đź“– Spells8 Book Club XXXXIII (Oct. 25 - Dec. 13)

Welcome to all of the witchy book lovers here in the forum!

:books: :mage: :heart:

Thank you again to everyone who joined in for last month’s reading session! For those who haven’t yet shared their thoughts about their book (or anyone who enjoys reading book reviews!) you still have time to do so in :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXXXII - Readers’ Reviews!.

As of today, the 43rd book club reading session has now begun!

spells8 book club

On Your Mark, Get Set, READ! :books:

  1. Begin by announcing your book
    The first post below is an editable wiki post- add your book title and name to the list! (instructions below)

  2. Know that you have [[ 4 weeks ]] in this reading session
    While it is great if you can finish your book during this time, it is okay if you break it into chapters or sections- do as much as you can and know that doing your best is always good enough!

  3. As you’re reading, feel free to share your thoughts!
    You are very welcome to share any thoughts or tidbits while you read in the comments below or in a new post in the forums. Just save the best parts for the final discussion at the end of the reading period!

  4. Join the final discussion
    After four weeks, a discussion post will open encouraging all readers to share a review of their book and any personal thoughts they have about it. A mini-review is perfectly fine, and there will be a suggested format for anyone who would like to write a longer review.


A note about sharing books:

While everyone is free to choose their own book, you may consider reading along with someone else ! It is fun to share thoughts and insights about different books and even more exciting to do in-depth about a book with fellow readers :handshake:

If the book you plan to read is already on the list below, add your name to the list of others reading that book! Please keep in mind that everyone will reconvene and chat together in the Reader’s Reviews discussion, regardless of which book you read :books:

Not sure what to read?

You can find book recommendations in:

And also:

Reading on a budget?

Free online books can be found in:


If you have any questions about Book Club, please feel free to check the Book Club FAQ and/or ask in the comments.

Blessed be and happy reading!

:sparkles: :open_book: :sparkles:


~~ ~~ ~~ This post is a WIKI POST- it is editable by everyone! ~~ ~~ ~~
for help editing a wiki post, see the tutorial here

Please announce your books here :blush:


  • Book Title by Author
    (@) your username

Out of respect to others, please only add/edit your own entry

  • Chronically Magickal by Danielle Dionne @Amethyst

  • The Volsung Saga and the Yarn of Norna Gest. Saga 1

  • Yemaya by Raven Morgaine

  • The Way of Fire and Ice: The Living Tradition of Norse Paganism by Ryan Smith

  • Shadow Work for Hot Messes by Mandi Em

  • Practical Magic for Beginners - Exercises, Rituals, and Spells for the New Mystic by Maggie Haseman

Pagan Portals: Persephone: Pracing the art of personal power
By Robin Corak @celinelise


I am so looking forward to reading this one! I can’t wait!


Oh, I hope you enjoy it! :clap:

I can’t decide between two different books so I guess I have a decision to make :laughing:


I missed the last book club, but I’m hoping to get in on this one. Trying to decide which book to dive into next.


@MeganB I’m not great at putting the book in bold and lining it up, it does one or the other :person_facepalming:. Please feel free to correct :rofl:.

I’ll be hitting all the Viking Sagas, Loki insists plus I love history, and these are history-ish (touch of legend thrown in :partying_face:). :beers:


You and me, both! It’s between The Irish Pagan Book of Rites by John Michael McLoughlin and Shadow Work for Hot Messes by Mandi Em!

haha okay, I totally will! :clap: :heart:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXXXIII - Readers’ Reviews!

No worries about that! :blush: Reviews are welcome at any time during book club!

I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the book! I don’t know too much about Norse practices so maybe this will go on my TBR list for the future. Thanks for sharing, @Jewitch!


How are everyone’s books so far? Hope you’re enjoying them :books: :blush:

It’s time for a friendly reminder!

## :grey_exclamation: The current reading period will conclude at the end of next week: November 22, 2024 :grey_exclamation:

A Reader’s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I’m looking forward to hearing about your books- happy reading! :open_book: :sparkles:


I’m still reading the sagas, but I’ll get there, by Christmas :laughing:


We can absolutely extend this book club since we’re coming up to the holiday season!


Good morning!

Was everyone in favor of extending this reading session?


Yes please! Im not getting much reading time in with all the holiday crafting


How are everyone’s books so far? Hope you’re enjoying them :books: :blush:

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period HAS BEEN EXTENDED!

This reading session will now end on December 13, 2024. Once this book club ends, we will take a break for the solstice and holiday season and have a brand new book club session in January!

A Reader’s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I’m looking forward to hearing about your books- happy reading! :open_book: :sparkles:


Thankyou for the extension :partying_face:


Of course! :heart:

Honestly, it helps me out, too :laughing:


@MeganB I didn’t even know this was on here!! Theres so much great content i cant see it all but im in for the book club


No worries @misty6 :blush: You’re right – there is so much here in the forum that it can be hard to keep track of!

Book club usually runs for four weeks at a time, but since we are coming up to the holiday season, this one was extended. I believe that once this one is over, I will hold off on starting a new session until January to give everyone time to enjoy their holidays and not feel stressed about reading a book.

If you haven’t already, check out the Forum Community Calendar that you can add to your Google (or other) calendar system. We try to do a pretty good job of keeping it up to date with forum activities, holidays, and more!


I did get it added. It helps thank you