Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for the previous Witchy Challenge - Coven Show & Tell :framed_picture:

After admiring the treasures, talents, and other tidbits shared by the coven, we’re snuggling in for some cozy spellwork this week.

The theme for the next challenge is inspired by the season and is…

Cozy Magick

:candle: :two_hearts: Cozy Magick :teapot: :fire:

The sweetest and snuggliest of spells

A magickal practice brings many blessings - it can create joy, nurture confidence, establish a sense of control, nurture positivity, and so much more. For this challenge, we’re sharing the parts of our practice that make us feel at home. What do you do in your practice - be it spells, spaces, deities, rituals, or more - that makes you feel happy and safe?

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This challenge is all about cozy magick - how you choose to take on this theme is up to you.

So are you ready? Because it’s…



From Spells8: Magical Tea Recipes

Getting Cozy in the Craft :bed:

This challenge is all about cozy magick - as always, feel free to explore the theme in a way that aligns with you and your unique practice.

Still not sure where to begin? To help you get started, here are a few suggested spells and other ways in which a witch might approach this challenge.

Please make sure you are logged into your Spells8 Account so you can view all of the resources shared!

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Self-Care :mending_heart:

Self Appreciation Break

Simple Self-Love Spells to Boost Your Well-Being

Self Care Challenge
December: A Month of Self Care Activities

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Soothing Relaxation :smiling_face:

Relax Witch! Bath Salt Recipe

Spells for Anxiety and Stress Relief

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Warmth :candle:

Fire Elemental Invocation

Pyromancy: Reading Candle Flames

Candle Magick 101

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Home & Hearth :fire:

Kitchen Witchcraft: Casting Spells in the Kitchen

simmer pots
Simmer Pots

Home Protection Powder

Home Blessing and Protection Prayer

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Tea & Coffee Magick :teapot:

Cinnamon - Inner Fire Tea Recipe

Tasseography: Tea Leaf Divination

Tea Spells & Herbal Magick

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Beloved Books :books:

Best Books for Wiccans

Spells8 Book Club
The Spells8 Book Club

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It’s Okay to Be Creative! :sparkles:

The suggestions above are just a few ideas to help kickstart your creativity. If you feel called to do explore the challenge theme in another way, you are welcome to do so.

From Spells8: Fire Witch Music Playlist

How to Join the Challenge :trophy:

In order for your entry to be counted, all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please clearly write that it is your entry so I know to count it! :pray:

Where Do I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here to learn where to share your challenge entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new post in the forum (this is good for when you have a lot to share and/or would like to discuss aspects of your entry not related to the current theme)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Click here for a note for our lovely lurkers

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge. For those who would like the challenge prizes, please know that you will need to share your experience if you want to receive a prize and a public shout-out.

Don’t feel comfortable sharing? No fear! For lurkers and those who are shy, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge on the sidelines. At the end of the day, these challenges are here to help you help yourself by expanding and enhancing your personal magickal practice. I hope they can be helpful for you!

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 13 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, December 17 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums the day the challenge closes.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

Candle Flame Meaning
From Spells8: Flickering Magick: How to Read Candle Flames

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team.

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

From Spells8: Mindful Mint Tea

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Books by the fire, tea spells with spice-
It’s warm and snuggly, comfy and nice
Away from the stress and safe from the storm,
With cozy magick you’ll be happy and warm

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Blessed Be :scarf: :sparkles:


Challenge Entry

The times I feel the greatest need for warmth and coziness are when I am out in the cold, trying to get things done. It is quite a hassle to be cold enough to be unable to finish necessary errands; and it sticks in my memory, making it harder to get out and get started next time.

Whenever I start feeling cold before my errands are done, I do a bit of meditating- not for long, but just long enough to see and feel my family crest around me.

My avatar is an image of what I call my family crest. I drew it and charged it long ago, and I recharge it with every use.

For the cold, I imagine the star within me. Acknowledge the elements as part of my body, each limb inhabited by an element of nature, as though I were also the drawing of a person in star form made by Leonardo da Vinci. Let these elements glow as a star in the night.

Around the outside of the star in my avatar is the disc of the sun. No detail necessary. Let the sun glow and fill itself with its own heat.

Outside the sun’s rays is the rainbow. I see this as a protective layer, holding in the heat and protecting me from attacks from outside.

A word of warning: make sure to dismantle the image when arriving at the destination for the day. If I let it burn while at home or work, I actually feel colder in a warm building than if I were still outdoors.

This spell can be modified for other uses as well. Try it sometime and see if it works for you!


What a perfect challenge now that the cold has hit here! Off to pick up some cocoa and marshmallows to enjoy by the fire!


Marshmallows, why I’m thinking marshmallows too, but cozy, magic = toasted marshmallows. Loki agrees :crazy_face::beers:


I think it’s going to be raining everyday for the next week. Perfect weather for some cozy magick!


59 degrees and drizzling in the Houston area today. Perfect for some cozy magick! But first, can’t start my day with a steaming mug of English breakfast tea :coffee::coffee:



I’m in tune with this challenge. My intuition has me leaning into the feel of the season. For me I have made a relaxing witchy playlist that makes me feel into my power. I set a reminder on my phone to stop what I’m doing. Light my candle on my altar. Make a cup of tea. Put on that playlist and turn on the mood lighting. No overhead lights, just candles and soft small table lamps. Its been a great way to simplify my ritual practice to fit the turning of the wheel and the energy of the season. I wake up in the mornings more refreshed after going to bed in this energy.

Happy cozy witchy workings to everyone.


Challenge Entry

Simmer pot (needs to be dumped and changed), oranges, apples, cinnamon sticks, star anise

Homemade soup. This one is bean, ham and potato soup.

While this summer pot and soup simmer I love to crochet blankets during cold weather.

Beginning of a black striped afghan

Finished white striped afghan

And I like to sip on an adult hot chocolate.


@Mystique sounds like an awesome day


Weekly Challenge

When I got off from work yesterday morning it was cold and rainy. It was perfect weather for the Cozy Magick challenge and a cinnamon butter cream Christmas candle burning in the background. @Silverbear had posted a Yule Spirit Honoring Spell that I wanted to do, so I did this spell for the challenge. I used a pinecone from my 30-year-old pine tree that the tree men mistakenly cut down a few years ago (some of y’all may remember how upset I was about it). I used a piece of wood from my cedar tree (that the May 2024 wind storm destroyed} as a tray for the spell. I shed a few tears (for my trees) during the meditation part of the spell. I remember the day of the pine tree incident, @Marsha told me that when trees know they are dying, they send their memories to other trees. That thought always makes me feel better. Thank you @silverbear for the beautiful spell and thank you @marsha for your words of wisdom!


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

First of all, I want to share a picture of my new electric fireplace! It’s kind of short, but it’s nice and I’m looking forward to decorating it!

Then there’s my challenge entry. I wrote a prayer to Frau Holle, one of the Goddesses of Winter, to help keep me and mine warm. I didn’t find a specific day for Frau Holle, one said midwinter and another said Christmas Day. But she seems to take an offering of sugar on the window sills.

Personally, I’d rather have a sugar cookie, but oh well. LOL! Hope you like!

Prayer to Frau Holle

I pray to Frau Holle, The Benevelent One
I ask that You spin your flax and yarn so that we may be warm through the winter’s winds.
Be gentle as you make your bed, so that the snow falls softly down.
Keep our hearth’s going so that we may sit ourselves by the fire, and help our loved ones stay warm.

Blessed Be.


That’s awesome Amethyst! I love your fireplace! :fire:


Thanks! Like I said, it’s smaller than I thought it would be. But it’s keeping me warm and that’s all that counts!


@Amethyst I love that little fireplace I’d love to know where you got it. It would be perfect for my stuio apartment. Also thank you for the reference. Im just learning some of the deities so any information is great.

@Ostara such a sad story about your tree. But what a great way to honour its life.



I will piggy off of @misty6

I hope you stay warm and spirit!
Sounds cozy @ Ostara! Wow I’m just trying to get cozy too

I wrote in my journal and enjoyed drinking my tea, and I actually lit a candle and use some of my tea herbs for my candle dressing!
I went today to sit in the park and watch the leaves fall. It made me feel very cozy.
Asking all spiritual awareness to convey spiritual messages today and while they’re in nature, all of a sudden when I asked a whole bunch Just poured down and I really believe that spirit was speaking to me! I believe that spirit of earth gave me this insight into the the spirit of the trees and wind :dash: blessing me with peace knowing I’m protected by spirit internally giving me a higher vibration! I am so grateful for the rhythm of wind and the way to feel the inner peace! being said, I think that my anxiety spell worked!



challenge entry
After a week of insanity last week where i assume being repeatedly spat at ( by children) and things thrown at me and bring hit but also being run into the groynd and taken advantags of by adults it was no wonder i ended up sick so the past few days been in recovery mode panicking i wint ve ok enough in time for wotk tommorow for another full week…

…so ive been resting lots and taking hayfever tablets and ibuptofin as only meds have right now ( i have trouble with both oain and hayfever amonst other stuff) but ive also been pulling out thr herbal teas and even made my own hervsl tea ising herbs had in kitchen and my book’ foods that heal foids that harm" ( or somethung l ike that) book to look up herbs that might be helpful.
I found and made one concoction( not listed together but using herbs had that were listed as potentially beneficial

Black tea( for the caffeine lol)

And whild looked at herbs had i also discovered i had some lemon tea bags snd a green tea and lemon tea bag i didnt know i still had yay…

So been enjoying some herbal teas lately hoping il be ok for work this week


I got it at Walmart, and it was on sale! But I looked at Amazon too, and they had them as well. I think it’s cute now that I’m over the shock of it being so small! LOL!

Thank you! I’m hoping to have a wonderful holiday season!

Lovely kitty, btw! I’d love to cuddle and smoosh it’s little cheeks! AWW!

Oh my! I’d say I was surprised but I read NotAlwaysRight.com so I’m not surprised. Front line workers deserve twice their usual pay if not more for having to deal with customer’s crap this time of year. Good luck and I’m sending you good vibes!


Feel better soon! :purple_heart:


Sorry to hear your week was so crappy. Hope the tea and the ibuprofen are working their magic and bringing you calm and peace so you can recuperate fully. Black tea is always my go-to in any situation.


I haven’t finished what I’m working on yet, but I’ll share where my mind went with Cozy Magick! :heart: I’m working on a baby blanket for a family member who is having a baby in a few months. As a fiber artist and witch, I will 100% be actively imbuing this blanket with protective energy and spells while I make it, and I will also be blessing it when I’m done :yarn: :consecrate_spell: