đź’› Dandelion Magick - Harvesting Dandelions to Use in the Craft

Dandelion Magick :yellow_heart:

The English word “dandelion” is believed to have come from French: “tooth of the lion” or “lion’s tooth”, likely named after the jagged edges of the leaves. Funnily, the French common name for the plant is a bit less romantic, as it is called “pissenlit” - named for the plant’s diuretic properties (source).

Dandelion’s scientific name (Taraxacum) also reflects some of its traditional uses and benefits:

The genus name Taraxacum comes from the Greek words “taraxos”, which means “disorder” and “akos”, meaning “remedy” .

From A to Z Flowers: Taraxacum

A cheerful and vivacious plant, dandelions are some of the first flowers to appear in the spring. They are very hardy, clinging to rough soil, on lawns, and in cracks in the pavement, determined to survive.

→ In herbalism, dandelions are believed to help aid digestion and may be used to support the liver and kidneys.

→ In magick, dandelions are associated with protection, making wishes, endurance, survival, solar magick, and more.

Dandelion Magickal Properties and Spiritual Uses

Dandelions are one of the few plants that are deemed to be edible in their entirety- from the roots to the flower petals.

That being said, I don’t know anyone who enjoys chowing down on the fluffy seeds, and I’ve also found it’s best to avoid the white sticky sap within the stalk of the plant, as it can cause indigestion (and doesn’t taste great :stuck_out_tongue: ) Still, picker’s preference!

Picture from Canva

Harvesting Dandelions :basket:

Dandelions can be harvested in spring, summer, and into fall, depending on your climate. It is respectful to wait until after Beltane to begin harvesting dandelions, as they are some of the only food available to bees and other pollinators in early spring. After Beltane, there are usually enough flowering plants to support our pollinating friends :honeybee:

Dandelions can be selected casually for decorative or magickal use. If you want to collect dandelions to make something you (or others) are going to consume, a higher level of care will be required.

  • :mag_right: Be 100% sure the plant you are taking is a dandelion, as there are some dandelion look-alikes

  • :biohazard:Never take dandelions from places that have been sprayed with harmful chemicals or pesticides

  • :potable_water:Wash dandelions thoroughly prior to consumption

Picture from Canva

The flowers, leaves, and roots are the most popular parts of dandelions to harvest. When taking a few flowers and leaves from a collection of plants, you can leave the plants for others to enjoy. Dandelion roots are loaded with benefits, but by taking the root you remove the plant. As such, root harvesting should be done selectively and only in places where there is an abundance of dandelions.

Once you’ve collected your dandelions, it’s time to put them to use! Flowers and leaves can be enjoyed fresh as part of a salad or garnish. Roots are most often dried or roasted and then stored for tea or future use :jar:

Picture from Canva

Using Your Dandelions :raised_hands:

Looking for ways to use your dandelions? Here are a few suggestions!

Dandelion Recipes:

Dandelion Spells:

Keep your dandelion wisdom close at hand by collecting your copy of the dandelion printable page:

Spells8: Dandelion Printable Page

Have you used or eaten dandelions before?

Feel free to share your experiences, advice, and wisdom with fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed be and happy harvesting!

:basket: :blossom: :yellow_heart:


Thanks, love! I’ve got a great recipe to share to go with this!


Thank you! I have a yard full of dandelions! Bookmarking this so when I get to them this weekend I’ll know what to do with them!


I love danelions. Thanks for this very informative and helpful post. I give my altar a cup of danelion tea for bridgit.


I was just thinking about dandelions the other day because we have some in our yard! I remember talking here somewhere a while ago about dandelions and how they didn’t grow in Florida :joy: now that I’m in Maine, they’re everywhere :yellow_heart:


I have been obsessed with dandelions the last few years! I finally just made some dandelion syrup because I really wanted to taste it! I couldn’t find the honey and substituted with maple syrup. It’s tasted, but I mainly taste maple syrup. I’m waiting for the yard to grow back up so I can harvest another batch. I, of course, found the honey about 2 minutes after I’d used the syrup. Go figure.


oh geez lol that seems to be how it always works out :woman_shrugging: at least when they grow back you’ll get another try!

I got a good picture of a dandelion this morning :heart: I don’t know about harvesting any because I’m not sure what the previous owners used on the yard but they’re everywhere right now.


Ooh thank you for this! I love to forage in my yard and this is terrific inspiration to do it this weekend!


I get very tall dandelions. I’m not sure if they’re the actually dandelions. Can use them when they go to seed? When they’re white and puffy? Are there spells that call for that?


I’m sure you can use them for wish spells or sending messages across great distances! That’s what I think of when I think of using those dandelions like that. :yellow_heart:


The bucket of dandelion’s I dug up today!


@Amethyst I saw the dandelion honey ice cream recipe you shared, Amethyst - it’s awesome! :heart_eyes:

@Mystique What a harvest! Enjoy your beautiful dandelions, Mystique! :yellow_heart:

@celineelise What a lovely offering to your deity, I’m sure She enjoyed the dandelion tea :tea: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@MeganB Beautiful picture! :heart: I wonder if it was just too hot for dandelions down in Florida? I guess that’s saying something about how toasty it gets down there, since dandelions are pretty hardy! Either way, I’m glad you have some around you now. Enjoy them! :blossom: :blush:

@AileyGrey Dandelion syrup is a great sweetener substitute, it’s sweet and tasty and you also get the benefits of the dandelions! Sounds like it’s a good time of year to make another batch if you feel called to do so. Happy crafting, Ailey! :honey_pot: :sparkles:

@JadeMermaid_Lara You’re very welcome - happy foraging! :basket: :heart:

@Sivonnah Dandelions can get pretty big, but if the stems are really tall and thin it might be one of the look-alikes. But if they turn into those big puffy dandelion seed balls, yes - absolutely! I’m with Megan - you can use the dandelion seed heads for wish spells and manifestations :grinning: :+1:


Yeah, it has something to do with the heat and the humidity. It makes for a killer environment for dandelions, unfortunately. Now, I have them everywhere and they’re attracting the bumble bees! :honeybee: :heart:


Yay! Cheerful flowers and happy pollinators make for a bee-utiful space! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


There are more awesome recipes on that site, and info on foraging. It was very interesting!


I’m going to have to go forage around on the site you so kindly shared! :yellow_heart: :hugs: :basket:


I hope you find some interesting things!


Thanks for this wonderful information. I have a patch of grass in front of my house where they grow constantly. I actually just cut them all over the weekend…what a waste :person_facepalming: I’m sure they’ll grow back quickly! :rofl:.

In Scotland as children we used to call them Pee the Beds and legend had it that if you touched the yellow flower, you would wet the bed that night :laughing: :rofl: this is similar to the French pissenlit


@Amethyst Thank you! :yellow_heart: :blush:

@Cosmic_Curiosity I have no doubt they’ll be back before you know it - in fact, if you check the yard now, I bet you’ll already see some determined little guys trying to bloom again! They are extremely hardy :laughing:

That’s very funny :joy: And yes! It sounds like dandelions still have quite the reputation as a diuretic- I guess it makes it easy to remember that particular medical trait of the plant! :wink: :blossom:


In my youth, we had an odd game. Rub a dandelion flower under your chin. If it leaves a yellow mark, you will be fertile.