đź“– Spells8 Book Club XXXIX (Jun 7 - Jul 5)

Welcome to all of the witchy book-lovers here in the forum!

:books: :mage: :heart:

Thank you again to everyone who joined in for last month’s reading session! For those who haven’t yet shared their thoughts about their book (or anyone who enjoys reading book reviews!) you still have time to do so in :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXXVIII - Readers’ Reviews

As of today, the 39th book club reading session has now begun !

spells8 book club

On Your Mark, Get Set, READ! :books:

  1. Begin by announcing your book
    The first post below is an editable wiki post- add your book title and name to the list! (instructions below)

  2. Know that you have [[ 4 weeks ]] in this reading session
    While it is great if you can finish your book during this time, it is okay if you break it into chapters or sections- do as much as you can and know that doing your best is always good enough!

  3. As you’re reading, feel free to share your thoughts!
    You are very welcome to share any thoughts or tidbits while you read in the comments below or in a new post in the forums. Just save the best parts for the final discussion at the end of the reading period!

  4. Join the final discussion
    After four weeks, a discussion post will open encouraging all readers to share a review of their book and any personal thoughts they have about it. A mini-review is perfectly fine, and there will be a suggested format for anyone who would like to write a longer review.

Picture from Canva

A note about sharing books:

While everyone is free to choose their own book, you may consider reading along with someone else ! It is fun to share thoughts and insights about different books and even more exciting to do in-depth about a book with fellow readers :handshake:

If the book you plan to read is already on the list below, add your name to the list of others reading that book! Please keep in mind that everyone will reconvene and chat together in the Reader’s Reviews discussion, regardless of which book you read :books:

Not sure what to read?

You can find book recommendations in:

And also:

Reading on a budget?

Free online books can be found in:

Picture from Canva

If you have any questions about Book Club, please feel free to check the Book Club FAQ and/or ask in the comments.

Blessed be and happy reading!

:sparkles: :open_book: :sparkles:


~~ ~~ ~~ This post is a WIKI POST- it is editable by everyone! ~~ ~~ ~~

Please announce your books here :blush:


  • Book Title by Author
    (@) your username

Out of respect to others, please only add/edit your own entry

  • Ambrosia’s Book of Witch Flight by Jasmyne Ambrosia

  • Midsummer by Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials

  • Artemis Virgin Goddess of the Sun and Moon by Sortia D’Este

  • Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Taylor @Amethyst

  • The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Fairies by Skye Alexander @Mystique

  • Icelandic Folk Tales by Hjorleifur Helgi Stefansson @tracyS

  • Chronicles of the Celts: The Classic Sagas by Iain Zaczek @Amaris_Bane

  • Tyr: The Origins and History of the Norse God of Law, War, and Justice by Andrew Scott and Charles River Editors (CRE) @Amaris_Bane

  • Freya: Meeting the Norse Goddess of Magic by Morgan Daimler (Pagan Portals series) @Amaris_Bane

  • Lugh: Meeting the Many-Skilled God by Morgan Daimler (Pagan Portals series) @Amaris_Bane

  • Capricorn Witch by Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Maria Wander @BlueAngelite

  • Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers and Other Pagans in America by Margot Adler (I’m reading chapters 10-13) @BlueAngelite

  • Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman @celineelise

  • The Little Book of Mushrooms by Alex Dorr @Nhaama

  • The Crystal Witch by Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenway @Nhaama

  • The Teen Witches’ Guide to Manifesting Written by Claire Phillip and Illustrated by Luna Valentine @TheMuslimWitch

  • The Magus of Strovolos By Kyriacos Markides** @Jeannie1


For anyone who has trouble with adding their entry to the wiki post above, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do so:

→ How to Edit a Wiki Post (with pictures!)

If you’ve read the instructions but are still having a tough time- no stress at all! For anyone who prefers, I am happy to add you in. Just write your book title and author in a normal post and I will take care of it :blush:

Blessed be! :heart:


Weee I’m still reading Jasmyne Ambrosia’s book :sob: I need more time in my life


I’m on academic reading strike this month. I’m reading Twisted Tales by Disney, :person_facepalming: my brain hurts lol :rofl:


Story of my life. :sob: Let’s join brains and come up with a time-stop spell! Or one to let us function without sleep. I really need something. :rofl:


Cheers to this - I’m with you and @starborn! Couldn’t bear to give up any sleep lol, but I’m all aboard for a time-stop spell! :handshake: :grin:

Ohhh exciting! Hope it’s a fun read for you - enjoy it, Tracy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve been struggling with my reading lately, there’s just so much going on this time of year! I also, like a fool, signed up for two ARCs (thinking I wouldn’t get them) and I got them both - so now I need to figure out how to get those done. The whole “too many books, not enough time” thing has never been more true! :laughing:

I gotta make a plan and get reading! :books: :eyes:

Hope everyone’s books are wonderful for you - enjoy them! :heart:


What’s an ARC? :black_heart:


ARCs are “Advanced Reader Copies” - they are given out by the author/publisher right before the book is released. They are offered for free to interested readers in exchange for honest reviews. This helps give the book a boost when it’s released to the public, and fans get to read it first for free - it’s a win-win! :grinning:

ARCs are different than Alpha reads (when the book is in its early draft stage) and Beta reads (when the book is further along, but still in the works). ARCs are supposed to be just about ready for print, although there may be a couple of typos missed by the proofreader.

:books: :blush:


How do you sign up for those? I would love doing that!


Same. Me too :blush:


@Mystique and @tracyS If you have a favorite author, I’d recommend signing up for their email newsletter and following them on social media! Authors (Indie authors and self-publishers especially) tend to put out calls for those interested in ARCs in the months before release.

Alternatively, there are a few sites that connect authors to readers who want ARCs (or even to be Beta readers). I got the two ARCs I have right now direct from the authors, but I’m also experimenting with a site called Book Sirens - I haven’t used it to get an ARC yet, but you can choose books/genres you are interested in.

If you decide to do ARC reading, I hope you can be connected with some interesting books to review! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thankyou :grin: :heartpulse:


There’s another site I’ve used before called NetGalley - it requires an account but you can request ARCs from bigger publishers, too!


Thank you! :purple_heart:


@tracyS and @Mystique - You’re welcome! :heart:

I’ve heard about NetGalley but haven’t tried it yet - sounds like it’s worth looking into! :eyes: :two_hearts: (Later, though - I need to get through the books I already signed up for first haha)


Thanks for ARC tips @ MeganB and @BryWisteria


@celineelise :hugs: :heart: :books:


With a switch to new deities, I have several books on my TBR related to them. These four are my current reads. I may add more if I finish them before this round. I’ve always had a love for mythology so I’ll likely devour these quickly. :slight_smile:


I’m joining this book club a little late - but I’m eager to finally finish Drawing Down the Moon - it’s been a multi-month read. :sweat_smile: And this final month, I’m reading Chapters 10-13.

I’ve also thrown a new book that I pre-ordered from Llewellyn that finally arrived, Capricorn Witch. So far, it’s okkkkk? But I’m not blown away. Maybe it will be a little reference book - heavy on astrology. :capricorn: