Bind Rune - Strength to Stop Holding Yourself Back

~ Bind Rune for Strength to Overcome Self Blockages ~

Bind Runes are the combination of two or more runes to create one unified symbol that holds the magickal energy of both runes. They have many uses in magick such as in spellwork, carved onto magickal tools, or as a personal sigil.

This bind rune combines Tiwaz :tiwaz: and Uruz :uruz: in a symbol to strengthen your resolve and help you power forward to be the best you can be . The combination of these two runes assists the wearer or wielder to overcome inner blockages and step forward safely and surely on their path toward greatness :sunny:

Depeding on your intention, this bindrune can assist those who are working on low self-confidence, breaking a bad habit, overcoming insecurities or other self-improvements.

Overcome Self-Blockages

Click here to learn how to Make Your Own Bind Runes!

This bind rune first appeared in the Spells8 Email Newsletter- you can check out previous issues and, if you haven’t already, sign up for the free newsletter to get magickal goodies like this delivered right to your inbox! :envelope_with_arrow:

Ready for More Runic Magick? :sparkles:

Here are some additional runes and bind runes you can use in your practice!

The Best Runes for Strength

Safe Travels: Bind Rune Spell Protection Bag

Runes for Love: What, When, and How to Use Them

Runes: The Sacred Alphabet of Wisdom and Magick

Do you use runes in your practice? Have you ever used or made a bind rune before?

If you’d like to share your favorite bind runes or have any rune magick tips for fellow witches, feel free to do so in the comments below!

Blessed Be! :sparkles:


Thank you @BryWisteria for this!


My pleasure, @Ostara! :heart:


Imma definitely check this out when I have time. Could be very useful. I haven’t really gotten into runes much yet


@BryWisteria thank you very much for the information!
I will look at them as soon as I have time!


Ooo, bindrunes always pique my interest but still fall under the sigils where I’m apprehensive about them & creating one I’m not sure why, but I am always so impressed & intrigued when others share ones they have created themselves & their uses. Most likely, I am overthinking them… but I’m working on it :laughing: I also added it to the Runes Master Post :hugs:


@Devenne Go for it, Devenne! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve got a ways to go with my rune studies too haha, but for some reason I’m much more interested in bindrunes than the basic runes themselves. Maybe it’s too much tarot lol- I love the symbolism stacked on symbolism sprinkled with even more symbolism :joy:

Good luck with your rune studies! :sparkles:

@AIRAM It’s my pleasure, Airam! :heart: :hugs:

@Susurrus I bet you could craft some really lovely bindrunes if you gave it a shot! Perhaps it’s something to add to the future to-do list? :wink: And thank you for adding it to the Master Post! :pray: :two_hearts:


Thankyou I will def keep that in mind🌹


I think if I could slow myself down I’d be able to either do a sigil or bindrune, probably both without completely turning it into an all day project that I get frustrated with :rofl: It’s on my list to do, I recently got my glass pen & ink jar together & found some of my intention paper. It’s definitely on my to-do list that is ever growing it seems, but something that I do want to try my hand at doing. :blush:


I love this. Bind runes are so helpful, I love runes. I recently found this app on the playstore, it works with my Valhalla app, but your can get it on its own.

Thanks for this post @BryWisteria The lessons on runes in the Spells8 app are fabulous. I’ve started them. :green_heart:


@Devenne :hugs: :heart:

@Susurrus Hahaha those to-do lists sure do love to grow! If things align someday, I hope you enjoy exploring bindrunes :blush:

@tracyS Ohhhh looks like a neat app! :star_struck: I’m glad you’ve been enjoying your lessons so far- wishing you all the best with your studies, Tracy- I hope you continue to have fun with them! :books: :two_hearts: