🕓 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

Ahh, that makes way more sense lol it looked like you had drawn it in there!

It’s a beautiful bottle and spell oil Ostara :hibiscus: I hope it’s working well for you!

I love that you used an organza bag for this instead of a tea bag. It lets you add more ingredients :heart: I’ve also just added a teabag to my bath, too lol it’s already there so I might as well, right?! I hope it worked out well for you :blush:

It all looks good to me :blush: I hope the binding rune has helped you if you’ve used it already :blush:

haha I understand the feeling! I love making little oils like this and yours looks wonderful :sunflower: I hope it works well for you!

You should definitely ignore him :laughing: I think those crystal spheres are beautiful and I really love the one in the back with all the designs on it!

What a noble, kind, and amazing thing you’ve done :heart: I hope with all hopes :sparkles: that it works and that little boy is protected :pray:

For my second challenge entry, I’m going to be making a sweet dreams bag to put over my bed. I’ve made a version of this before (I made a Reel on Instagram) but this one has run its course and needs to be refreshed. I’ll be using the same spell bag, cleansing it with some incense, and adding in another piece of amethyst, lavender, and maybe some rose petals or sunflowers :heart: I’m getting ready to make it right now so I’ll update this post with pictures when I’m done!


My Challenge Entries
For this catch up I decided to do The Magick of Music and Symbols and Sigils.
For the magick of music I decided to use a song to raise energy during my full moon ritual. I decided to play Radioactive by Imagine Dragons since the guitar in it is quite fun and energetic.

For the Sigils and Symbols challenge I decided to look at queer symbols, specifically the non-binary symbol.
I personally see that this symbol could be used in spells for personal empowerment, protection, seeing through the veil, acceptance and self-love.
Blessed Be!


 so I see the need to do another catch up challenge today and this one I have chosen is [WEEKLY CHALLENGE- SYMBOLS AND SIGILS.

Since symbols and sigils plays an important part of our lives and magick, it is more that likely for us to even create such as our own. I have made a few myself for my personal interest, for I do believe when you put your intentions behind a sigil it carries alot of meaning and power for the purpose that it was intended for and not forgetting that it is unique to any other

To fast forward everything
 I had a dream a few months ago when I was home from work due to the mandate of my country and me not taking this vaccine. The laws stated that all Govt workers will stay home from work and will not get paid until the vaccine was taken ( like what ever) although this was hard for many, things was not that bad for me since I was kinda happy i was home too cause I needed the rest :relieved:. In the process of things it became challenging and a bit stressful during that time.

This is when I asked for signs of encouragement along the way and strenght to push through all this nosense. During the same week this is when i had the dream of me driving going to somewhere and in the dream I was looking for answers and there is when a masculine voice spoke out and said to me I am here ( Alfa and Omega) and there a 12 fingered star :star2: like shape glowed out to the side of the car seat on my way to where ever it is that i was going. For each srtike on the star there was a small period and for wach period a word of mĂšaning that offered self assurance.

When I woke up from the dream I was left feeling well assured everything was okay and everytime I looked as my sigil, I felt wonders within it. I drew a picture of the sigil, however I am afraid to say that I cant share this one with you today. This sigil is not only special but CARRIES MAGICKAL POWER ON ITS OWN.

You see it is sacred to me :heart:. I received a maessage and was told in spirit not to give it out and it should only be used for self assistance in times or real need. I have so far used it once in real need the last New Moon and trust me ( it really worked) I have seen it with my own eyes again and again that magick :dizzy: is indeed real.

I plan on using this sigil sometime soon again probably for this (New Moon) for i do believe that
Though small in size, they hold the key
To unlock and wield every possibility!

Blessed Be :dizzy:


Weekly Witchy Challenge- Sacred Trees and Wood

Hello everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I wasn’t sure what to pick for the challenge, so I let the week play out and was gifted with two magickal Sacred Tree and Wood experiences. :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree:

The first was working with some Vine Maple branches from two indigenous Maple trees in the yard. Next weekend I’m making Witch Bells with an old friend and decided to use the branches instead of buying metal rings. I bent the branches and wrapped them with twine several times until they were firm. They have been laying on the gas stovetop to dry out in preparation for Saturday night.
Maple Tree’s meaning: balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence .

My second experience was purchasing two Lilac trees and a lilac bush yesterday on Easter Sunday in memoriam of my grandmother, who loved Lilacs. (I have a lilac tattoo in memory as well)The larger tree will be planted in the West corner of the property as you enter. I cleared the grounds for where I will plant it and uncovered a black glittery stone I hadn’t identified yet. I’ll take it as a protection stone for now.
I planted the smaller lilac tree in a massive pot close to where the septic tank is buried 2 feet down. (more on that later) While digging and prepping the dirt, I uncovered a jade-looking sparkly stone! ( serenity and purity?) What is it with sparkly stones today?
Lilac trees are not native to the U.S.; they most likely arrived during the colonial period and are native to Europe and Asia. Lilacs in the history books go back as far as 1750, when the oldest living Lilacs may still reside in New Hampshire at the Wentworth Estate in Portsmouth. Over the last two decades, many of those trees were infected with a honey fungus, as to which there is no cure, and many had to be destroyed.
A lilac restoration organization has been working hard to replace many trees.
Fun fact:
If you ever noticed a row of lilac trees or bushes lining old properties, it could be from the practical use of planting them over outhouse holes once they were moved. Better than Febreeze! Maybe planting mine near the septic tank will do something magickal if a smell creeps out of the earth! :rofl:
Lilac Tree meanings: Renewal, confidence & spirituality.

Thank you @BryWisteria for another fun Challenge opportunity! Blessed Be everyone and have a wonderful week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love this, Jem! Great job!

No worries, of course! Some things are better left for ourselves :pray: Whatever the sigil is, I’m happy that it works so well for you!

How amazingly magical! :sparkles: And I didn’t know that about lilacs. We had some purple lilacs when I lived in Nevada and then some white lilacs when we lived in Oregon! I haven’t seen any here in Florida but I’m sure they exist somewhere :hibiscus:

I know I said I was going to have pictures of my sleep and dream bag but I got sidetracked with other things and still haven’t made it yet lol I’ll update soon!


I’m doing the “Heed the Call of Crystals” :gem:Challenge for the ‘Crystal Collector’ badge.

There was a Gem Fair in Salt Lake this weekend so HAD to go to that!!
We bought a few gems :gem: of course and I have added some crystals to my collection the past few weeks.

I love crystals and rocks. I collected up some rocks today to give rock painting a try. I hope it turns out well :grimacing:

OK now on to the goodies

These are the ones we got at the fair:

Citrine Point, Lemurian Quartz Points, and a Pyrite Sun Dollar, also called a ‘Miner’s Dollar’

Rhodocrosite, Quartz Points, and Blue with a dab of Pink Tourmaline

Larimar, Agate Moon, Kambaba Jasper Kitty, and Banded Botswana Agate.

These are the ones I’ve collected the past few weeks:

Aventurine Dragon

Gypsum goodies! I got 2 Satin Spar towers with the cool lights underneath, a satin spar flat wand, and raw selenite.

Its not pictured but I got a cute little Flower Agate cube and some raw Lepidolite pieces when I bought the raw Selenite.

I will post another challenge if I can get it posted before it ends!


My baby witch self is over here vibrating with excitement over all these replies! I am so inspired by everyone’s work and I am feeling so incredibly blessed to have found this community as I begin my own journey! Just wow!

Since I am just starting out, I decided to complete of goals and intent (finis patrator) for my challenge this week. The suggested readings were great and very helpful!

I’ve been working very hard on meditation and setting intentions since I joined about two weeks ago. I’ve been reading avidly and trying things out.

On Friday, I started a Book of Shadows, so I decided to do some journaling about my intentions since I’ve had a few days to think them over.

I’m coming into this journey from a strict Catholic upbringing and while I am thrilled, excited, and eager to learn and explore, I am definitely still working through some feelings instilled in me from that upbringing. With that in mind, here are the intentions I have set for myself.


It looks like I’m doing mine last minute once again. Between doing my taxes and the insane amount of stuff on my plate these days, I am just trying to get by. I decided to do the Kitchen Witchery challenge because, well, it’s become second nature to me now. It’s the easiest way for me to fit in a little self-care. I never knew what a simmer pot was before coming to spells8 and I have learned a lot from @BryWisteria, and @Susurrus about them. I regularly have a pot on the stove now. Actually, there’s even one on right now! :grinning: I bought special chalk paper for my fridge a couple of months after I started here and I use them to get creative and write my intentions as I start my simmer pot. I hold the intentions while I cut the fruit (I usually use grapefruit, oranges, and lemons) and get all the herbs and spices prepared for my work. It has become such a wonderful new tradition for me and I never would’ve known about it were it not for this site! :grinning: :heart: :magic_wand: :cherry_blossom: :sparkles:


For My second Challenge I picked ‘The Thrifty Witch’ for the “Thrifty Witch” Badge

I am reusing a picture from last week’s meditation ritual, my Thursday-money candle, that’s how thrifty I am lol, reusing posts!!
But really

I bought the :candle: candle at the second hand store for .50 and the candle holder I bought at Dollar Tree when it was still just $1.00. I burned the first candle in the holder then I cleaned it out for my new candle. The herbs and oil I used was from a money spell I did last year. (One of my firsts!)
I really like this candle holder because it reminds me of a cauldron :wink: I have several in different colors too!

I love to :recycle: recycle and reuse items when I can. I don’t feel like this is the “thriftiest” I can be but I think it will work to acquire this badge :pentacle_tarot:



This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

I always get really excited for Catch Up Challenges- it is so much fun to see which challenges everyone chooses, and how they explore so many various aspects of magick! :star_struck: The talents of the coven really shone brightly this week- thank you so much to everyone who joined in! :star2:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : This post will remain open for continued discussion for a few more days, but no additional prizes will be given after today.

Blessed be! :clock4::sparkles:


@Torista Your natal chart turned out beautifully, Torista- what a great addition to your Grimoire! It looks like you dove pretty deep into the details of your chart as well, great work! :star2:

@JollyStar Hooray for knot magick- it sounds like a perfect area for your talents to shine, Amber! :heart: I love the chant too- I think the counting really helps to build the spellwork into place as you stitch the ladder into being :thread: Beautiful work, may your ladder help to strengthen your love and bring many blessings!

@Kasandra Chamomile to the rescue- it really is a great herb for calming down, and a perfect one for a relaxing bath :bathtub: :blossom: I feel the same about energy drinks- they only seem to amplify any problems I’m having before I drink them :sweat_smile: And ohhh your friend’s garden sounds amazing- so many great plants! :potted_plant: You are very clever for adjusting the blessing to your practice, and I have to say I love how it turned out. Great job! :green_heart:

@Ostara Amazing finds, Ostara- you have quite the eye for witchy potential while shopping! Your rosemary is stunning- it must be very happy there with you :herb::blush: And perfect timing indeed- way to make the most of the full moon for the challenge this week! :full_moon_with_face: Your oil is gorgeous- it looks like a happy moment in the garden contained within a glass. Great work!

@Phoenix_Fire I’m glad that you were able to find some themes that resonated with you and your growing business, Danni- I think you choose some great ones! :clap: I hope you enjoyed working with your healing crystals as well with honing your intentions. I love the idea of including a binding rune in the spellwork, that is very creative! :star_struck:

@Jessica72 You’re very kind for asking the crystal what it wanted- I think it has a lovely new purpose in your pendulum jar, it really looks amazing so far! :gem: I’m sure that once the crystal chips arrive it will be even more gorgeous. And haha you’re too funny- if it moves on its own, I don’t know what I’d do either! :joy: Hopefully it will behave and will only work at your will! :grin: Lovely crystal work as well- thanks for bringing back the affirmations and info :pray::gem: And I feel you, my friend- freedom is a blessing, but it can be a heavy one sometimes. Keep going strong- you are on the right path and are constantly making progress with the most important person: you! :heart: Cheering for you, Jessica- you’re amazing!

@NickWick Hooray for a fellow tea lover- I’m glad you decided to jump in on the tea challenge, Nicki, I think it’s a great one for you and your talents! :tea::two_hearts: And brilliant use of chamomile tea bags- that is such a great one to include in the bath spell! Your bag is gorgeous and I can image you had a very lovely infusion bath :sparkles: And how exciting to meet the sigil within your dream- did you ever look into the voice that spoke to you? The sigil sounds like their gift to you! :gift: I think it will go wonderfully with your beautiful chant :blush:

@Artemisia It was a perfect week to work full moon magick, good for you for drawing on the moon in your entry, Kat! :full_moon_with_face: Congrats on your first ritual oil- it’s an exciting landmark! Do you have a spell or ritual in mind that you are hoping to use the oil for? Or perhaps keep it around for the right moment? Either way, great job- enjoy the full moon oil! :blush:

@Rowan I remember you posting about the situation next door before- it’s a shame not only that people that awful exist, but that they keep getting away with the horrible things that they do :cry: I think the signs you crafted are really heartfelt- I love the combination of symbolism and intention you put into their creation. May they help protect the poor boy and bring him the safety and happiness he deserves :pray: You are so kind to help him, Rowan :heart:

@MeganB The sweet dreams bag sounds lovely, Megan! I know the feeling about running out of time- I feel like I say this a lot, but it is a busy time of year! :laughing: Even if not for the challenge, I hope you’re able to find some nice relaxing time to make your bag- may it help you find sweet and happy dreams! :sleeping:

@Jem1 Radioactive is a great song to jam out to- a really powerful accompaniment to the full moon! :full_moon_with_face: I never considered combining queer symbols and magick, but I don’t see why not- sounds like an idea with lots of potential! The female symbol is also the planetary symbol of Venus :astrology_venus: and the male symbol is also the planetary symbol of Mars :astrology_mars: It makes me wonder which planets the other gender symbols correspond with too! :blush:

@Mistella Not just one, but two lovely entries about Sacred Trees and Wood! :clap: It sounds like this theme really clicked for you, Mistella :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The Witch Bells made from maple are such a clever idea- happy crafting! :deciduous_tree: And oh, congrats on your new lilac bushes- lilacs are a favorite of mine! :purple_heart: It sounds like your lilac tree had a special sparkly gift for you, that’s so sweet :gift: Thank you very much for joining in the challenge, Mistella- great work!

@Sarafeena_Sage Woohoo- a Gem Fair sounds like heaven for a Crystal Collector like yourself, Sarall- I bet you had a blast! :grinning: :gem: I am drooling over your amazing haul- you found yourself some really amazing treasures. Thanks so much for sharing them! :raised_hands: And ohhhh that is some smart thrifty witchery you have going on- great finds, and for such good prices too! Creativity and recycling go a long way in the Craft- brilliant work! :blush:

@AileyGrey I really love your enthusiasm and excitement- it’s contagious! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The Goals and Intent challenge is a fantastic choice for someone at the beginning of their magickal journey- it sounds like you put a lot of careful thought and emotion into building your Book of Shadows and journalling. Great job, Kristin- you are well on your way to achieving your goals, I’m cheering you on! :partying_face:

@BrightBear You’ve been busy, BrightBear- no worries at all! I think you’re amazing for planning out the time to do your self-care work despite everything on your plate at the moment. Kitchen Witchery is a beloved aspect and I’m so glad you’re enjoying it- I feel like I can smell your lovely simmer pot from here! :yum::two_hearts: Good for you for finding a new tradition that brings you joy- great job!

The Props and Presents post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent out to all those who entered :trophy:

Gosh, I probably shouldn’t pick a “favorite challenge”, but maybe- because the Catch-Ups are technically all of the challenges- it’s okay if I play favorites here! :laughing: It is so much fun to see which themes everyone chooses- the forum feels so alive when all the different types of magick are on proud display :sparkles::tada:

Thank you all once again for joining in- great job, everyone! :heart::infinite_roots:


@Susurrus @BryWisteria @MeganB thank you so much to each of you for your beautiful thoughts and words of encouragement.

I’m sorry it’s taken me a little bit to reply. It just took me a little while to have all that sink in.

It does take a little getting used to. This whole being liked and welcomed kind of thing. The more I step away from Mitch the more my eyes are opening to the real world and the goodness in it. And that in large part is down to this incredible commmunity.

You don’t know how truly grateful I am to each and every person whom has ever taken time out of their day and put their own troubles aside just to give me a few moments of kindness. Please believe me when I say every word is cherished and very much appreciated.

Oh and @MeganB the pink stripey one in the back is Rhodonite :blush:


My Darling Danni,
We are here to fill whatever needs we can for you, but please take all the time you need for your wellbeing.
If you’re overwhelmed and don’t either stop or slow down, that’s when you can implode. Always
always leave yourself a release area, that’s just yours.
Sending love, strength and endurance.


I think maybe you were talking about the stone I posted. It is a stone called Rhodocrosite, it’s more rare and expensive than Rhodonite.
I will add a link to youtube.com that I watched about telling the difference between crystals and fakes.
No worries or anything, we are all learning here.
I watched a lot of videos before I went to the Gem fair because I didn’t want to be dooped!
BTW I love your pendulum bottle :heart: Great idea! Please update us about how it is working for you :wink:


She has a lot of videos with good information and she sells crystals on etsy here in the U.S.



Thanks so much for the link. That’s great. I really appreciate it :blush: I’ll have to check it out on Etsy. Maybe she may post to Australia.

The sphere in the back is for sure a piece of Rhodonite. I’m like you and i only shop with reliable stockists.

I do only have one small tumble in Rhodochrosite. I agree it is very expensive and very difficult to find.

Sometimes being here in Australia it makes it even more difficult to source good quality stones. So I only use a few stores that I can shop directly in store as well as they offer online shopping.

The Rhodonite sphere I was lucky and picked up in a sale that’s how I was able to afford to buy it. I would not have been able to afford that stone if it was Rhodochrosite! Trust me!

After what my humble little Rhodochrosite tumble cost I dread to think what a sphere or a point would cost! But it would be totally worth it if I could afford to buy it at the time if i was ever to find one.


I love them!


You’re with it! But I’m not LOL!!! I see now that you were responding about your post to Megan that was above my post!

I love your crystals! and WOW on your Rhodonite!!! Very Pretty!
I was very glad I watched the videos before I went because there were stones being sold as the wrong thing at the fair.

You could message coldbrewbarbie and see if she would ship to you. I haven’t purchased from her yet but she seems to really know her stuff.


No truly I do really appreciate the link you shared. I might just havee been duped by the “porkstone” cause that could be a really passable fake. I want to add a Rhodochrosite point and or sphere to the collection but I know I am going to have to to pay for it! Not one of those prices too good to be ture kind of jobies.


It makes me sad to think how you were kept in the cold darkness before, Jessica- you have such a bright, beautiful energy and you are meant to shine, to be loved! :heart::sun_with_face:

Know that you are always welcome to take as much time as you need to process things, rest assured that the coven will be here to welcome you every time you come home here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :infinite_roots:

And your crystals! Gosh, I always love seeing them- you have such a gorgeous collection :gem::sparkling_heart:


This challenge has closed- but no worries! You can still respond to old posts in a private message or new thread, or you can visit Activities to find and join a current challenge.