Merry meet!
This set of readings is for the astrological season of Aries in 2025. The season begins when the sun moves into Aries on the spring equinox on March 20th. Aries season will last for four weeks, until the Sun enters Taurus on April 19th.
Would you like some advice for the weeks ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to?
These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your this astrological season
When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:
The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
The position of the moon during key phases (Full, New, etc)
The current position of other planets in the Zodiac
Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)
Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it
Find My Sun Sign
Click here to find your sun sign
Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday!
Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).
- Aries : March 21 – April 19
- Taurus : April 20 – May 20
- Gemini : May 21 – June 20
- Cancer : June 21 – July 22
- Leo : July 23 – August 22
- Virgo : August 23 – September 22
- Libra : September 23 – October 22
- Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
- Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
- Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
- Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
- Pisces : February 19 – March 20
For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.
~ Horoscope Readings ~
For the astrological season of Aries
(Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, April 19)
Sun in : Aries
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Last Quarter in Capricorn
New Moon (Solar Eclipse) in Aries
First Quarter in Cancer
Full Moon in Libra
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Mercury : ↓↑ Aries, Pisces, Aries
Venus : ↓↑ Aries, Pisces
Mars : ↑ Cancer, Leo
Jupiter : ↑ Gemini
Saturn : ↑ Pisces
Uranus : ↑ Taurus
Neptune : ↑ Pisces, Aries
Pluto : ↑ Aquarius
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope
Celestial happenings in Aries this season:
- Sun enters Aries on March 20
- Venus (R) leaves Aries on March 27
- Aries New Moon & Solar Eclipse on March 29
- Mercury (R) leaves Aries on March 29
- Neptune enters Aries on March 30
- Mercury re-enters Aries on April 15
Tarot card drawn for Aries:
This is your season, Aries! As the first sign in the Zodiac cycle and a herald of new beginnings, it is fitting that your season is both the start of spring and the beginning of a new astrological year. The arrival of the Sun in your sign kickstarts a real party - the following weeks are going to be a rush of planets coming and going from your domain.
There is so much happening in your skies this month and in the world around you that it may be tough to keep track of it all. You may find it all too easy to get swept up in the rising and falling energies - from Mercury coming and going, to the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign, to the mighty Sun lording over it all. The energy is fun and exciting, but it’s also chaotic.
This season, enjoy everything going on, but don’t let yourself fall so deep into trouble that you can’t get out - keep your morals in your heart and don’t let anything force you to compromise the promises you’ve made with yourself. It is possible to have fun and let loose without straying from your path.
Celestial happenings in Taurus this season:
- Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus from March 30 - April 1
- Uranus remains in Taurus all season
Tarot card drawn for Taurus:
Aries season has stampeded in, and as it happens right next door, you can feel the waves of heat coming from your neighbor. Taurus is a steady, earth-aligned sign and the new changes brought by the season and new astrological year may cause some disturbances in your routine - but no worries! Give it time, and things will settle.
As the weeks of Aries season pass, know that you have the upright and steady presence of Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, at your side to give you ideas and help you think creatively. A lovely waxing crescent moon visits you, encouraging you to step forward and find ways to grow. Additionally, the Sun is making his way to your doorstep - as Aries season reaches its end, Taurus season is about to begin.
Celestial happenings in Gemini this season:
- Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini from April 1 - 3
- Jupiter remains in Gemini all season
Tarot card drawn for Gemini:
Aries season marks a new astrological year and a new season - it is kickstarted with an equinox, which marks a time of balance and equilibrium. Things have been a bit out of balance for you lately, Gemini, and as the new period begins, it may take some stabilizing before you’re able to find your footing.
Luckily, you’ve got the planet Jupiter upright and steady in your realm all season. The planet of good fortune encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and use your air-aligned traits to communicate with others and make new connections - just be sure to treat others with respect. Lying or injustices are looking to be punished harshly this season. If you start to feel discouraged, look up - a lovely waxing crescent moon will visit you in early April. She is growing in the sky, and encourages you to do the same - be true and shine bright in the coming weeks.
Celestial happenings in Cancer this season:
- First Quarter Moon in Cancer on April 5
- Mars leaves Cancer on April 17
Tarot card drawn for Cancer:
Aries season is a fiery burst of energy, kickstarting a new season and a new astrological year - for the water-aligned Crab, these changes can be disorientating. But although it may take a little time for you to settle in and feel at home with the shifts, rest assured that the pieces will fall into place.
Your ruling planet, the moon, will come to visit you in early April. As a first quarter, she is both a symbol of balance and a gentle push for you to keep going and growing on your path. At the end of the season, Mars - the fire-aligned planet of war - will leave your sign, giving you more space and a chance to cool down. There is hope in the distance, so hang in there, Cancer - the horizon is looking bright!
Celestial happenings in Leo this season:
- Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo from April 6 - 8
- Mars enters Leo on April 17
Tarot card drawn for Leo:
Aries season is here and you are resonating deeply with your fire-aligned sibling, Leos. The new season and new astrological year are a cause of excitement and promise for the bright Lion of the Zodiac, and you have a grand variety of opportunities in front of you - both things you can see, and possibilities that lurk behind the scenes. Paired with them is the arrival of a waxing gibbous moon, pushing you to shine at ever greater heights, and the arrival of fiery Mars - a planet of ambition.
All these influences can be a massive push, and there’s nothing wrong with jumping in and embracing the energy as you shine bright! Still, the spotlights can be blinding, and it’s important to hold tight to your values. Do not let anything compromise who you are or the larger goals you are working toward. Momentary pleasure is not worth sacrificing your end game. If you can stay sharp and be mindful, you’re all set to enjoy the many exciting things coming in the weeks ahead.
Celestial happenings in Virgo this season:
- Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo from April 8 - 10
Tarot card drawn for Virgo:
The Sun is far away in Aries, and here on the opposite side of the celestial heavens, things are dark and quiet for the Maiden of the Zodiac. A peaceful moment offers a good time to rest and reflect, and while those activities are recommended to an extent, they come with a word of caution. For the organized, grounded, and earth-aligned Maiden, it can be easy for thinking to devolve into worry and stress over the what-ifs and have-nots.
If you find yourself falling beneath the swords of your own mind, take a deep breath and step back. Light is coming your way in mid-April, so look to the skies and see a beautiful waxing gibbous moon. She is growing bigger and brighter on her journey to become full, and she is happy to share her encouragement with you. No matter the darkness, there are bright things to bring you joy over the coming weeks.
Celestial happenings in Libra this season:
- Full Moon in Libra on April 12
Tarot card drawn for Libra:
Aries is throwing a wild party for their season, but here on the exact opposite side of the Zodiac cycle, you have clear skies and peaceful quiet, Libra. The only visitor to your realm this season will be the moon, who will stop by at the end of the season. As if fuelled by the quiet energy you have been storing up, she will bloom in your hands as a lovely full moon.
This season is looking to be a good time for you to reflect and see beyond the surface, Libra. Your skies and your eyes are clear, allowing you to look past appearances and spot the truth. Be aware of those around you and whether their goals align with or contradict your own. Let the light of your beautiful full moon help illuminate the good from the troublesome, and carry you safely forward through the start of the new season.
Celestial happenings in Scorpio this season:
- Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio from April 13 - 15
Tarot card drawn for Scorpio:
Far away on the other side of the Zodiac cycle, Aries is having a wild party for their season. But here in the realm of Scorpio, the skies are dark and clear - the only visitor to your domain this season will be a waning gibbous moon in mid-April. As an ambitious sign associated with the emotional water element, it’s no surprise if you feel left out and even envious of the fun that others are having without you, Scorpio. Paired with the shrinking energy of your waning moon, you might find yourself feeling down and lacking energy.
Keep your chin up, though, because there’s hope! When your emotions get funky and you find yourself slipping into what-ifs and have-nots, remember the power you hold. You are the captain of the ship of your emotions and although it can take some determination, you are able to shift course. This month, rather than bemoan missed invitations or unhappy situations, consider making new memories - what skills can you learn? What passions might you pursue? Blaze a new trail forward and be proud of the things you can accomplish.
Celestial happenings in Sagittarius this season:
- Waning Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius March 20 - 22 and April 15 - 18
Tarot card drawn for Sagittarius:
The season begins and ends with the moon in your hands, Sagittarius. It is the astrological month of Aries - bringing an abundance of fire energy, which resonates wonderfully with a fellow fire-aligned sign such as yourself. With passion high and the moon guiding you in and out of the coming weeks, you are in a strong and controlled position this season.
That leads to the question - what will you do with the energy on your side this season? As a sign associated with expansion, this would be an excellent time for you to strengthen your knowledge or develop your skills. You might consider going deeper into topics or situations that you are involved in, or perhaps begin studying something new. There are many possibilities ahead, and people are looking to you as an example. Keep your head held high and stride forward - opportunities await you this season!
Celestial happenings in Capricorn this season:
- Last Quarter Moon on March 22
Tarot card drawn for Capricorn:
Aries season is a rush of fiery energy, but you’re only feeling a little bit of the quake over here in the domain of Capricorn. Your realm is peaceful and quiet this month, with the only visitor being the moon. As a lovely last quarter, she is a symbol of balance and stability. Her energies resonate well with the grounded earth-aligned Sea Goat.
For Capricorn, the coming weeks present a great opportunity. It is both a new season and the start of a new astrological year. From where you currently stand, the path is leading up to bigger and better things - especially when it comes to financial matters, material goods, and your work life. Good things are waiting up ahead, Capricorn - you just need to start climbing!
Celestial happenings in Aquarius this season:
- Waning Crescent Moon in Aquarius March 24 - 26
- Pluto remains in Aquarius all season
Tarot card drawn for Aquarius:
You stand at the top of a new season and a new astrological year, Aquarius, and what a view it is! Pluto, the planet of transformation, stays loyally upright and at your side this season. Their presence further enhances the shifts that are happening, allowing you to be more aware of the changes around you, and helping you to steer them in positive directions. As an intellectual air-aligned sign able to think outside the box, the coming weeks are full of possibilities for you.
Just be aware of the visitor to your realm - a lovely waning moon will stop by Aquarius toward the end of March. As a waning crescent, she urges you to approach any big decisions with caution. Don’t jump in blindly - you have the benefit of a sharp mind, so arm yourself with knowledge and be prepared. That way, you’ll be able to make the most of all the possibilities this season has to offer you.
Celestial happenings in Pisces this season:
- Sun leaves Pisces on March 20
- Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces March 26 - 28
- Venus (R) enters Pisces on March 27
- Mercury (R) enters Pisces on March 29
- Neptune leaves Pisces on March 30
- Mercury goes direct on April 7
- Venus goes direct on April 12
- Mercury leaves Pisces on April 15
- Saturn remains in Pisces all season
Tarot card drawn for Pisces:
Pisces season has come to an end and the Sun has moved into neighboring Aries - but if you thought you could catch a break, Pisces, then I’m afraid you’re in for a surprise. The coming weeks are an absolute explosion of energy in the realm of the Fish - with planets coming, going, and then running back into your watery domain like children at a swimming pool. There are retrogrades and planets going upright so fast and so close together that the influences of one wash over the next, creating a conflicting medley of energies.
It is a lot for anyone to handle, most of all the quiet and dreamy Fish who just got through the high energies of your own astrological season last month. The coming weeks and the big seasonal shifts may have you clinging on, trying to weather the many happenings. Be gentle on yourself this month, more than ever - there are a lot of higher forces playing in your space that are out of your control. Don’t be afraid to step back and sink into your inner sanctuary if you need to. And if you can, enjoy any blessings that come - it’s a wild time, but it, too, will pass.
Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is both a prominent outer influence and the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! Feel free to use the resources in the Astrology Master Post to explore your full natal chart
Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- wishing you a blessed month!