Here comes Scorpio Season ♏️🦂

Hello everyone,

It is that time where another Astrological Season is upon us. Scorpio Season begins on the 23rd of October. As usual, I have included my recommended activities for the season but have also given a forecast which looks at the planetary transits and aspects that will occur. This may give further insight as to what energies tonexpect throughout.

I hope this is of some use and/or interest to you…

This season brings a taste of scorpio traits to all of us, no matter what your sun sign is, although they will be felt most by Scorpios:

Astrologically, this is a very busy season. I have given a forecast of key transits and aspects that hopefully you will find helpful:

On October 23rd, the Sun enters the intense and transformative sign of Scorpio, marking the beginning of the new season. The energy of Scorpio encourages us to delve into the depths of our emotions and explore themes of transformation, regeneration, and mystery.

On October 24th, the Sun in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces. This aspect combines Scorpio’s intensity and Pisces’ intuition. It brings stability, discipline, and practicality to our lives. It’s a good time for planning, organising, and implementing strategies for long-term success. We should also confront limitations or fears that may be holding us back, using Scorpio’s transformative energy and Pisces’ intuitive guidance.

Mercury has a busy and impactful 10 or so days in Scorpio before it moves into Sagittarius:

On October 29th, Mercury in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. This aspect contrasts Scorpio’s deep and intense communication with Taurus’ need for material security. We may find ourselves overthinking, exaggerating, or becoming overwhelmed by information during this time. There is a need to find balance between the deep and probing nature of Scorpio and the optimism of Jupiter in Taurus. Don’t be too nosey but don’t also think things will happen because you want them to.

Later in the day, Mercury conjuncts Mars, still in Scorpio. This alignment intensifies our mental assertiveness, courage, and direct communication. It brings an increase in mental energy and drive, which can be channeled into focused and purposeful activities. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of impatience or heated arguments that may arise.

On November 4th, Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. We may experience sudden insights, unexpected news, or disruptions in communication. There may be tension between desire for stability and the need for change. It’s important to be open to new perspectives and ideas during this time as they may be for the best.

On November 7th, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. This aspect combines enhances intuition, creativity, and compassion in communication. We may find ourselves able to express ourselves more creatively and imaginatively. It’s a good time for artistic activities and spiritual exploration.

On November 9th, Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect supports investigative thinking, research, and uncovering hidden truths. It’s also an ideal time for introspection and self-analysis.

On November 11th, the Moon enters Scorpio for a short but impactful few days. This period brings emotional depth and heightened intuition. It encourages us to delve into our feelings and explore hidden aspects of our lives.

On the same day, Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. This aspect brings sudden bursts of energy, impulsive actions, or unexpected events. It’s essential to use this energy constructively and avoid unnecessary risks or conflicts. Later in the day, the Moon in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces. This aspect helps us stabilise our emotions and offers a sense of discipline and responsibility. It’s a good time to establish or strengthen our emotional boundaries.

On November 12th, the Moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. This aspect creates tension between our emotional needs and our desires for expansion and abundance. There may be an urge to overindulge or go to extremes in seeking emotional satisfaction. It’s important to find a middle ground and avoid impulsive or excessive behavior. This opposition calls for a balance between emotional fulfillment and practicality.

On November 13th, the Sun and Moon conjunct in Scorpio, marking the New Moon. It brings opportunities for self-reflection, personal transformation, and new beginnings. Following the conjunction, the Moon then opposes Uranus in Taurus, highlighting the clash between intense emotions and the desire for stability and security. It may bring unexpected emotional disruptions or a need for change. Next, the Moon conjuncts Mars, intensifying emotions, assertiveness, and drive. This may trigger strong desires, assertive actions, or conflicts. Use this energy constructively, avoiding power struggles and impulsivity. Use this energy to work towards your goals with determination.

Later on the same day, the Moon trines Neptune in Pisces. This enhances intuition, compassion, and spiritual sensitivity. It encourages a deep connection with your emotions and supports creativity, spiritual practices, and empathy towards others. Additionally, the Moon then sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect encourages you to dive deep into your emotions, release old patterns, and embrace your personalpower. This is a lot of conflicting energy coming your way. It will linger for a day or 2 so try to use it to youradvantage.

On November 17th, Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. This harmonious aspect combines Scorpio’s assertiveness with Pisces’ spiritual and intuitive qualities. It fosters artistic activities, empathy, cooperation, and a sense of unity. Use this energy to channel your assertiveness and drive into creative endeavors, spiritual practices, or compassionate actions.

Blessed be and happy scorpio season



Ooo… @Cosmic_Curiosity once again beautifully done & I will get it added to the Astrology Information post :hugs: I am a Scorpio :scorpius: sun but also have it quite a few other places within my chart :face_with_hand_over_mouth: So definitely has an influence in my life experience that way & of course the other water signs are hanging out in there too, just not quite so prominent.

I look forward to these posts as the astrological calendar moves along :blush: Thank you for sharing & putting them together! :revolving_hearts:


@Susurrus Scorpio is quite active on my chart too. I am a Taurus so Scorpio is my polar axis opposite sign bringing in personal wealth vs shared wealth. Taurus brings about my practicality but the polar axis with scorpio encourages me to explore my deep emotions. Taurus allows me to create a secure environment in which others can express their feelings comfortably. Taurus brings my like of sensual experiences while scorpio enhances this by allowing deep emotional.connection to these experiences.

I have Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in Scorpio. Pluto forms an opposition wirh the Sun and Mercury in Taurus and Saturn forms a square with my moon in Aquarius. so this water sign plays a huge role in my chart as it brings challenging aspects to both my sun and moon signs.

Thank you for kind comment and for also adding this to the astrology master post. Only 4 more signs and thats the complete collection.


Beautifully done @Cosmic_Curiosity as always! Looking forward to having the complete collection! :people_hugging: Thank you so very much!

With love :heart: and stars :stars: always


disney GIF

It’s my time! Actually… I think all of us moderators are Scorpio Suns :joy: @Francisco is the only one who’s not a Scorpio! :joy: I wonder what that says about the mod team… lol


I was about to say that I asked about joining the moderator team, too, and would have diluted that pool even more by being a Taurean if there was space for me.

Then I remembered I resonate with my moon sign more, and that’s… Scorpio. :joy:


I don’t know if it has something to do with my chart, but there’s something deeply delicious in the Scorpio energy… :smiling_face: :black_heart:


Aww, thank you. :wink:

Black is associated with Scorpio (as is deep red and purple) as it brings depth and power.

Way to list my favourite colours. :smile:


Also, as a Taurus, you have Scorpio in polarity, meaning that it can compliment or balance the traits of your sun sign. Is your sun in opposition to your moon?

Im a Taurus sun too and my love of nature and sensual things can lead to a deep emotional attachment to these, probably coming from Scorpio across the wheel.


It’s a complement and balance, I think. Reading my natal chart again…

It seems I’m doing the thing again where I realise I haven’t updated my mental image to show all my growth over the past three years. For example, I spoke to my psychologist recently, one I only started seeing this year, as the other moved. She asked me how my social anxiety was going, and I thought for a moment… “I don’t have any social anxiety,” I said. Shocked. It was gone, and I hadn’t even noticed it leave.

I just don’t have any supposedly “negative” trait of either side, I guess. I am a Taurus, just not intensely so, and I’ve never been stubborn in any real sense nor had much desire to be in nature. I am also a Scorpio, but I no longer look for an emotionally intense life in the obvious sense – it’s more akin to great connection and fulfilment. But if I cut out the parts that are no longer relevant and replace them with pieces from elsewhere, the picture becomes clearer:

You are a humanitarian who aims to treat everyone as equals.

Relationships and life experiences help her learn much about herself.

Because your ego and mind are usually on the same page, you possess abundant mental energy. You are always in a position to think about what you want, and in many ways, this is an interruption of the will. You are highly intelligent with a great drive to communicate with others. You invest a lot of pride in your intellectual capacities. You may not always listen as well as you speak, however, because you’re too busy thinking about what to say next! But you are very curious, and although you enjoy expressing yourself, you usually don’t dominate conversations completely.

Mercury in Gemini people are generally quick-witted. They can come across as somewhat scattered, and this is mainly due to their eclectic interests. They seem to know a little about everything.

Venus in Gemini people will try to win over the object of their affection with witty conversation, displaying just how much they “know,” and demonstrating their diverse interests. These lovers are playful – some might even call them a tease.

The protective nature of Cancer is best expressed when Mars in Cancer natives are turning the energy outward – when they are being the protectors of others.

And so on.

It seems I have much to reevaluate and unpack now that my life isn’t dominated by exhaustion and fear. This will take some time…


@Cosmic_Curiosity Thank you for this amazing post! I enjoy reading your posts about astrology and they are a very informative guide who triy to understand astrology on their own :pink_heart:

My brother is a Scorpio and I think I have to get him ready for the season :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I also have strong Scorpian energy in my chart. Aries Sun with Scorpio rising (hello double Mars energy), Pluto in Scorpio in 12th house and South Node, so here comes the party :partying_face: :partying_face:


Oh thats quite a lot.going on there…suggests you have a strong sense of self and are driven by passion for exploring the hidden or mysterious aspects of life. Lots of transformation, self-discovery, and letting go of old patterns to embrace new opportunities.


You have no idea! I used to have a colleague who his side job is an astrologist and he saw my chart was like “what on earth is going on here” he told me it was the first time meeting a 0° Aries in his life :rofl:

That hits home. It is spot on. I have lots of fire aspcets, I mean my moon is a Leo but all this energy come with a cost of burnout all the time. Never ceased to have a journey of redescovering myself and especially when it comes to the “mysterious, hidden, forbidden and spiritual” side of me.


It’s Scorpio season!!! :tada: :scorpion: :scorpius: :sparkles:

I have a bit of an overdose of Scorpio in my chart haha- I’m looking forward to the energy in the air this month! It’s time for some big changes and I am ready :muscle: :grinning:

“This season encourages you to dive in and explore a subject that interests you and learn all about it. It can be anything at all…”

I think I know what I want to study, but then again, there is such a long list of interesting things… I’ll have to pick just one or two! :laughing: :books: It’ll be a game of juggling time and responsibilities, but I’m excited to try :raised_hands:

Thank you so much for the in-depth astrological calendar and explanations of coming events, and for the amazing infographics with such great suggestions! I really love these seasonal updates- thank you, @Cosmic_Curiosity! :heart: :milky_way:

Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Scorpio season! :tada: :scorpius:


I would have to grab my chart for more of how they align, but the only Taurus :taurus: I have in my chart is Chiron :rofl: I know I have Mercury :astrology_mercury: & Uranus :astrology_uranus: in Scorpio :scorpius: too. Maybe… Ceres? I’ll have to take look :blush:

My son is a Taurus :taurus: :sun: & :full_moon: with Gemini :gemini: :arrow_up: So my opposite on the axis by :sun:


I’m Taurus Sun and Gemini Rising too! My moon is Aquarius though.

Chiron in Taurus is not a bad placement. It suggests the ability to heal others by helping them to connect with the Earth and use their senses. This may be difficult for you though. There may bena feeling of inadequacy or fear of loss. Focus on strengths, focus.on what you have and use your healing talents to help.others

I have Pluto, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio and all are retrograde! Scorpio actually.plays havoc on my chart with all of these retrograde planets and the fact they form oppositions and squares with other planets, including my Sun and Moon🤣


Oh Rx & Scorpio! I’ll have to look :face_with_monocle: My son’s chart is somewhere, but it was always something i noticed from when he was born, that even his birthdate is about a week after mine would be by 6 months.

When I have a few more minutes. I’ll grab the charts & see what’s where :rofl: I only have Jupiter :astrology_jupiter: Rx in my chart. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


6 of my planets are Rx on my chart!


Wow, lots of karmic and internal lessons in this life. Could that be a reason you turned into astrology and undertsanding the inner cosmos of a soul?

That is not something bad, you are just a unique person holding your luck in your hands :partying_face:

My Rxs are :astrology_mercury: in :pisces: 4thH :astrology_saturn: in :sagittarius: 1stH and :astrology_pluto: in :scorpius: 12thH


I think we’ve talked about this too :blush: @Cosmic_Curiosity, the number of Rx planets in one’s chart. I believe we went through Stelliums too! I know that Scorpio is in at least 3 places & my Jupiter :astrology_jupiter: is in Cancer Rx. :joy: I’m not sure about Pisces :pisces: in my chart, but my Chiron in Taurus :taurus: is definitely something that affects me.

I seem to be very grounding & I suppose healing… sometimes it feels motherly to others around me. I have had to learn to use boundaries more often than I was in that department. At the moment I have been figuring a lot out & also focusing on what I have & strengths… I’m trying to heal myself & use what I have learned from that to help others. I am also learning about boundaries needing to be put in place so I don’t put myself by the wayside. Again… it’s a thing I do. :laughing:

@stavroula thank you :smiling_face: I am definitely what you would call unique. I’m kind of juggling the luck at the moment while also trying to keep it from slipping through my fingers :rofl: I’m also curious now that you mention it if that has an effect on astrology & understanding for @Cosmic_Curiosity?

Have you thought about that at all as you have been learning & working on Astrology? Now I’m kind of thinking about it with myself :joy: