🔭 Your Horoscope Reading for Pisces Season (Feb 18 - Mar 20)

Merry meet!

This set of readings is for the astrological season of Pisces in 2025. The season begins when the sun moves into Pisces on February 18th. Pisces season will last for four weeks, until the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, marking the equinox and the start of a new astrological year.

Would you like some advice for the weeks ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to? :eyes:

~ Welcome to Horoscope Readings! ~

These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your this astrological season :crystal_ball:

When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:

  1. :scroll: The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
  2. :sun: The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
  3. :crescent_moon: The position of the moon during key phases (Full, New, etc)
  4. :ringer_planet: The current position of other planets in the Zodiac
  5. :sparkles: Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)

Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it :star2:

Find My Sun Sign

Click here to find your sun sign

Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday! :birthday:

Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).


  • Aries : March 21 – April 19
  • Taurus : April 20 – May 20
  • Gemini : May 21 – June 20
  • Cancer : June 21 – July 22
  • Leo : July 23 – August 22
  • Virgo : August 23 – September 22
  • Libra : September 23 – October 22
  • Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
  • Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
  • Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
  • Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
  • Pisces : February 19 – March 20

For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.

~ Horoscope Readings ~

For the astrological season of Pisces
(Tuesday, February 18 - Thursday, March 20)

:astrology_sun: Sun in : Pisces

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

:astrology_moon: Moon:
Last Quarter in Sagittarius
New Moon in Pisces
First Quarter in Gemini
Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) in Virgo

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

:astrology_mercury: Mercury : ↑↓ Pisces, Aries
:astrology_venus: Venus : ↑↓ Aries
:astrology_mars: Mars : ↓↑ Cancer
:astrology_jupiter: Jupiter : ↑ Gemini
:astrology_saturn: Saturn : ↑ Pisces
:astrology_uranus: Uranus : ↑ Taurus
:astrology_neptune: Neptune : ↑ Pisces
:astrology_pluto: Pluto : ↑ Aquarius

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope


:aries: Aries

Stay strong, Aries! Venus, the planet of beauty, has been hanging out in your realm - but she suddenly decides she’s had enough of being mainstream, and goes retrograde in your sign, breaking the uniform alignment of the upright planets. She’s a trendsetter because on March 3rd when Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your sign, he sees Venus being rebellious and also wants in. Mercury will flip into retrograde in your sign on March 14th.

Venus and Mercury flip-flopping like kids cartwheeling may leave you spinning, causing fluxations in your self-confidence and ability to communicate with others. But don’t fret - light is on the way. As Pisces season draws to a close, the Sun waits on your doorstep. A new astrological year and your season are both about to begin with the arrival of the equinox on March 20th. If you can ride the waves and hang in there, bright things are on the horizon.

Tarot Card : Strength


:taurus: Taurus

You’ve been working your way through some challenges, Taurus, and things are starting to look up. As the final sign in the Zodiac cycle, Pisces marks the end of one cycle and the start of the next. Although change can be difficult for the steady Bull, the shift is looking to be a positive one for you - the hard times are in the past, and you’re rising up.

In your skies is Uranus - a curious planet of eccentricity - who remains upright and stable in your sign all season. Uranus is an air-aligned planet whose creative energies might sometimes cause friction for the earth-aligned Bull, but right now, that energy of movement is what you need. Take this season by the horns and keep moving forward - you’re well on your way to better times ahead.

Tarot Card : The Tower, Reversed


:gemini: Gemini

Wake up, Gemini! As Pisces season brings the astrological year to an end, it’s natural for an intelligent air-aligned sign such as yourself to feel a pull toward reflection. But while some rest and nostalgia are okay, it’s important to not let yourself sink too deep. A new astrological cycle is about to begin, and it’s time for you to get moving!

This season, look for a beautiful First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 6th, symbolizing balance and steady growth. Additionally, you’ve got luck on your side as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, remains upright and steady in your sign all season. This is the time to put plans in place, take some calculated chances, and kickstart a new cycle - the world is waiting, Gemini, get out there and enjoy it!

Tarot Card : Four of Swords, Reversed


:cancer: Cancer

Buckle in, Cancer - Mars, the planet of war, who has been hanging out in your sign in retrograde will go upright on February 23. With the firey planet back on track, situations that were stalling or blocked may suddenly go full-steam ahead. This is also true for difficulties in relationships or arguments, as things kept beneath the surface may come to light.

Mars going upright kickstarts something powerful as, for just a few days, all of the planets across the solar system will be upright. There’s a lot of energy in the air and possibilities abound, but keep your goals and morals close to heart before you make any big decisions. Luckily, the energy of Pisces season is a match with your own water-aligned energy. If things get scalding, know that it’s okay to take a step back, retreat into your shell, and wait for emotions to settle before you take action.

Tarot Card : Queen of Wands, Reversed


:leo: Leo

The skies are quiet for Leo this season, and a dark stage can be pretty dull for the bright Lion. Additionally, the energy of Pisces season is strongly water-aligned, which can be dampening for the fire-aligned Lion. The coming weeks may be a battle when it comes to keeping your motivation strong and making progress.

That being said, you have some boosts on your side. A lovely Waxing Gibbous moon will come to visit you on March 10th. Growing brighter, she is a symbol of increase and staying strong in the dark. On the horizon, the Sun is about to tip into Aries, a fellow fire sign and the start of a brand new astrological year. If you can keep the spark of your motivation alive, Leo, there are promising things ahead!

Tarot Card : Page of Pentacles, Reversed


:virgo: Virgo

Welcome to the end of the astrological year, Virgo! Pisces marks the completion of one cycle and the start of something new. For you, this is going to mean taking a hard look at your current baggage and letting go of what needs to be left behind. After all, Virgo is tied to the 6th House of wellbeing and often finds themselves looking after others - in your duty to help, you often carry the burdens of others. It’s time to leave old things behind.

This is further mirrored in your skies this season. A beautiful Full Moon will blossom in your realm on March 14th, but the glory of the moon is overshadowed by the Sun, causing a Lunar Eclipse. Your own ability to shine is currently being blocked by the extra weight you’re carrying. Take a hard look and use your organizational skills and grounded nature as an earth sign to cut back on unnecessary burdens. Release what no longer serves you so that you can welcome the new astrological cycle feeling refreshed and energized.

Tarot Card : Ten of Wands, Reversed


:libra: Libra

It’s looking to be a quiet month for Libra, with no major planets moving through your skies. Pisces is a water-aligned sign associated with dreams, so Pisces Season can naturally cause reflection and a desire to swim through dreamy possibilities. It’s okay to daydream a bit, but be sure not to sink too far into your desires, Libra.

A lovely Waxing Gibbous Moon will come to visit you in mid-March. Having just blossomed as the Full Moon and now beginning her journey of rest, she is a symbol of letting go. It would be wise to mirror your moon this month, Libra. As the astrological cycle comes to an end, prepare to step away from nice dreams and let go of unrealistic desires. Use the humble light of the moon to set your course toward the goals you can achieve and the things that truly matter to you. With a clear head and crisp priorities, you’ll be in a good place to start the new astrological cycle.

Tarot Card : The Devil


:scorpius: Scorpio

Stay on track, Scorpio! Pisces Season matches your water-aligned energy, but it also brings a strong pull toward complacency and daydreams. Getting stuck is not what the Scorpion needs right now - not with so much to do and so many goals to achieve. This season, be aware of where you are directing your time and energy. Are you indulging in whims and losing yourself in pleasant thoughts, or are you taking active steps toward your goals?

If you feel lost, look to the sky - a lovely Waxing Gibbous Moon will come to visit you at the end of the season. Her soft light is decreasing, reminding you that it’s okay to release ideas, relationships, and situations that aren’t serving you. As the waters of Pisces Season recede and the fiery energy of a new astrological year arrives, lean into your powers of transformation. If you can stay on track, you’ll be in a good place to welcome the new astrological cycle.

Tarot Card : The Emperor, Reversed


:sagittarius: Sagittarius

This season is a game of staying steady for you, Sagittarius. The season sweeps in as you hold the moon in your hands - she is a Last Quarter Moon, symbolizing balance. She’ll leave and the weeks will whirl by, bringing a slew of happenings and possibilities. Don’t let yourself get too caught up in the day-to-day things - remember to keep your eye on the horizon and your long-term goals!

Just as Pisces Season begins to come to an end, the moon will return to your sign. A cycle of the moon has passed and so too has the cycle of the astrological year. You’ll hold the moon as the new period begins and the Sun leaps into fellow fire-sign Aries. If you can keep your sights steady and not let the small things blow you off course, you’ll be in a good position as the season ends and a new astrological cycle begins.

Tarot Card : Knight of Swords, Reversed


:capricorn: Capricorn

As Pisces Season begins to develop, a lovely Waning Crescent Moon sign will come to visit you, Capricorn. She is symbolic of the changes in the air - Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac cycle, and this season heralds a shift from one cycle into a brand new one. For the creative and hard-working Sea Goat, this is an opportunity that you don’t want to miss.

Aside from the quick visit by the moon, your skies are quiet this season - offering you the opportunity to think clearly and make plans. Use this season to lay the framework for the new cycle that is about to begin. Take an especially close look at your work and career relationships - how would you like things to develop? What advancements or promotions would you like to achieve over the next 12 months? The plans you make now can become a roadmap to success in the coming year.

Tarot Card : Three of Pentacles


:aquarius: Aquarius

The Sun has said goodbye and moved into neighboring Pisces - the season of The Fish has arrived. As a sign with leadership tendencies, the sudden quiet after the excitement of your season may leave you feeling a little somber, Aquarius. All the energy of your season has settled down and the only visitor remaining is Pluto, the planet of transformation.

Look to Pluto’s energies to help you through this period. Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac cycle and as the time of the dreamy Fish passes by, the clouds will part and a brand new astrological year will begin from the top. So rather than sink into seasonal gloom or let dissatisfaction spark conflict, keep your clever mind focused on what will come. A new period brings new opportunities, new relationships, and plenty of ways to put your creativity to good use. Hang in there, Aquarius!

Tarot Card : The Lovers, Reversed


:pisces: Pisces

The Sun has arrived in Pisces - this is your season! And what an occasion it is - as if to celebrate your month, your skies are erupting with visitors. The glow of the brilliant Sun will be mirrored by a New Moon in your sign at the end of February. The duality of sun and moon in combination can bring a vortex of energies - sometimes complimentary, and other times contradictory.

Saturn and Neptune are sticking around for the excitement. Both the planet of structure and your ruling planet of dreams will remain upright and dependable in your sign all season. With them in position, you may yourself going through phases of productivity matched with moments of introspection and dreams. While Mercury, the planet of communication, will stick around for a while, it will eventually excuse itself and depart your realm for neighboring Aries in early March. This herlads the slow but eventual shift of the Sun, who will follow - bringing an end to your season and the finale of the astrological year.

Whew! That’s a lot going on for any sign, but most especially the quiet Fish. As an intuitive water-aligned Zodiac who prefers the sanctuary of their own waters to the craziness of the world at large, all of these celestial visitors and their sometimes contradictory influences can be a lot to handle. Embrace and enjoy your season, Pisces, but don’t hesitate to take a step back and have some alone time when you need it. This month, digging in can only get you so far - sometimes, what you really need is some wholesome rest.

Tarot Card : Nine of Wands, Reversed

Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is both a prominent outer influence and the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! To help you explore your full natal chart, you can use the many resources in the Astrology Master Post :star:

Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- wishing you a blessed month!



A bit late on these this month - apologies!

Hope everyone has a blessed season of The Fish :fish: :sparkles:


A perfect message for me this season, Bry :consecrate_spell: thank you, as always!


Trying my best! Thank you for this reading :pink_heart:


@MeganB and @Artemisia - You’re both welcome! :heart:


Leo here! Whew! Kind of the opposite of what I need to happen right now, but here we go! I’ll strap in and remember to give myself some grace!


Leo, here. I choose to use this quiet time for peace and harmony. I get easily addicted to human contact and/or being out and about. Now that the chores are done for a while, I can settle in and redefine myself in a more balanced manner, do some self care, and chillax a bit.

Now to pull out the gif @MeganB uses for breathing when choosing a tarot card. :purple_heart:

Thank you @BryWisteria! :purple_heart::purple_heart: