Basics of the Sacral Chakra šŸ§”

Sacral Chakra


Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

  • Sva: Self
  • Adhisthana: Established
  • The word Svadhisthana translates to, ā€œoneā€™s own dwellingā€

Physical Location: 1 ā€“ 2 inches below your navel, between the coccyx, & the sacrum. The nerve plexus is in the pelvis. The area of the tailbone that is wedged between your hip bones & about halfway between your sex organs & navel.

Endocrine Gland: Adrenal Glands ā€“ regulate the metabolism and immune system

Organs/Regions: reproductive systems, bladder & kidney, bowel, testicles, ovaries, genitals, womb & lower intestine

Element: Water :water_element:

Deities: Lakshmi (Hindu Goddess), Mary Magdalene (Ascended Master), Yemanja & Oshun goddesses (orishas) of Yoruba, Mama Qocha Incan Goddess, Poseidon (Greek), Neptune (Roman), Varuna (Vedic)

Planet(s): The Moon :full_moon:

Earth Location: Mount Titicaca in Bolivia, Peru :earth_americas:

Mantra: VAM ā€“ the Seed Mantra of the Svadhisthana Chakra. Pronounced VAHHHM. Using this Mantra during hip opening exercises or postures, meditation while sitting perfectly still, & aromatherapy.

Color: Orange :orange_heart:

Metal: Tin

Crystals: Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Sunstone, Amber, Coral

Essential Oils/Incense: Neroli, Jasmine, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Lemon

Meditation for the Sacral Chakra is a good way to connect with this Chakra

Image Representation: a white lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) with 6 petals of vermilion color. A white crescent moon is present inside the lotus representing the element of water. The petals represent the birth, life, & death cycles by the circles connected to the lotus flower. The crescent moon :crescent_moon: reminds you about creativity & the lunar phases.


Senses: Taste (the tongue) :tongue:

Yoga: Frog Pose, Open Angle Pose, Pigeon Pose, Goddess Pose, & additional Yoga poses provided by @crystal5

Food: Fish, Nuts, (foods high in healthy fats) Orange fruits & Vegetables ā€“ carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, peaches, papaya

Through ages 8 & 14 feelings developing in relation to fear, proactivity, harmony, philosophy, wisdom, & spirituality plus how each interacts with your feelings.

The Sacral Chakra is related to emotions & being able to express them. It is strongly associated with creativity, passion, appreciation of life & sensuality. The main purpose is a pleasure & general enjoyment of life.

Connecting helps you to understand your relationships with others & yourself. Developing a healthy relationship with pleasure to acquire a better understanding of natural responses & innermost emotions, plus how to sit with the intensity of what you are feeling with those emotions. Youā€™ll start to best express yourself & be able to set appropriate boundaries.

Imbalanced or Blocked Root Chakra

Imbalance or blockages may be caused by stress, disease, emotional distress, or conflict. You may experience emotional & physical stability.

They can cause a variety of symptoms including chronic lower back pain, UTIā€™s, Ovarian cysts or other issues with reproductive systems, issues with kidneys & bladder, pain during or after having intercourse, pelvic - lower abdominal problems, lack of interest in sex altogether. Difficulty expressing needs & emotions.


  • Emotional instability: Feeling out of control, overwhelmed, feeling much more deeply
  • Severe mood swings
  • Acting irresponsibly regarding the feelings of others
  • May be indecisive, inconsistent, domineering, insincere, superficial
  • Excess energy shows up as sex addictions, self-indulgence, exhibitionism, aggression, arrogance, mania


  • Expression may be dangerously withheld or avoided. Men run the risk more frequently than women. When toxic programming is in place the rigidity is held in the physical body & in belief systems.
  • Feelings of denial or lack of intimate bonds
  • Low sex drive
  • Creatively stifled
  • Feelings of inadequacy create insecurities & self-confidence may be lacking


  • Cantrell, Leigh. Chakras for Beginners: A Complete Guide to the Seven Chakras, Their Importance and Their Impact on Your Life . Services LLC, 2021.
  • Pfender, April, and Enya Todd. The Complete Guide to Chakras: Activating the 12-Chakra Energy System for Balance and Healing . Rockridge Press, 2020.
  • Alcantara, Margarita, and Tom Bingham. Chakra Healing: A Beginnerā€™s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques That Balance the Chakras . Fall River Press, 2019.
  • Ashish, Ashish. ā€œSacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Meaning, Location, and Symptoms of Blocked / Balance.ā€ Fitsri, 2 July 2022, Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Meaning, Location, and Symptoms of Blocked / Balance - Fitsri.

This just further solidifies that saying that ā€œyour gut is your second brainā€. The first time I heard that I thought it was really strange, but after going through some pretty serious digestive issues earlier this year I now consider it to be a fact of life! When things arenā€™t going well in the Sacral area/digestive region, youā€™re in for some pretty rough emotional and mental turbulence too :sweat_smile:

Thanks so much for doing a deep dive of the Sacral Chakra, @Susurrus! Your wisdom is a blessing :orange_heart: :blush:


Thank you for this information about the sacral chakra. I imagine it has taken some time to research and write.

Here is a link to a few sacral chakra yoga practices on YouTube.


This is how I set up my yoga mat each morning. I have a crystal (or 2) for each chakra. As I lay them out I have a mantra for each chakra. For the sacral my mantra is ā€œI am joyful and creativeā€.


Well if this doesnā€™t hit the nail on the head. I did a pendulum reading recently asking the state of my chakras. My Sacral was completely blocked. I have been focusing on this chakra as my others that were not open are out of balance and further up. I figured it would be best to start from the ā€œground up.ā€ I have been doing hip opening yoga poses and meditations but not with the mantra. Thank you for sharing @Susurrus!!


my poster I connect to for the second chakra
Also thanks for all the research that went into your post!


@Jeannie1 thank you & youā€™re welcome! Iā€™m happy that you enjoy the posts!

Those are great posters too! Where did you find them? :star_struck:


Soifra I got the poster in a Chakra deck

I use my deck too and it came with a poster and a book



Oh. Myā€¦ thereā€™s a deck! :heart_eyes: Well, just adding another deck to the ever growing list of ones that I hope to acquire :laughing: I am going to have to go on the hunt for this one!

I donā€™t work with the Chakras like I did when I was learning about them, but I do every once in a while kind of try to incorporate them when I have things going on & need to get back to some kind of balance. Thank you for sharing :star_struck:


Siofra Strega,
I knew you would like this deckšŸ˜Š!!! Lol
Great minds think alike itā€™s a good deck. My friend asked me how many decks do you have I lost count. I am a tarot collector and I have quite the collection. I am very blessed :innocent:


@Jeannie1 I haveā€¦ oh my letā€™s think for a minute


  • Celtic Tarot
  • Tarot of the Divine
  • Light Seers Tarot
  • Vintage Rider-Waite Tarot


  • Celtic Goddesses Oracle
  • Way of Brighid Oracle
  • Oracles of the Morrigan
  • Celtic Spirit Oracle
  • Way of the Wild Oracle
  • Inner Child Oracle

Informational Decks

(not sure if these are considered Oracle or not :laughing:)

  • Wild Runes
  • Wild Crystals
  • Radiant Crystals
  • Wild Moon Phases

(also I think Iā€™m missing one :thinking: in Tarot and/or Oracles)

Itā€™s early here so I canā€™t pop on the light just yetā€¦ everyone else is asleep :zzz: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: So this is from memory.

My wishlist thoughā€¦ quite longā€¦ I love looking through Etsy & Kickstarter (thank you :smiling_face: for that recommendation by the way) for new decks & of course Amazonā€¦ they just kind of pop up as things I may like now :joy:

I may have to drop a line to Santa :santa: or let my husband know that heā€™s going to need a another job so I can whittle my wishlist down a bit :rofl:

So many members have shared so many gorgeous decks :star_struck: that my list is growing much faster than my ability to keep up! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I wouldnā€™t even know where to begin naming off my wishlist :dizzy: & the members that have shared decks.


Soifra Strega,
That is a great collection I am sure there is a few I have. I have the Celtic tarot and the light seers deck and the vintage tarot deck. And none of the oracle decks. But you have a wonderful collection. I love how well you are organized with your post!
For this challenge I was thinking of eating a better diet because I did get sick again.

The First Chakra is fundamentally important for our survival. Recently I was feeling depleted and sometimes I feel blocked. For example, Yesterday my car battery died cause my clients were listening to the battery :battery: to long. I felt so overwhelmed. I think I was over stimulated cause of being cramped in the car. So I pulled out a crystal in my hand which was a clear quartz and cleared my energy. Also I did some yoga :woman_in_lotus_position: I started to feel grounded again. I did this apart of my challenge and I decided today to do another half hour of yoga to find inner peace :peace_symbol: today. For the sake of this challenge I am doing a 9 card spread using my deck! First for the Sacral Chakra I will do a meditation and decided to drink :cup_with_straw: a glas of cranberry for my Kidneys, bladder, prostate, pelvis, body, fluids, adrenal glands, large intestines, and lower back sacrum

Hereā€™s a link to my 7 minute meditation on
Insight Timer 7 chakra clearing 7 minutes
Also for this challenge I want to cleanse my crystals using salt. There are many ways to cleanse my environment. One should have have a friend to help so when my husband comes home :house: I will have him use my crystal pendulum to help cleanse my chakras!


@Jeannie1 - you werenā€™t kidding about Great Minds Think Alikeā€¦ I also have that mediation saved in my Insight Timer app. I love that app! Did you also know that Ashley Leavy has a channel there, she is my crystal teacher from the school where I went to become an Advance Crystal Practitioner at the Love & Light School of Crystal Healing. She has some great ones on there too!

I did have a breakdown & realized I had some rewards to spendā€¦ & of course I had to use them, so I purchased the Murder of Crows Tarot deckā€¦ :flushed: I need to stopā€¦ the holiday with my family hasnā€™t come yet & I have no idea what Iā€™m getting, so I need to wait until after that day to purchase anything else :rofl: Iā€™m racking up points though, so thatā€™s a good thing I suppose.

I hope you have a wonderful day! If I should come across anything else regarding Chakras or ways to work with them, I will update you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Never heard of the murder of crows tarot, but I will look into this one! Iā€™m sure it has some good insights!
Thank you for all of the information and advice hope youā€™re doing well my friend!!!
Have you worked with the chakras lately? I know itā€™s been a while, but you know what I apologize. I didnā€™t see this post.