I wanted to try using an amulet and talisman. I just like to share my practice with you. Sometimes I do things and I don’t share and I’ll be mad at myself for keeping it to myself.
2.I opened a circle
I blessed and consecrated my nail sigils!
I invited my God and Goddesses to my circle and I asked myself to use these sacred symbols as a spiritual catalyst for emotional support! 1.A Pentacle
As my amulet of protection
To repel things that hinder my growth and development or that are no longer serving me and my purpose addiction conflict or drama.
Witch Charm
Also known as the magic, not the which charm had many variations using various proportions of the circle to the four interlace VESRICAS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veritas
It’s suggested the four winds and or female control because the Vesica As a female genital simply always implied control of the forces of nature. Connected with the concept of the magic night was a medieval conviction that it could control the winds rainstorms and otherwise influence the weather by making notes records threads or their hair. Which is knots could also function as love charms binding or losing passion according to the treatment of the inner lace design. On the same principle that made the sign of the devil’s horns a profile for a prophylactic charm against Evil spirits so also the which term became a sign of protection against malefic witchcraft. The theory behind this usage seems to have been one of the fighting fire with fire. Written by Barbara Walker’s woman’s dictionary symbols sacred objects
Goddess Symbol-
Spirals have been the primary goddess symbol since ancient times here represent the divine feminine the most movement of creation and power of the world.
Triple moon
The triple moon is the symbol of the goddess maiden mother in crone and is depicted as a lunar cycle. The pentagram or panicle is used to invoke or banish forces each point represents one of the five elements!
I banish all negative energy that can contribute to my emotional well-being!
[Triskelion - Celtic Symbol of Triskelion - Celtic Symbol of Threes
Is simple use mainly by groups with Celtic cultural orientation. It may have been an ancient solar symbol. Written by Francisco
Barbara G Walker writes it’s considered by some to be a runic sign of the life force signifying the will to create.
and consecrate my talisman toward me and the amulet for away from me.
Thanks for your time and interest may all of you have the love of magic and be inspired to do more magical workings!
Thank you
Blessed be!
Francisco yes one of my interests is in art. Art is very personal but connects us to people like yourself. I can appreciate that in me I can find a connection to the soul and we can share a common theme. I like the process, shaping and creating. That’s why I like making wands, jewelry and more.
In my magical experience, it leads me to work with the symbolism that connects me deeper into Wicca. And at the same time, I am learning.
Thank you so much!
Look at those nails- they came out amazing, @Jeannie1! And I love how you turned the process into a full magickal ritual. I love everything about this!
The way you talk about art is so heartfelt and inspiring- it makes me want to grab some paints and make something too!
You’re great at that! I’d have nail polish all over the tips of my fingers that’s very creative!! You did a magical job!! Thanks for showing us your art!!
Thank you Travel Witch,
I loved the color, I think it was OPI and it was forest green and they are very inexpensive. I got the decals through eBay if you are interested in buying some for your magical journey.
I would leave the link but it won’t let me for some reason.
Thank you for admiring my ritual. I always get ideas and sometimes I don’t follow through so I am glad I did commit to self care. I did something nice for myself and am blessed. I am happy to share my experience. Blessed be!
Yes, Christina thank you I think I chose a very beautiful color it is rich in green and very earthy. I think this is my favorite nail polish by far! I always pick Burgundy for nail polish and I’m trying to pick different colors.
I am glad you like the nail decal.
Thank you!
Thank you, I can’t wait to learn crochet. I started to learn then lost my crochet hook so I need to get another one. Thank you for that wonderful post!
It turned out great! Round the Cauldron - Crochet and More Healing Spell Bag
Thank you!
Oh fun! I’m hoping to keep up on my crochet channel a bit more in the future but it’s just one for fun and as a side project. I’m also going to be incorporating more stitch witchery into my regular channel. If you’re ever looking for help or have questions, you know how to find me!
This is awesome and admirable, the ability and wisdom to incorporate magick into every day life. Sometimes we believe that in order to do witchy things, we have to do complicated rituals. Magick it can be done on our coffee or tea we drink and share to others with good energy, food and the list goes on.
Awesome post @Jeannie1.
Blessed Be!