparks. One that I think really worked for me was this meditation that I thought Iā€™d share. Hopefully it helps you too!


#200 make-up entry #1
Potion Challenge

Rose Lavender Lemonade with Chorrella

Rose Lavender Lemonade with Chorrella


Grounding and Centering
Challenge Entry # 2
I think that this is of the most important things a witch can do is to learn how to ground and center themselves in the present moment.
In order to be connected to the magic I am doing I mis be in my body for it to work.

Centering I beleive is about connecting to your center line of your body and coming back to the vessel we reside in.
Here is a blog post and video I made in 2016. It is before i got to change my last name from whn i was married to my ex wifeā€¦


In this brief post you will learn what grounding is, how it can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and be more in the moment instead of stuck inside your mind.

Grounding is based in mindfulness and uses your five senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell to help you to be aware of your surroundings and more connected to your body. The more that you can use your senses the more it is possible to feel grounded.

Thinking too much. The more we think the less we are connected to the present moment, which can cause stress and anxiety. In previous posts we have talked about how a lack of breathing that begins the cycle of stress or anxiety. We can stop the cycle of stress and anxiety if we catch ourselves taking shallow breaths, deepening our breath and use one of the grounding techniques that I explain in the video below.

Grounding techniques are available to anyone at anytime. They are easy to do and portable, just like the breath. The key is to remember to practice it regularly even when you are not feeling stressed or triggered. It is important to do this even when you are feeling calm, so that it becomes an automatic way of responding to stress.

If you catch yourself feeling ungrounded make sure to be nice to yourself. Telling yourself you could do better is actually causing you more stress. Be kind to yourself and just begin to do the exercises.

ā€œGet yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.ā€
~ Steve Goodier

Enjoy the video!
Grounding Video


Challenge Entry #13 - :purse: Making Objects Magickal ā€“ Enchanter

I decided to hand-drawn both the empath protection bind rune

and the bind rune I created to help me be open to change in the Nordic Challenge. I put one symbol on each side of a piece of paper and laminate it to carry with me.

and then spent some time charging it with intent and enchanting it.

:quartz_crystal: :purple_spell_candle:


Challenge Entry #1

Enchanting Herbs

Going through my book on herbal medicine, I was surprised to read that lemons have many uses I wasnā€™t aware of. I had long known that lemons are great for your digestive system.

What I didnā€™t know was that it can be used to clear acne and blackheads from your skin. It can lower a fever, calm a cough, and even reduce your risk of contracting a bladder or kidney infection.

What a wonderful and versatile herb lemons are! :lemon: