Merry Meet Monday - Magick News of the Week! Apr 4 - 10 🌼

Merry Meet !

Here is your weekly update about exciting happenings in both the forum and the witchy world at large this week:

Upcoming Events :spiral_calendar:

Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on these one-day events!

[ [ Group Ritual : Together with Your Coven :infinite_roots: ] ]

Join in for a shared group ritual meditation and coven chat on Thursday, April 7th - this activity is open to all active coven members :tea:

Group Tea Magick Meditation Ritual Ostara Version

  • The group meditation ritual has step-by-step instructions that you can join in on your own schedule at any time during the day

Group meditation rituals are held every Thursday. Feel free to visit last week’s group ritual to get an idea about what to expect.

Please note that group rituals are hosted in A Sacred Space - you must be logged into your active Spells8 account to access the ritual.

Don’t have an account yet? No worries! You can join Spells8 here :sparkles:

[ [ Freebie Friday :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Have a burning question on your mind? Seeking some guidance for how to best approach a problem? :thinking:

Now is your chance to find some answers, as the talented @MeganB is kindly offering free readings via tarot or oracle! :crystal_ball:

Picture from Pexels

The next Freebie Friday post will be Friday, April 8th . For more information and to get an idea about what to expect, check out last week’s Freebie Friday :tada:

[ [ Moon Phase: First Quarter Moon :first_quarter_moon: ] ]

This week we will be blessed by the light of the First Quarter Moon. Although the exact time will vary by your location, expect to see this moon on Saturday, April 9th .


The First Quarter Moon is an excellent time to take action regarding your deepest wishes and to address your biggest blockages. It is a great time for growth and self-healing .

From the Spells8 Moon Magick Guide to First Quarter Moon Magick

Looking for ideas for spells and rituals specific to the First Quarter Moon? Know that this special moon phase is part of the Waxing Cycle .


Check out the Waxing Moon Spell Page for more information including history, meanings, and a collection of spells and rituals that work in harmony with this part of the moon cycle :first_quarter_moon:

You can find current moon information for your home as well as complementary spells and rituals to draw on its energy on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :sparkles:

[ [ Other Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

A collection of curious (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week that may or may not be witchy-related:

:spiral_calendar: For more witchy and pagan holidays in the near future, check out the 2022 Pagan Holiday Calendar and the Spells8 Email Newsletter

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These ongoing activities are open to enjoy whenever you’d like- join in anytime before their deadlines!

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

Every week, a challenge is presented to all members of the forum to explore new areas of magick and bring out the best of everyone’s diverse talents.

The theme for this week is: Chaos Magick :tornado:

Chaos Crazy Wild Magic Magick

This challenge will close on Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

After this time a Props and Presents post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift:. A brand new challenge will arrive on Wednesday for all challenge enthusiasts.

Are you ready? Join the current challenge here: Weekly Witchy Challenge - Chaos Magick :tornado:

[ [ Spells8 Book Club :books: ] ]

Calling all book lovers! The next reading period for the Spells8 book club is now in session!

You can find more details and submit your book to read in the current thread:
:open_book: Spells8 Book Club XVI (Feb 25 - Apr 22)

Spells8 Book Club

Please note that this reading period will end on Friday, April 22nd .

If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to share and swap your book reviews from last session in the current Reader’s discussion thread:

:memo: Spells8 Book Club XV - Readers’ Reviews!

More information about the book club and how to join can be found in Book Club F.A.Q and Introduction .

Happy Reading! :open_book:

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Do you have a little extra love to share and are looking for ways to help out a fellow coven member? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use some positive vibes your way?

Spells8 Energy Exchange Circle

The Energy Exchange Circle is a great way to support and show love to coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Wiki - 2021 .

This month’s Energy Exchange Circle will end on Saturday, April 30th.

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

[ [ Your Daily Oracle :angel: ] ]

Are you looking for a bit of higher guidance to help you out today? This collection of daily oracle card (as well as tarot and rune) readings is available for you to access and read thanks to the generosity of the coven :pray:

Spells8 Forum Daily Oracle Card Draws

Visit: April, May, June 2022 Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draws to enjoy a daily oracle message or share your own! :sparkles:

Please note that this month’s oracle discussion will close on Thursday, June 30th .

[ [ A Daily Dose of Inspiration :sunrise: ] ]

Positive affirmations and uplifting inspirations can be found in this communal collection!

From quotes to sayings, poetry and more- here is the place to brighten up your day thanks to the words of the coven :infinite_roots:

Affirmations of Magick

Visit April, May, June 2022 Affirmations, Quotes, & Sayings to be inspired by the words of others- or share your own! :blush:

Please be aware that this month’s discussion will close on Thursday, June 30th .

[ [ Tending the Flame :fire: ] ]

Stop by the fire and tend the flame with your coven- this ongoing discussion invites all to come in, relax, and pick up a bit of motivation and support for the day.

Share a picture of your own flames or simply enjoy the lights of the coven! :candle:

Tending Brigid Brighid's Flame Spells8

Visit the discussion and Help Tend Brighid’s Flame :fire:

The Brigid Flametender discussion remains open throughout the year- please feel free to enjoy this activity as often as you’d like!

New Members :wave:

Merry meet to all of the new members who have joined the forum over the past week!

:infinite_roots: Welcome to the Forum and the Infinite Roots Coven! :infinite_roots:

@kelly21, @darean, @betty, @cassandra10, @Skyfox, @veronica10, @jacalyn, @lizz, @Billy, @natasha1, @christina35, @jennifer99, @talk2me0, @ashlee3, @lisa49, @victoria32, @valerie4, @michelle49, @jose1, @devin2, @lisa50, @jamie23, @shannon19, @emma21, @jenesyslopez, @lacey3, @kristin9, @jessica94, @danielle_111, @sam7, @amber47, @kelly22, @jerusha, @jessi2, @katya, @karryne, @anneke, @phylicia, @kimberly50, @paula4, @kimberly51, @jessica95, @malaya, @samantha59, @samantha60, @nafisha, @kimberly52, @tammy12, @connie5, @makendra, @teresa7, @Lyryx, @brie1, @latoya1, @louise6, @michelle7, @tenielle, @roberta2, @victoria33, @kynzh, @anuradha, @angel19, @ryan4, @nicole41, @alex10, @rebecca24, @emma22, @abigail8, @erica21, @cassie6, @alexis7, @geraldine

If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to say hello to your new coven by creating a new topic in the Introductions Category . Consider sharing a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick :sparkles:

We would all love to give you a warm welcome to the forum family! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

:raised_hands: FORUM ACTIVITY

Every week, those who share the most posts and give the most hearts receive an Activity Shout-Out. The top posters and sharers this week are:

  • @Nikita-mikaelson - for sharing the most posts over the last seven days :writing_hand:

  • @Rachel21 - for giving out the most hearts over the past week :heart:

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiration through posts and your love and support through hearts- your time here helping the coven is greatly appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Note : All those who receive Activity shout-outs for three weeks in a row are awarded the MMM Activity Badge . They will not be counted in Activity shout-outs again for a two-month rest period.

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:handshake: COMMUNITY

It is always wonderful when people go above and beyond for fellow coven members :blush: But for those who do so not just one day, but everyday- you deserve something extra special!

Those who are noticed for going above and beyond for fellow coven members over the course of the month receive a Community Shout-Out.

For March 2022 :

  • @Debra2 - for daily happy birthday messages to coven members, sharing daily inspirational affirmations, and sharing an oracle card each day this past month

  • @Marsha - for daily happy birthday messages to coven members, sharing daily oracle cards, and welcoming all new members in their introduction posts over the past month

  • @Amethyst- for welcoming all new members in their introduction posts over the past month

Thank you so much for all that you do to make fellow coven members feel at home here- it is greatly appreciated! :heart:

Note : Those who receive a monthly Community Shout-Out are awarded the CCC Badge .

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And of course, saying a very big thank you to all members of Spells8 :infinite_roots:

Your contributions and love help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world. Thanks for being here- Spells8 can’t exist without you! :sparkles:

Picture from Pixabay

Welcome to April- how is the weather where you are? :cherry_blossom: :snowflake: Do you have any spells or rituals planned for this week? :spiral_calendar:

Whether it’s magickal or mundane, feel free to share your current happenings or give a shout-out to your fellow coven members in the comments below!

Blessed be! :blossom::sparkles:


Good Monday Morning! :sunrise:

I don’t have much going on this week! I just have 1 appointment on Wednesday. I finally got my sleep :sleeping: cycle back to somewhat normal after being out of whack all weekend. :smile:

Our weather can’t make up its mind as of late. One day it’s in the 30s or less the next it’s teetering on over 60 degrees. We haven’t had any more snow :snowflake: but the rain is raw & cold. However, my daylilies, tiger lilies, irises, & a few other plants are starting to poke through with their new growth for the year :white_flower: :herb:

I made an executive decision after a Freebie Friday Reading :star2: , I started taking the Crystal Practitioner classes. So far I am on class 9, but on those nights/mornings when I am the first awake, I can put my headphones :headphones: in & work on the classes at my own speed. There are actually some things I would like to try after I go through my crystals to see what I have for quartz points & rough & tumbled stones. I’m pretty happy with my progress concerning those, plus it keeps my brain working.

I have been pulling 1 crystal card on Sundays. I use that crystal throughout the week, this week is Angel Aura Quartz. I only have a small piece of it, so I have it wrapped in a smaller bag while it’s in with the Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz point, & a slice of Selenite.

Today is Monday, so getting everyone where they need to be may be more of a challenge. There were 2 birthdays in my neighborhood over the weekend. The first was our neighbor on April 1 & then my husband on April 3.

Congratulations to @debra2, @marsha, & @Amethyst & to @Nikita-mikaelson & @rachel21 for all of your accomplishments!

Side Note: I received the Devotee Badge! I have been present in the forum, every day for a year! @Amethyst we are badge buddies again! :heart:


Merry Meet Monday :infinite_roots:
Congrats to @Amethyst @marsha @debra2 and @Susurrus Awesome Work and Contributions Witches!
This week not much going on over my way, I’m glad the Bday is done though!
I ordered a new set of Runes the other day, so they should be coming this week. I’m going to gift my hubby my other ones, he’s really gotten an interest in them lately. Our weather here is wonky like @Susurrus mentioned, One day it’s beautifully warm close in the high 70’s 80’s, the next cold windy and rainy. We’re getting some severe storms tomorrow, supposedly.
Oh! I made an herb drying rack Saturday, and found some Crimson Clover the other day on the way home from the beach (pulled over on the side of the road to get them).
Here’s some pics of the beach that day and a nice little backroad Tim and I explored too, had my favorite trees covering the path.

Blessed Be The Week Ahead for Us All.


It has rained every day so far :laughing: but so far, so good! I did my usual monthly tarot reading this morning and got…well, I got some answers lol we’ll see how the rest of the month goes!

@Susurrus – Hooray for not having much to do lol that’s always a nice thing. I hope your crystal classes go well! And congrats on the badge!

@Rowan – Those pictures are beautiful :heart: Thank you for sharing!


Aww, thank you for the recognition! And congrats to @Nikita-mikaelson, @rachel21, and my fellow honorees @debra2 and @marsha! We rock! LOL!

Congratulations! You earned it! That’s so great! And during such a tough time for you. I’m proud of you! And crystal classes, how neat!

@Rowan, love the pictures! Especially the foam on the beach. How pretty, like lace.

I just got home from the doctor and everything is going well with my skin graft. It looks like a giant scab so they said that’s what it’s supposed to do. They’re closed next week for the holiday so I go back in two weeks to see what it’s doing. So that’s good.

I finished my book club book faster than I thought I would so I have time to read some fanfiction today before I delve into another book tomorrow. I’m waiting to see what this week’s challenge is to decide what kind of magic I’m doing for the Moon on Saturday. I may just purify my crystals that day. We’ll see.

I hope everyone has a nice week!


Thank you @BryWisteria for the new CCC Badge!

Congratulations on the new badges witches! :magic_wand: :sparkles:

  • @Nikita-mikaelson - for sharing the most posts over the last seven days :writing_hand:
  • @Rachel21 - for giving out the most hearts over the past week :heart:
  • @Debra2 - for daily happy birthday messages to coven members, sharing daily inspirational affirmations and sharing an oracle card each day this past month
  • @Amethyst- for welcoming all new members in their introduction posts over the past month
  • @Susurrus - for being present in the forum every day for a year

Thank you all for sharing so much Love!


Thank you all for the shoutouts, @Susurrus @Amethyst @MeganB @Rowan @BryWisteria, what a month we just had with so many taking part in so many things as welcoming all new members, giving out lots of love, the affirmations, the Tarot/Oracle cards every day, to daily Happy Birthdays of the month, for sharing the most posts. It warms the heart. :heart:
I want to say congratulations to @Nikita-mikaelson @rachel21 and congratulations to @Susurrus @marsha @Amethyst @MeganB for all the work she does for the coven @BryWisteria for all the work she does coven.

It’s a wonderful day today, even though we have high winds and this morning it started to rain while all the higher mountains and passes are getting snow. Sorry to say that dirty word snow is still around. Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.


@Susurrus Glad you got your sleep cycle back on track and that you haven’t had to deal with anymore icky snow- I hope the weather continues to improve and turn nice for you! :sun_with_face: Congrats on starting the Crystal Practioner class and also again about the Devotee Badge- you’ve got lots of exciting things going on, Siofra! I’m happy for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Rowan I hope you enjoy your new runes, Rowan, and how fun that your husband is learning them too- he’s lucky to have a great teacher in you! :blush: I hope the weather stabilizes for you soon and that it turns nice, although even with the current weather things look gorgeous there- thanks for sharing such lovely pictures! :heart_eyes:

@MeganB Hahaha want to trade weather? If it was a few degrees warmer we’d be getting rain too, but alas- snow snow snow. I look out the window and I feel like Mother Nature is mocking me :sweat_smile: :cloud_with_snow: And yikes- sometimes tarot can be brutal! I hope the answers you got weren’t too bad, and that they help you move forward! :heart:

@Amethyst It’s always well-deserved, Amethyst- thanks for being so awesome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: So glad to hear that everything is going well with the skin graft and that you are enjoying your reading so much! :blush::books: Sounds like good plants for the first quarter moon this week, may it help increase good and happy things for you! :first_quarter_moon: :sparkles:

@Marsha The pleasure is all mine, Marsha- thanks for all the giving you do! :heart:

@Debra2 Congrats again, Debra- thank you for all that you do in the forum! :two_hearts: You are very sweet, thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And ahhhh I feel you about the nasty snow- be gone, winter! We are all very ready for spring! May the warm sunshine and flowers be right around the corner :sun_with_face: :tulip:

I hope everyone’s week has been off to a great start! :sparkles:


For anyone interested, this week’s group meditation ritual is now live in the forum! More information can be found in the post:

(Group Meditation Ritual - Apr 7) :medical_symbol: Good Health Ritual

4-7 World Health Day Good Health Ritual

Looking forward to sharing a cup with you then! :tea::herb::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Blessed be!


@Rowan I love your pictures!


The weather in Texas is always crazy. It rained yesterday, but today it is going to be 88 degrees with 98 percent humidity. It will feel like 95. Hot and sticky, and a terrible hair day!


I have just posted Sowilo :sowilo: in the Runes Information listing. Even though I didn’t draw that particular rune today, it still resonates with me today after the last week or so & as a finish line for the last 6 to 9 months. I feel a lot better more recently :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


lol nope! I won’t give it up :laughing: it rained but yesterday we had a very large break in the storm and we were able to go swimming with a group of homeschool families :swimming_woman: so, so nice! Sorry about your snow, though :laughing:


Glad I could give out the most :heart: this week. I think everyone can always use a little extra love!
I have been taking the advice from my Friday Freebie reading and trying to let go of things that are holding me down. Who knew letting things go can be so hard even if they are heavy. I hope everyone is having a great week. :slight_smile:


@Ostara Oh goodness, 98 percent humidity really is a killer for hair :laughing: Hang in there, Ostara! I hope the humidity goes down soon for you :pray::blush:

@Susurrus Hooray! Thank you so much for the new rune post, Siofra! :heart: :sowilo:

@MeganB Hahaha I can’t blame you- I wouldn’t trade for snow either :joy: Glad to hear the storm let up and you could go swimming, that sounds like a blast! :star_struck: :ocean:

@Rachel21 Thanks again for all the love you spread, Rachel! :blush: And I know, letting go is so much harder than it sounds. But good for you for sticking to your goals and moving forward, even if it’s challenging! :muscle: :heart: Cheering for you!


Thought I’d mention that today, April 6, is
:black_heart::white_heart::purple_heart: International Asexuality Day. :black_heart::white_heart::purple_heart:
To everyone in the coven who identifies as ace, like me, I want you to know that you are completely valid in your sexuality. Don’t let anyone tell you that there’s something wrong with you or that you just lack self-confidence or haven’t found the right person yet (as I’ve been told).


Hope you’ve had a good day today!


I apologize that I’m a day late, but Happy International Asexuality Day! :black_heart: :white_heart: :purple_heart: :blush:

Thank you for sharing about the special occasion, Kasandra- hope you had a wonderful day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love the theme of Chaos Magick this week a shame i missed it :weary: I will have to make it my habit to check in daily to make sure i am not missing anything :wink: Thanks @BryWisteria for the great new of the week, love reading them when i get a chance. I hope i can be more present :blush: :heartpulse: