Aquarius New Moon ♒ February 2024

February is kicking off on a good foot, I think! We are in the month of :sparkling_heart: love :sparkling_heart: - honestly, I think that is a perfect month to have a New Moon in Aquarius! It is coming up in a few days. Depending on your time zone, the New Moon will be on February 9th. Find the exact time of this month’s New Moon here: Moon Calendar from Astro-Seek.

What Is A New Moon?

If you need a recap of what a New Moon is, click here! 🌑

Astronomically speaking, a New Moon is the period of time when the moon is at 0% illumination. The Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth. This causes Earth’s shadow to fully cover the Moon leaving the night sky in darkness.

There are several different beliefs regarding the New Moon and witchcraft. Some witches believe this is the time to start new projects. Others believe it is a time of rest and recovery where no magic should be done.

What does a new moon symbolize? This is a time of introspection, self-analysis and reflection. An opportunity for a fresh start and a New You. - New Moon Rituals (Spells8)

The Sign Of Aquarius :aquarius:

In astrology, Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by Uranus. Aquarius is a free-spirited sign, preferring independence over structure. They are a sign of equality and will often choose to treat everyone the same regardless of, well, anything! This sign is associated with big ideas and harmony. Their desire for knowledge and their propensity for daydreaming can make them unpredictable, often changing their minds at a whim when the next wave of inspiration hits. On the shadow side, Aquarians can seem detached from reality since they spend so much time with their head in the clouds, so to speak. They take longer to trust than usual, fearing rejection for their out-of-this-world ideas and personality.

Learn more about Aquarius :aquarius: : → Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

The Aquarius New Moon :new_moon:

The New Moon is about beginnings and refreshing our lives. Aquarius deals with radical change, freedom, and friendship. The two combined come together to form a potent time for making large changes, dreaming big, and connecting with our loved ones. This New Moon is also a good time to check in with yourself and society at large. Aquarius is a big sign so everything is done larger than normal. Are there any issues in society right now that you have ideas for? Take that idea on a smaller scale, too - how can you help yourself, your family, your friends, or even your co-workers?

A Freezer Spell to Bind a Toxic Co-Worker
A Freezer Spell to Bind a Toxic Co-Worker

This New Moon also comes at an interesting time because The Sun is also in Aquarius! There is an overload of Aquarian energy. Now, I am not a professional astrologer so this is just my opinion, but I think it would be wise to be cautious when we make our changes this month. The independent and freeing energy of Aquarius is everywhere right now and that can make us feel more aloof or maybe even misplaced. It is okay to make these changes and plan for the future. We just need to be sure that we are not being influenced too heavily by outside forces or improbable dreams.

Road Opener Wiccan Ritual
Road Opener Wiccan Ritual

Activities For The Aquarius New Moon :tada:

Create a Vision Board :framed_picture:

Let your dreams go wild this New Moon with a vision board. Rather than making this vision board with realistic things you hope to accomplish, embrace the inspiration and dream big! Put whatever you want on your vision board. Create your dream life in images, words, and phrases. Put it out into the world with a New Moon Ritual and let your dreams come to you!

Manifest with a Wish Box
Wish Box: How to Create a Manifestation Box for Your Dreams

Embrace Art Magic :art:

With Aquarius being a sign of creativity and freedom, this New Moon is a great time to add some art magic into your practice. Gather some art supplies and let your intuition guide you. Pick a favorite color, close your eyes, and feel where your hand needs to move. Allow the expression to flow freely and you might be surprised what you see when you are done!

Intuitive Art Inspiration? Yes, Please! :paintbrush:

Social Justice Involvement :fist:

Friendship, society, and relationships are at the forefront of anything to do with Aquarius. Spend some time in reflection on this New Moon. Think deeply about the events happening in the world and where you stand. You may also feel called to perform spells and rituals to uphold justice, seek equity, or protect others. These are all noble causes and a wonderful use of this New Moon’s energy!

Hecate Devotional Prayer
Hecate’s Justice Devotional Prayer

Embrace the Air Element :air_element:

Aquarius is a fixed air sign - utilize the element of Air on this New Moon to revitalize the air in your space. Get a purifier, or a humidifier, or use a diffuser to change up the air with essential oils. Stagnation in the air does not feel very good for us as people. Open the windows and call in blessings and cleansing energy with the Air element for this New Moon.

:air_element: Air Element Invocation Chant

Remember, the energy of the New Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the New Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this New Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a New Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


Hmmm :thinking: honestly the New Moon :new_moon: is my favorite of the cycle. I usually know exactly what I’m going to do, but have lost track of time a bit… January completely flew by me :wind_face: So to be at this part of the cycle is kind of another, where did the time go :exploding_head:

I’m still doing Imbolc, I know that it has passed but all at once wasnt feasible, so I’m taking it as I can in smaller ways. It’s coming along but to start new, I can’t jump in all at once, I have to work things in as they fit.

Okay, rambling… I’m going to think about this 1 though, especially with the Sun :sun: & Moon :new_moon: in Aquarius :aquarius: :heart:


So much Aquarian energy in the air! :air_element: :aquarius: :grinning:

Love the ideas, suggestions, and recommended spellwork- this is so helpful for figuring out what to do during this week’s new moon. I’ve been working on my art stuff again lately and might try to direct the creativity that way! :art: :sparkles:

Thank you so much, Megan! Wishing everyone a blessed new moon in Aquarius this week :new_moon_with_face: :two_hearts:


@Susurrus @BryWisteria – Thank you both!

New Moons are becoming a bigger deal for me, so I’m loving that I get the opportunity to write about them and their astrological influence :heart: I hope everyone has a wonderful New Moon!


How am I not an Aquarius? :laughing:

I think I am lunarly, actually. :thinking:

Story of my life… :sweat_smile:

I think this will be a really good time for my partner and me to sit down and talk more about our game. I really hope it can help people explore different perspectives and come out of it with something positive. :smile:

Oh! Maybe I’ll do this again, too: Hekate Ritual with a Hint of Justice: November 16

I’ve also been wanting to get back into blogging. I enjoy writing about political economy and societal issues a lot. But I’d been taking a break from it while I’ve been very active here, so it’s been about half a year since my last post. :sweat_smile:


I’m so interested in hearing about this game whenever you two get it situated! :heart:

And you should totally blog :clap: I wanna read what you write, too!


Bente The Norse Witch posted a new video about the Aquarius New Moon that I thought might be helpful, too!