Since I was up so early and I did a Freezer Jar Spell, I decided to also attempt the challenge - Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- The Thrifty Witch! The Freezer spell needed salt water, vinegar, pepper, and a totem of the person. Preferably a picture or you can write their name on a card. I also needed a jar.
I reused a jar that had Rosemary in it & put the Rosemary in a baggie for now, until I can get into my closet & go into my witchy box. Then I didn’t have any regualr pepper that I could find or get to (I’m not that mobile) so I used Crushed Red Pepper. I went onto Facebook and downloaded a copy of her profile picture then wrote her name on the back of the picture and put it in the jar. I put in the wetting agents and some Red Pepper. I used a black candle to seal the jar & then wrapped it in aluminum foil with the shiny side towards the jar & placed it in the Freezer.
I had set up my altar and invoked Brigid before starting. I lit a white candle and used Palo Santo incense. When I was through I thanked Brigid & released her then cleaned up my altar & let the Palo Santo burn to the end.
It was my first Freezer Jar Spell and it felt really good to be in touch with my craft and Brigid again. I haven’t practiced much since last month.
I also used my pendulum this morning & asked it a question. It was a yes!
I asked: Will I win my hearing on Wednesday?