🙌 WITCH CHALLENGE - Creative Magick

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for the previous Witchy Challenge - Purify & Cleanse :sacred_flame:

Now that our spaces are nice and cleansed, it’s time to dig in and get our hands our dirty! This challenge is all about getting crafty in the Craft :raised_hands:

The theme for this challenge is…

:art: :notes: Creative Magick :writing_hand: :yarn:

Arts and crafts and handiwork fun -
how do you bring creativity into your Craft?

Calling all Art Witches, Creative Crafters, Word Wizards, and more - it’s time to let your creativity run wild!

Creative magick is an umbrella terms that encompasses any form of creativity within your practice. This includes spells and rituals to boost creativity and help you get things done. Creative magick can also be the ways that someone expresses their spiritual practice - which can be through mediums such as writing, altar decoration, music, painting, singing, dancing, and more.

How you choose to cast for creativity and/or express your spiritual practice in creative ways is up to you. Show off your skills and find inspiration with your creative coven this week!

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This challenge is about creative magick - how you choose to take on this theme is up to you.

So are you ready? Because it’s…



From Spells8: How to Make Your Witch’s Wand

Crafts & Creative Expression :woman_mage:

This challenge is all about creative magick - as always, feel free to explore the theme in a way that aligns with you and your unique practice.

Still not sure where to begin? To help you get started, here are a few suggested spells and other ways in which a witch might approach this challenge.

Please make sure you are logged into your Spells8 Account so you can view all of the resources shared!

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Summoning Creativity :magic_wand:

Creative Succes Spell with Tarot Cards

Affirmations for Creativity, Inspiration, and Motivation

Boost Your Energy and Motivation Spell

How to Use Crystals for Energy and Motivation

Meet the Gods and Goddesses of Creativity

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Magickal Crafts :thread:

Green Witch Crafts: Using Dried Lavender

DIY Witch’s Apothecary: Crafts & Recipies

Art Witches: Add Art to Your Witchcraft

Creative Writing Tarot Spread for Character Development

Make Your Own Travel Altar

Creative Ways to Use Old Herbs & Spices

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…And More! :raised_hands:

The suggestions above are just a few ideas to help kickstart your creativity. If you feel called to explore the challenge theme in another way, you are welcome to do so.

Pictures by @MeganB, shared in Pictures of Handmade Tools

How to Join the Challenge :trophy:

In order for your entry to be counted, all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please clearly write that it is your entry so I know to count it! :pray:

Where Do I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here to learn where to share your challenge entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new post in the forum (this is good for when you have a lot to share and/or would like to discuss aspects of your entry not related to the current theme)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Click here for a note for our lovely lurkers

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge. For those who would like the challenge prizes, please know that you will need to share your experience if you want to receive a prize and a public shout-out.

Don’t feel comfortable sharing? No fear! For lurkers and those who are shy, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge on the sidelines. At the end of the day, these challenges are here to help you help yourself by expanding and enhancing your personal magickal practice. I hope they can be helpful for you!

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 13 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, February 25 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums the day the challenge closes.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

From Spells8: Make Your Own ‘Four Thieves Oil’

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team.

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

From Spells8: Magickal Journalling Prompts

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Bring out your talents - this is your sign
To express your passion and let your joy shine
Through spells or art or words or more
Release your creativity, let yourself soar!

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Blessed Be! :raised_hands: :sparkles:


Now we’re talking! I’ve been in such a creative slump the past 10 months and it’s been stifling.

I have a few ideas already for this challenge and given it’s two weeks, I might be able to get a few done! :crossed_fingers:


Well, this kind of perfectly aligns with something I’ve already been doing :laughing: On the Full Moon, I’ll be cleansing and blessing a baby blanket I made before sending it off to the momma!


Ooh! This sounds fun!


Oh I can’t wait to dive into this when I have more time. I’m a writer, I love to draw, and I create macrame jewelry. I have felt like I have some sort of creative block, especially when it comes to my writing, so I’m looking forward to seeing what progress I can make freeing that up. Thanks for this!


Does this have to be something we do this week, or can it be something we have done in the past? I have a rather lovely macrame owl I made last summer, but he’s now on the wall by my altar/desk.


It’s funny how it works, me too! :joy: I have a small group I’ve been attending from the beginning of the year, that started as a “spiritual therapy group”, and has been evolving more and more into a proper circle of witches :black_heart:

We’ve been doing quite a bit of dancing, and in addition to that I discovered the magic of crayons! :crayon: The beauty of them for me is how they encourage me to just draw, not getting hung up on details, techniques or anything. The result is usually both raw and cute at the same time :smile_cat:

I drew one picture intuitively and had another drawn for me. It turned out that what I drew is a part of a manifesting sequence, I drew “past”, what remains to draw is “present” and “future”. I’m going to meet my circle next Tuesday, and hopefully after the meeting I’ll be able to present all three together :blush:


Do you have time to create something new? If you do, I’d like to see both!

For me, things are hectic. I do need time to rest in between helping a neighbor and getting chores done for myself. I’d like to do a project which will combine a yule present and a witch’s bottle. Not sure how to seal the bottom as yet. I may have to be satisfied with a previous project which hasn’t been shared before.


I have the time, but I’ve been in a creative slump - my mojo seems to have abandoned me. I’ll if I can find it again and create something new, maybe an art journal page would suffice.


Oh excited for this. My goal this weekend is to make some of my own oil blends and my own candles.


Hi Jayne, great question! The purpose of the challenge is to encourage people to practice during the time the challenge is open. However, the “work” involved is up to you. It sounds like you’ve made some beautiful pieces in the past, so perhaps consider sharing more about them - you could explore why/how you crafted them, how you use them in your practice, what they symbolize, etc.

Journalling and reflective work on the theme are always welcome as challenge entries! :blush: :+1:


Challenge Entry

For this challenge, I decided to make a protection spell pouch for my car.
Black pouch
Black Salt, Rosemary, Rue and Bay Leaf
Rune Raidho (drawn on Bay Leaf) represents the journey and offers protection during travel
Dragons Blood Resin to protect against negative energies
Red Jasper for courage and protection
Clear Quartz shields you from negativity
Black Tourmaline absorbs negativity to protect you and your environment

I have been meaning to make this for a while, but never got around to it. Thanks to this challenge, it is done! :red_car:


I haven’t done any macrame in a while, but I have had a large horse shoe waiting in the drawer for years for me to do something with it. And I just thought of how I can use it.
I’m going to make a protective wall hanging with it, and I ordered an eye of protection charm from Amazon to incorporate into my design.
When I’ve finished it, I will post a photo of both it and the owl I did last summer (which proudly watches over my shoulder during my rituals).


I see so many spells using bay leaf and I can’t find them in my town!

I really need to get some!


I ordered mine online - a store on Etsy I think.


I got mine on Amazon, unfortunately I didn’t realize how many bay leaves were in a pound. I have enough to last a lifetime! :rofl:


Sometimes i wish we could choose the Laugh emoji!

And also - I’m amazed how much witchy stuff you can get on Amazon. If I had known when I was first getting started (all of four months ago) I might have saved a bit of money.


Don’t buy any bay leaves. I’ll share! :laughing:


I never thought of that!


Grab some bay leaves from your grocery store :heart: They work just the same!