I was going to try something new, but then I realized how close I was to running out of my daily rose water toner, so I got busy in the kitchen on Saturday afternoon!
1 dozen (organic) roses
1 liter distilled water (I used distilled water that was ALSO moon water from Thursday)
1/4 cup vodka
Rinse roses with room temperature water, and then pluck off all petals. Afterwards, place all petals in a large strainer, and rinse well to get rid of any debris, possible bug friends, dirt or pieces of nature (lol)
Transfer petals to a large pot, pour in enough distilled water to cover them & add a lid. Bring the water to a simmer, stirring occasionally until you notice all the color is sapped out of the petals. (Usually between 30-40 minutes for the size of batch I make) At this time, while I’m stirring, watching & enjoying the smell of roses invading my space, is when I close my eyes, center myself and speak my intention aloud. This is what came to my mind Saturday:
“From the bush & tree
Let your magic break free
Fill this potion with healing
Self love, security, happy feelings
Cleanse my skin
Start from within
And wrap me up in lunar light
Heal my skin both day & night”
I had to record that on my phone bc it came out so perfectly! Anddddd…
After the color is gone (the petals will turn almost-white or yellow in color), remove from heat and use a coffee filter or cheesecloth to strain the petals out. I like to put my rosewater in a jar, then I add the vodka as a preservative ingredient.
I keep my rosewater toner in my refrigerator, most of it in a large jar, but also a small squeeze bottle full that I use daily until it needs filled again.
Directions: wash face with soap/cleanser, rinse well & pay dry (I like to use paper towel to avoid bacteria on my face) squeeze a little rose water toner on a cotton ball or pad, rub all over your face and let air dry.
Helps with redness, dry skin, acne & more.