I’m actually in the process of making black salt .
I use natural sea salt and pink Himalayan
Mixed with my charcoal burnt leftovers
I love doing this , it strengthens me.
That’s great now your fingers and hands will be charged with lots of intentions! Yeaha!
I worked with my Witches Runes they are made of citrine. I bought the theme because I like citrine and it was gifted to me once. So I decided to work with citrine. I am Libra too!
Citrine Meaning!
Runes/ past, present & future](Runes/ past, present & future)
I decided to make a sacred space before I cast my runes and mediate and cast a circle of protection before I read my stones!
Intuitive knowledge and psychic abilities in regards to family matters. I am protected “I am strong”
Othala-Meaning property inheritance family heritage possessions and sisters family & traditions
Wunjo- Happiness joy pleasure success harmony fulfilling relationships bliss and optimism
Thank you
Blessed be!
Awesome information about salt!!! Not everyone knows that it’s a crystal!!!
That’s a great point to make your own black salt!!! I love doing that!! Thanks so much for the info
I love this!!! It’s amazing! I love the runes and I love your altar cloth!!! Thanks @Jeannie1
OMG Jeanie, every time I think I have a handle on Altar envy somebody puts up an Altar that actually takes my breath. Sigh
PS this is my envy dragon
For my challenge entry I chose to give gratitude to my favorite stone: The Tiger Eye. When I began my path with crystals and stones, the first one I purchased was a citrine ball, which is gorgeous in its own rights. Then I ordered a Tigers Eye bracelet. From the moment I removed it from the box I felt an immense sense of strength. I struggle with anxiety and OCD so chaos within my mind and body at times was a daily occurrence. When I began wearing my Tigers Eye bracelet it felt as though I had a rein on all that rustling chaos. Amazingly enough if I didn’t wear it, I would feel exposed; almost as my bracelet was like putting armor on. It is with me every day, I remove it to shower and only then.
My crystal/stone collection is small but expanding, but this one will always be my favorite companion.
Blessed Be,
Eeekkk… @Rowan my all time favorite stones are the Tiger’s Eye stones. I have a bit of all 3 but the golden tiger’s eye has my heart first. I had no idea it was your favorite too! That’s awesome! Yay!
Wow, your tigers eyes are gorgeous! I bought a complete set of crystal recipes if you will.
I hope this helps too.
Thank you! @Garnet
I love Tigers Eye Rowan,
Definitely a great stone to have.
Thank you Christina and Garnet for your compliments
@Jeannie1 beautiful Altar. Looks so tranquil and inviting.
Blessed be.
How beautiful! Looking at this, it’s becoming apparent to me that constructing altars and altar arrangements is an art form, a type of creative self-expression as well as a spiritual practice.
I get exactly what you mean. I find the process of putting together my altar satisfies my arty side as well as my spiritual side, and to be quite therapeutic.
Yes I likely pretty things, but there’s a purpose behind it that feeds my craft
This really has nothing to do with the challenge but I heard there was a store nearby that had “the largest amethyst in Michigan”. I’ve seen bigger amethyst online but never in person. I thought I would share. There was also something that reminded me of a cauldron sitting nearby.
This same store has rose quartz balls as big as my head but I didn’t take pictures of them. Apparently both crystals are found throughout Michigan and into Canada.
I think the price on this said 26000! It was a lot.
Thank you, for your admiration!
Wow that is extremely beautiful!!
What a beautiful challenge. As a crystal collector and enthusiast, I really feel the energy that crystals emits. Each one of them have their own vibration and resonance that contributes to the holistic process.
Since I started my collection, I felt connected to Selenite. As we know, Selenite is a very high-vibration stone. It is a variety of gypsum. It promotes communication with the higher self and the Divine, sparks inspiration, and cleanses and purifies energies.
Other stones that I normally use in my practice is Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye and Black Tourmaline. Each has its own purpose.
Amethyst is my go to crystal for intuition and inner insight, supports a restful night sleep, and enhances psychic abilities.
Rose Quartz is for self love and any form on Love related energies.
Amazonite is well known for its calming and soothing energy, helps to relieve stress. Other stones that promote this calming effects are Aquamarine, and Blue Lace Agate.
Green Aventurine, Citrine and Pyrite can be use to attract abundance and prosperity when use all together also they can assist with Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra unbalances. Tiger’s Eye enhances personal power, strengthen the sense of self and boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.
Black Tourmaline, like any other black stone such as Black Obsidian, Jet, Apache Tears, Snowflake Obsidian, promotes protection from low frequency energies, transform negative energy to positive, grounding and offers psychic protection. As common practice, I place a piece of black tourmaline and selenite above my entrance door to absorbe unwanted energies coming in. I also keep them together in my altar as well as next to my bed.
My favorite stones are Moonstone and Sunstone. Each represent the masculine and feminine energy. When I work with them, both of the together help me balance both energies.
As far as I know, Malachite is a great stone for protection and one of my favorites to carry with me as a bracelet or pendant. It provides spiritual and energetic protection, it allows me to overcome phobias and fears, helps me communicate better and boost my moral overall.
I have a quite extensive collection of unique stones such as Larimar, Lemurian Quartz, Optical calcite, chrysocolla, and chrysoprase.
Crystals and gemstones have open my mind to the infinite posibilite and connection with Mother Earth. I feel connected to her through them. They have aid me overcome my fears, let go of my anger and enhance and accept my intuition overall. I decided to follow the path of the pagan because I felt that love is more important than being limited and discriminated. I still get emotional and exited to acquire new crystals and learn from them.
Thank you for allowing me to share my knowledge. I really feel exited to keep learning from them everyday.
Whoa mama! They’re amazeballs!!! I’ve never seen one that big in person!!! Just online.
I agree, that crystals can be a type of art especially when someone uses a grid or even an alter to get closer to them. I can’t wait to get my mojo bag I am going to get my mojo bag at the witch’s cottage it’s from Salem. They have rabbit for they have bobcat for and also wolf fur.Mojo bags at the witches cottage in salem
I like putting my crystals on my moon shelf! Sometimes I move them around the house. Since Francisco posted the map for the crystal’s I think I am going to do incorporate some crystals on the north side, east side, south side, and west side of all the houses. In my living room, my room the bathroom ect!
I like a cleansing theme in smoke and or in the moonlight to cleanse them of any kind of energy they are holding.
Well, I wanted to share with you all my new deck I got, it’s called Mystic Monday’s The crystal grid and 80 card deck to charge your intentions by grace Doung.
It comes with this nice poster
I did the build your own style
So there will be a crystal on the top of the card and on the reverse side it will explain
sulfur volcanic, progress, and Inventive
source from volcanic areas, sulfur is an excellent companion for bottled up emotions that can manifest as skin conditions, fevers, and emotional outbursts. So far has a negative electrical charge, allowing it to absorb toxicity and destruction from your surroundings. Sulfur also brings to light In your landscape highlighting your shadows to clear the path for renewal. This opens up awareness of triggers that can cause irruption placing consciousness in action. Sulfur is a card of Leo and is also a sunstone
Mary I am glad you got to pamper yourself!
That is awesome!
Blessed be!