Merry Meet Monday - Forum News! Sep 27 🌗

Wishing everyone a very Merry Meet Monday ! :last_quarter_moon:

Here’s a peek at exciting happenings in both the forum and the witchy world at large this week:

Upcoming Events :spiral_calendar:

Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on these events!

[ [ Moon Phase: Last Quarter Moon :last_quarter_moon: ] ]

This Wednesday, September 29th , we will be blessed by the light of the Last Quarter Moon.


The last quarter moon is a time of rest and the banishment of negative energies or forces in your life :broom: .

For more information about specific spells recommended for the last quarter moon, visit the guide Moon Magic: Spells for Every Lunar Phase: Last Quarter .


The Last Quarter Moon is a Waning Moon phase. For more Moon Magick and the best spells for this time of month, visit the Waning Moon Magick Guide. :last_quarter_moon:

Find current moon information for your location as well as complementary spells and rituals to draw on today’s moon energy on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :full_moon_with_face:

[ [ Group Ritual- Together with the Coven :infinite_roots: ] ]

Join in for a shared group ritual meditation and coven chat on Thursday, September 30th - this activity is open to all members of the forum :tea:

Picture from Pixabay

  • The group meditation ritual has step-by-step instructions that you can join in on your own schedule at any time during the day

  • If you’d like, there is a scheduled hour-long Zoom chat to do the ritual as a group as well as meet and greet fellow coven members

Group meditation rituals and conversations are held every Thursday. Feel free to visit last week’s group ritual post to get an idea about what to expect.

Please note that group rituals are hosted in A Sacred Space - you must be logged into your Spells8 account to enter the ritual.

Don’t have an account yet? No worries! You can join Spells8 here :sparkles:

[ [ Freebie Friday :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Have a burning question on your mind? Seeking some guidance for how to best approach a problem? :thinking:

Now is your chance to find some answers, as the talented @MeganB is kindly offering free readings via tarot or oracle! :crystal_ball:

Picture from Pexels

The next Freebie Friday post will be Friday, October 1st . For more information and to get an idea about what to expect, check out last week’s Freebie Friday :tada:

[ [ Other Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

A collection of curious (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week that may or may not be witchy-related:

:spiral_calendar: For more upcoming pagan occasions, you can check the 2021 Pagan Holiday Calendar, the list of Magical Days for Your Planner , and the Spells8 Email Newsletter.

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These are current activities that can be joined any time before their deadlines

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

Every week, a challenge is presented to all members of the forum to explore new areas of magick and bring out the best of everyone’s diverse talents.

The theme for this week is: Powerful Protection :shield:

Spells8 Protective Magick Challenge

This challenge will close Tuesday, September 28th at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)

After this time a Props and Presents post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift: And as always, a brand new challenge will arrive on Wednesday for all challenge enthusiasts.

Are you ready? Join the challenge here: Weekly Witchy Challenge - Powerful Protection :shield:

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Do you have a little extra love to share and are looking for ways to help out a fellow coven member? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use some positive vibes your way?

Picture from Pixabay

The Energy Exchange Circle is run by the warmhearted @praecog29 and is a great way to support and show love to coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Wiki - 2021.

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

New Members :wave:

Merry meet to all of the new members who have joined the forum over the past week!

:infinite_roots: Welcome to the Forum and the Infinite Roots Coven! :infinite_roots:

@pamela12, @aimee3, @sophie3, @tamera, @christy7, @erykah1, @biulenyx, @lynsey, @rohini, @ashley40, @breeze, @kailey1, @maximillian, @AllynZira, @kelly15, @brianna8, @BeardedTaylor, @Rvn1512, @denise3, @megan16, @kubra, @vanessa11, @imani1, @tasha5, @caroline5, @Patricia84, @kathy4, @madison9, @unicornprincess13, @Gretchen, @ashlee1, @ian1, @misty3, @Mila, @samantha45, @ayca, @talon, @lauren14, @laura22, @andrea33, @alisa1, @margaret7, @gina5, @victoria21, @lecia, @debbie4, @christie2, @ivory, @natasha16, @jasmine12, @april20, @ris, @arne, @erin14, @crystal27, @Lisa444, @joy6, @polly, @muammer, @Luna95, @kirsty-jo, @nicole30, @Valen, @jackie4, @samantha46, @janique, @Temujin_Calidius, @jason2

If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to say hello to your new coven by creating a new topic in the Introductions Category . Consider sharing a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick :sparkles:

We would all love to give you a warm welcome to the forum family! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

  • Bravo to @TheMuslimWitch for sharing the most posts in the forum over the last week! :writing_hand: Many thanks to you for all of the great questions asked and interesting discussions started! :tada:

  • Lots of love back to @IrisW for giving out the most hearts over the past week! :heart: Thanks for helping to spread the love around the forum :blush:

Note : The likes and posts of those who have won the MMM badge will be counted towards the weekly tally again after a two-month rest period. Those who have earned the MMM badge 5 times will no longer be counted- you’ve earned your spot in the forum hall of fame!

And of course, wishing a very hearty thank you to all members of the Spells8 coven :infinite_roots:.

Your contributions and love help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world- thanks for being you! :sparkles:

From Pixabay

Feeling burnt out after last week’s excitement? :full_moon: Are you ready for a break, or are you counting down to the next Sabbat? :spiral_calendar:

Whether it’s magickal or mundane, feel free to share your current happenings or give a shout-out to your fellow coven members in the comments below!

Blessed be! :last_quarter_moon: :heart:

Please note that this thread will remain open for one week. It will be closed when next week’s MMM post is released.


Congratulations to @TheMuslimWitch & @IrisW great job ladies.

This week I have an appointment on Tuesday & 1 on Wednesday. Thursday I bring my daughter to Jazz Band before school starts. A pretty easy week for me.


Thanks, first time for me!

Set to be a busy week for me. Four days work, then we’re heading to Ireland for my birthday weekend and to scout out potential places to live :smiley:


Thank you and hope I haven’t been a nuisance…:blush:


Congrats to @TheMuslimWitch and @IrisW! Thank you for sharing the love you have with the coven. You haven’t been a nuisance @TheMuslimWitch, you’ve been a treasure! It’s okay if you post a lot! It means you have something to share.

I have a doctor’s appointment at the end of the week to get my leg looked at but when I was unwrapped Friday it looked much better, less red and swollen, so I am happy that my home IVs are working. I’m going to get my worker Sally to make up a big pot of chili this week now that it’s weather that I can enjoy it in and freeze most of it for dinners later on.

That’s about all I have planned out for this week. LOL. Bill paying at the end of the week, that’s always fun. Not. I like getting money but I hate giving it out. Strange isn’t it? LOL.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


Merry Meet Monday Witches!
Congrats to @TheMuslimWitch & @IrisW !

Today I’ll be cleaning up my altar with the help of the wonderful video by @SilverBear. Then this week I have some knot magic planned and some restructuring of my BOS.
Nothing much going on at home, got the house decorated a bit for fall so that energy is flowing nicely. I love Fall! :grin:

Welcome to all the new members, especially @Luna95. Spells8 is a great place to learn, practice, and discover your path. And not to mention all the wonderful people you meet.
Thanks to @Francisco and the moderators!
Blessed Be Everyone🕯️


Thank you yes i guess when you are just work work work at home and being so busy doesn’t give me much time to talk to others in my household so i find it exciting to talk to you guys since we have something in common… Sounds nice to have a worker that will cook for you :blush: Enjoy the food and i hope your leg gets better


A Merry Meet Monday to all,
Congrats to @TheMuslimWitch and @IrisW.

This week I would be celebrating my son’s birthday tomorrow tomorrow is going to be a cake :birthday: and pizza :pizza: day :yum:. Had already paid the bills early today.

Enjoying the start of the new week so far, everyone do have a blessed one.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


@NickWick happy birthday to your son :birthday::tada:


Awww thank you :blush: @crystal24. You make me smile.


@NickWick your very welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


Good luck at your appointments and enjoy your relaxing week, @Susurrus! :blush:

Ahhhh Ireland!!! :heart_eyes: That is so exciting, @IrisW- wishing you a very happy birthday and blessed travels! You’re going to have so much fun! :tada:

Congrats again to you, @TheMuslimWitch- you haven’t been a nuisance at all! It’s just like Amethyst says, you are a delight. Thanks for all that you share with the coven! :heart:

That is wonderful news about your leg, @Amethyst- congrats on the healing! No better way to celebrate than with a big tasty pot of homemade chili- enjoy! :partying_face:

Enjoy your cleansing, knot magick, and BOS work, @Rowan- sounds like a fun week ahead! Hope you have a wonderful time :heart_decoration: Many thanks back to you!

Wishing a very blessed birthday to your son, @NickWick- enjoy the cake and pizza! :confetti_ball:

Happy Tuesday- hope everyone’s week is off to a great start! :sparkles:


Congratulations to @TheMuslimWitch and to @IrisW :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::clap::balloon::partying_face::bouquet:

I know I could use a good neighbor day everyday!!! Haha :joy: not just today!

I hope that everyone has a blessed week with magic everywhere!!!

As for me, I’m not doing too well and neither are two of my kids. I have shingles and boy do they hurt!!! My kids have colds with fevers. I brought them to the doctors yesterday and I have to wait for the COVID test results to come back before they can return to school.


Thank you :blush:


We like you talking to us, so go right ahead and chat all you want! LOL!

I have a worker because I’m not able to do a few things around the house. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Thanks for the good wishes for my leg, I appreciate it!

Tell your son Happy Birthday from a strange person from WV in the States! LOL! :birthday:

Thank you, my dear! I’m really excited. And proud, I haven’t missed a dose of medicine yet. (knock on wood)

I’m so sorry @christina4! That sounds awful! Will light a candle for you, my dear. Get better soon!


@christina4 sorry to hear your not feeling well. Shingles are terrible. Lighting a candle for you and your kids. I hope you all feel better soon. Lots of healing love and light to you all.


Ouch, Christina! I will light a candle for you and your children tonight. Rest Easy and Be Well.


Well yesterday got a bit exciting, I was able to get my altar cleansing done (thanks again for the video @SilverBear) and right around dinner time we had a 3.3 earthquake. I had never been in an earthquake where I actually felt and heard something, there’s been a few times it was stated that there was an earthquake but I never knew. This time though, I felt the house move, so it was a bit freaky.
Im liking my altar re-arrangement though, I put two pumpkins up and added some acorns around on it too.
I’ve begun straightening my BOS and my BOM, I should be done with it hopefully tomorrow.
Tonight I’m working in the Manifest that S&%# book that @Abs53 had mentioned before, if anyone is interested it is a great book/tool.
Blessed Be,


Oh goodness @Christina4- hang in there! It’s tough enough to be sick, nevermind when your kids are ill as well. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way- I hope all of you recover very quickly! :pray::heart:

That’s a big accomplishment, @Amethyst- I’m proud of you too! :hugs::two_hearts:

An earthquake, @Rowan!?!? Oh gosh I remember I felt a few in Japan- they can be really disorientating. Hope you and your loved ones are all okay and that there was no damage! :pray: Your altar looks absolutely gorgeous, you have so many lovely treasures on display! :sparkles:

I’m still on vacay in Gdańsk for the next few days- we’ve been blessed with some surprisingly lovely autumn weather here :fallen_leaf: We rode a pirate ship (called the Black Pearl- no joke :joy::pirate_flag: ) out to a place called Westerplatte to see the ruins. It was a bit somber, as that was the place where WWII began.

Today is the Amber Museum and… not sure what else yet! Perhaps another trip back to the beach, as hunting for bits of Amber has been our favorite activity so far (you know what they say about the best things in life being free :laughing:)

Sending love and light to all- hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday! :sparkles:


Oh how great and glorious this altar is! I loved it, I hope I can make my altar bigger and add new tools and decorations. How great it is to be able to use the tastes, ideas and experiences of more experienced wizards.:blue_heart::candle::orange_heart::heart_eyes::ribbon::ok_hand:t2::mage: