Hi everyone :D

My posts linked twice in one thread? Something’s going on. :rofl:

Ooh. Lilith things! :black_moon_lilith:

Okay, well… First of all…

Welcome, @ignis! It’s lovely to meet you. :black_heart:

I’m Katerina, and I currently reside in Australia with my partner and two cats. :smile:

Anyway, if you’re looking for more information on Lilith, well… Actually, she’s a bit difficult to pin down. :thinking: To many, she’s a goddess, to many she’s a “demon” or succubus, to many, she has many various aspects which encompass those and more.

But somewhere to start are the masterposts.

Her posts are compiled in the “Other Deities” one here:

And in our Demonolatry one here:

But you will likely find others floating around, too. For example, we talk about her in our thread about working with blood in magick, if that’s something you might be interested in:


As for my personal journey towards her, I wrote a bunch about that here, in case you’re curious. :black_heart: