đŸŒ« Fog Blockade - Spell Jar for Spiritual Privacy

Fog Blockade :fog:

Spell Jar for Spiritual Privacy

Do you sometimes get the sense that you’re being watched? Is your intuition hinting that someone (or something) is interfering with your spellwork from afar? This easy spell jar to protect your space from prying eyes is a handy tool that can be immediately reactivated at any time.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

A note that this spell will not affect deities or other higher entities. You will still be able to work openly with any deities you worship in your practice while the spiritual blockade is in effect. (If someone has somehow wronged a God/Goddess and is trying to fend off divine judgment, one spell jar is not going to stop a major deity!)

However, if you work with smaller spiritual entities - such as household faeries and nature spirits, ancestor spirits, other friendly spirits or ghosts, etc - it is a good idea to use a token (see below) as an open door for these specific spirits. Otherwise, they may not be able to access your space when the blockade is in effect.

You will need:

  • :white_heart: Sea salt

  • :black_heart: Witches’ Salt

  • :droplet: Moon water made during a New Moon :new_moon: or an Eclipse :black_circle:

  • :gem: Small pieces of white sea glass

  • :herb: Dried raspberry leaves

  • :bamboo: Bamboo leaf

  • :candle: Black candle

  • :jar: Jar or other vessel with a lid

  • [Optional] :nesting_dolls: A token (a small item or sigil) representing smaller spiritual entities and/or a witch friend. Those represented by the token(s) will be unaffected by the spiritual barrier while it is in effect

Click here for substitutions

Witches’ Black Salt may be substituted with black volcanic salt or activated charcoal. If you don’t have moon or eclipse water, take cold clean water and bless it before use. Instead of sea glass, feel free to use pieces of smoky quartz or other water-safe, non-transparent stones. The bamboo leaf can be exchanged for any (non-toxic) plant that serves as a barrier - blackberry bushes, hedge plants, etc. Same with the raspberry leaf: any brambles that create a blockade - blackberry, rose, or other thorned plants will work. A white or grey candle will work in place of black.

A token can be any physical item at all. Alternatively, it can be the represented party’s name written on a piece of paper or on the bamboo leaf.

Note: The length of the blockade will be determined by your jar size, the amount of ingredients used, and the particle size (of the salt). For a longer-lasting blockade, use more ingredients and a finer size salt. For a shorter-lasting blockade, less ingredients and larger particles is best.

Spell Instructions:

  • Grind your raspberry leaves into small pieces. Mix with the white and black salt.

  • Put the sea glass and your salt-herb mixture into your vessel.

  • Close the vessel, making sure that the lid is very tight. You will be shaking this jar to activate the spell, so make sure the lid is on there securely!

  • Wrap your bamboo leaf around your jar and seal it in place with wax from a black candle.

  • Any time you get the sense you are being spiritually watched, or your intuition is alerting you to an outside interference in your spellwork, pick up your spell jar with both hands.

  • With a firm motion, shake the spell jar up and down three times and say:

Salt of sea and shards of time
Morning fog and ocean grime
A mix of light and dark entwined
Where those unwanted become blind
A haze through which they cannot see-
Fog Blockade, my privacy.

  • As the ingredients mix and the water inside the jar becomes murky and hazy, know that so too your space has faded from spiritual sight.

  • Place the spell jar towards the center of the area you wish to be concealed.

  • [Optional] If you are using a token, place it on top of or next to the jar so it is touching. The specific spirits or witch friends being represented by the token will not be affected by the blockade.

  • The blockade will be in effect for as long as your water is cloudy. Over time, the water will settle and clear, but you can reactivate the Fog Blockade at any time. To do so, simply shake the spell jar and repeat the chant. (Note: because ingredients mix, the blockade will last for a shorter time the second and subsequent activations. Feel free to open the jar and increase the amount of salt for a foggier and longer-lasting effect)

Note: It is not recommended for the caster to attempt Astral Travel while the Fog Blockade is in effect. Lucid Dreaming, however, should not be a problem.

This spell was originally shared in the Spells8 Email Newsletter- if you haven’t already, sign up for the free newsletter to get magickal goodies like this delivered right to your inbox! :envelope_with_arrow:

Protective & Defensive Magick :magic_shield:

Looking for related spellwork? Here are some additional spells and other resources you might explore.

Please make sure you are logged into your Spells8 Account to be able to view all of these resources!

Mirror Reversal: A Curse-Breaking “Back to Sender” Spell

Sanctuary: A Tea Spell for Peace & Safety

Witch Bottles: Protection from Negativity and Curses

Banishing & Self-Defense Spell Collection

What are your favorite protection and safety spells?

Feel free to share your spell experiences, advice, and wisdom with fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed Be! :sparkles:


Just a note: the next morning (approximately 18 hours later) the water is more or less settled.

A quick shake was enough to reactivate it :fog:, although I think the next time I want to use it I’ll top it off with a bit more black and white salt (I don’t think I put enough in originally!)


This is fabulous thankyou y


I use something similar I found in a Scott Cunningham book. Scott said to imagine stars around your body. See them swirling around you so you are too distracted by the movement to see beyond your space. Let the image fade, knowing you are still protected by the swirling stars. This spell is good for those who exercize at night: no bottle to carry or break in an emergency, and safety from unseen danger.


That’s a beautiful image. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I might incorporate this imagery into my own protection meditation that I do.


You’re welcome, Tracy! :heart:

I’m with Katerina - this is a beautiful protective exercise! And you’re right that with no need to carry a physical bottle, it’s good for folks on the go. Thanks for sharing, Georgia! :pray: :magic_shield:


I feel like crying right now. For the last year I have been having non stop attack with witchcraft and voodoo. They have been using spells and black magic to interfere with my life. I made this account and became a member of this society to learn how to protect myself and my family. I haven’t been able to reach out to anyone and ask for professional help yet but this post is a game changer. I am so happy to see this. I cannot wait to try this. If you guys have any other suggestions or spells I can do. I need something hardcore because I have an entire group that works against me, I mean burning my picture into tree logs, the whole works. Please please help! Thank you!!!


@SMhechic3ra I’m so sorry you’re going through this, here’s another method if you want to try it. :green_heart:
How To Avoid/Break Any Curse Norse Magick

Blessed be


Goodness, I’m so sorry @SMhechic3ra, that sounds like an awful situation :worried:

Tacy shared a lovely curse breaker, and in addition to the Fog Blockade jar above, I’d highly recommend layering on protective spells. Both specific (protection for self, protection for house, etc) as well as general protective work.

Here is a list of protective ingredients that can be added to other spells or used on their own for protection:

If it’s in line with your practice, you could also set some “traps” in the form of Return to Sender spells. These types of spells are meant to protect the caster by reflecting any hexes or curses sent your way right back to the one who cast them. The Mirror Reversal Back to Sender is listed above, and there’s also this one:

I hope everything you try works wonderfully for you, @SMhechic3ra! May your magick help keep you and your space safe and protected from unwanted eyes :pray:

Wishing you only the best - blessed be :sparkles:


Hi :wave: I hope you are able to find something that helps you out. Maybe carrying a protection pouch with you or in your vehicle may help too?


Thanks for posting this spell, @BryWisteria . I have come to this discussion a little late (or fashionably late depending on perspectives).

I have a couple of questions on this Fog Blockade:

  1. Making dark-moon/new moon water indoors:
    As someone living in a city apartment with no garden or balcony, in the past I have made moon water by putting moon to the window when moonlight is shining through it and I am able to see it illuminate the bottle. For a New (dark) moon this is more difficult as I am not able to see which direction the dark moon is in, so I simply let the bottle absorb the night energy from East and South-facing windows that my apartment has. Would this suffice to make New-moon water, or not. If not are there any other liquid ingredients that could be used to substitute new-moon/dark moon water?

  2. How long does dark moon water stay effective if kept in a dark container in the fridge?

  3. I’m assuming that this spell is only effective during a dark/new moon. Would this also be cast-able during any other moon phase, such as waning crescent?

Getting some of these ingredients could be challenging, such as sea glass (If I was somehow able to find a piece of sea-glass and break it into smaller pieces would this work for this task?)



One other silly question: When making and keeping moon water keeping it away from sunlight is important for it’s purity and power, but would light from dawn (end of nautical twilight and start of civil twilight) void the water, or is it still usable?


Most of all these ingredients like sea glass and bamboo leaf u can order it on amazon. Sea glass is actually an arts and crafts item u can order in different colors. Sea glass has a way more different fill and texture to the glass than any glass out there. At the very top of the person who posted it there is a small grey box for substitutes if u can’t get them in stores. U can use Smokey quartz as a substitute for sea glass. Bamboo leaves is something u have to order online amazon is amazing cuz u type in bamboo leaves and it will pop up it’s like a banana leaf it’s used a lot with making sushi. And for the new moon u don’t have to see the moon to make new moon water it’s the same as full moon water u just let it sit and collect it before the sun even starts peaking over the horizon. And for me with all moon water I have made it only lasted a month before I had to make more with the next moon phase but I also use a lot of it to clean my house with and to also drink as well. Ever since I joined the coven community here I have been more grateful and so much more thankful for everyone and the amazing people who put this all together. There’s things I never knew about but also things I already knew about but forgot and I’m getting the best refresh that’s needed. It’s always subs out there if u don’t have the exact ingredients that’s listed. U can also look at this wonderful recipe which I wrote down in my book of shadows and will be making the same recipe but also creating my own along the lines of this recipe ( I love writing recipes down but also really love more making my own). U might be able to find sea glass at any arts and crafts stores even check dollar tree they have it to I have seen it there but never bought any cuz I haven’t been in the mood to jump start my arts and crafts I used to do a lot of and with twins it’s actually been a little harder to do arts and crafts since one of them is so picky over everything it’s been a struggle but getting thro it. Just waiting another year before I kno I can get them to focus with arts and crafts. Their 4 years old they do arts and crafts in school but only 5 minutes. Also check out Michaels if u have one I kno their a little more pricy but it’s worth it.


I think this is just fine :blush:

The moon water will stay effective for as long as you have it. When you put your water out to make moon water, you set the intention for what you want to happen and that doesn’t change even if it sits for weeks or months or longer! Now, if you’re using unfiltered water you’ll want to make sure it doesn’t go rancid and grow bacteria, but that’s a bit different.

The moon phases are just there to help give an extra boost to your intentions, so if you need to do this spell outside the recommended phase then feel free!

That would absolutely work! It’s also helpful to figure out what the purpose of the ingredient is so you can find adequate substitutions if you don’t have something available. Reading the spell, I think the sea glass does two things (and @BryWisteria – please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong!) and that is to 1) serve as something sharp and pointy as a protection measure against unwanted energy and 2) serve as a visual barrier to unwanted peering eyes. Sea glass is usually sort of foggy and opaque.

If those are the reasons for the ingredient’s inclusion in the spell, you can easily substitute it with something like some broken glass that’s been painted white or gray, or even change it to two different ingredients such as nails and something to make the water cloudy. That would serve the same purpose.

This is going to depend on who you ask and what you believe, honestly. I believe that setting the intention ahead of time and directing the water to only absorb the energy of the Moon is sufficient, even if you leave the water out for the sun to touch it, too. However, that isn’t something that everyone believes so you’d want to check in with yourself and how you feel magic works.


Hello @Nova_Espero,

No such thing as a silly question - you’re always welcome to ask away! I see you’ve already got some stellar advice and answers from Sara and Megan. If I can add a few additional thoughts:

As someone who believes that the energies of the moon phase are not exclusive to sight (and can be felt in the air/tapped into via other senses, including the Clairs), I would say a hearty ‘yes’ to this. I think letting the bottle sit anywhere so long as it has the intention of drawing on the current moon energies will work to craft your New Moon water.

Yes to this too - the energies of the new moon (brought into the spell via the moon water) are just one ingredient used to help direct and influence the magick of the spell. It is not required to cast this during a new moon - feel free to craft the spell jar during any moon phase (whose energies could then also be added to the spell if you choose to acknowledge them) and use the jar at any time as needed.

As long as the pieces fit inside your jar (or, alternatively, be kept outside but touching the jar), I’d say that’s perfect!

Blessed be and happy casting :sparkles: :blush: