Divination Discussion ☁ Many Methods

Way to go to everyone that participated in last week’s Divination Discussion where we spoke a little bit about ethics and love life readings with Love Life Lisa :heart:

YAY! Thank you all for participating! (after I corrected my due date mistake :sweat_smile: )

@john4 wrote about their reading style and using the Celtic Cross spread :crystal_ball:
@Amethyst and @christina4 said that Love Life Lisa doesn’t need tarot, she needs Dr. Phil :rofl:
@CelestiaMoon said Love Life Lisa would have to convince her that she wouldn’t just take the reading and run with it :running_man:
@praecog29 pulled from personal experience and suggested that Love Life Lisa get a reading about her current love energy instead of who her soulmate is :heart_decoration:
@BryWisteria played Devil’s Advocate and read for Love Life Lisa :scream_cat:
@Susurrus said they probably couldn’t read for Love Life Lisa because she probably already knows the answer :face_with_monocle:
And I said that Love Life Lisa probably doesn’t need a reading about love, but about self-development and making up her mind.

Flexing our ethical and moral muscles is not only good practice when reading for others, but it can help when reading for ourselves, too. Situations like Love Life Lisa’s are not uncommon, albeit not everyone is attracted to multiple people and can’t make up their mind…but anyway – the point is that lis complex. Knowing where you stand ethically in terms of reading styles and the questions you will and won’t answer is important for anyone practicing divination.

Great job everyone!


Ready for the new discussion?

This time, we’re going to look at less conventional methods of divination.

We all know the usual things like tarot, pendulums, and runes. What about some methods that are based on folklore? Or historical practice? Or just something that sounds completely made up? Divination has been practiced for a very, very long time. In the span of thousands of years, many different methods of divination have come and gone. A thousand years ago, they didn’t have tarot cards. So how did they divine the future? How did they help themselves with divination and fortune-telling?

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This week, I want you to do a bit of research and find an unconventional divination method to tell us about. You dont’ need to write an essay :rofl: but you can if you want!

When you write about it, be sure to tell us…
:cloud: The name of the practice
:cloud: What it means
:cloud: How you do it
:cloud: Where you found your information

Need some inspiration or ideas?
Cromniomancy, Capnomancy & Other Little-Known Divination Methods :crystal_ball:
How to Use Dice for Divination :game_die:
Tasseography: Tea Leaf Divination :tea:
Methods of Divination - Wikipedia


New to Divination Discussion?

How does it work?

  • Each week, starting on Thursday, I’ll be posting a new hypothetical divination question.
    For anyone that doesn’t have a divination method or wants to make it a little more challenging, I’ll have another option available for you.

  • During the week, use whichever method you feel comfortable with to answer the question. Draw as many cards, throw as many bones, or pull as many runes as you need. Any spread you think will work is okay to use that goes with the challenge.

  • Write about it here in the comments and share any pictures you may have taken!

  • Discuss your interpretation and the interpretations of others and help out where you can.

  • Ask questions! If you’re not sure how to interpret something, please ask. Many of us have personal experience or other sources that we can share.


What’s the purpose?

When we are learning a new method of divination or just practicing, it can be hard to get good practice without actually doing anything. Practicing this way with a hypothetical situation gives you an idea of questions that might be asked and it gives you practice in how to respond if you’re reading for someone else.



Anyone can participate – from new beginners to seasoned readers alike – to benefit from this discussion. To make sure we’re all on the same page, I’ve got some guidelines for everyone to follow to make this a place of safe and constructive discussion.

  1. Any divination method is okay - use what you’re okay with.

  2. This challenge will run from Thursday of one week to the end of day Wednesday the following week.

  3. If you do not want feedback on your interpretation or reading style, please say so. The purpose of this challenge is to learn and discuss with everyone else.

  4. Please use trigger warnings if your interpretation involves any mention of the following.

Trigger Warning Words (click me)
  • rape
  • abuse
  • violence
  • self-harm
  • other sensitive materials

To hide words, phrases, or content in your writing, highlight it, click the gear button up top in the formatting, and select either Hide Details or Blur Spoiler


Be sure to get your interpretations in before Wednesday, November 25th!

Remember, there aren’t necessarily wrong answers. Divination is often very personal and that’s why interpretations are fun and good practice!

Need more information on different divination methods? Check out these sources.

:crystal_ball: Cromniomancy, Capnomancy & Other Little-Known Divination Methods
:crystal_ball: How to Use Dice for Divination
:crystal_ball: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Fortelling the Future
:crystal_ball: Tasseography: Tea Leaf Divination
:crystal_ball: Fortune Telling with Regular Cards
:crystal_ball: Whole Tarot Video Course
:crystal_ball: Talk Tarot with Me at Round the Cauldron


Hopefully tomorrow or on the weekend I will have some time to do this one! I am so busy the next couple of days. Today I have my CT and I have to go stop at a Dr office to pick up some things and tomorrow I have an appointment and I am meeting with a friend to go for a walk or get coffee, it depends on the weather and what my body is doing with the weather.

I’m excited to learn about a different method, I think I will try it with regular cards or maybe tasseography, that one seems interesting too. Ooo… decisions!


Whee! This is gonna be fun!

The name of the practice is Ailuromancy or aeluromancy.

It means Divination with CATS.

You watch your cat to see what it’s doing and guess what’s going to happen by the way it moves or jumps. Like a cat washing itself is a sign of rain, or if it’s cleaning its ears three times, there will be a visitor showing up.

I found the information here, on a site about different types of divination. I also found some good information here, on Occultopedia.

Personally speaking, I know when it’s time to nap, which seems like always, by watching my cat, Max. LOL. Or when it’s breakfast time, I don’t even need a clock. I just seem to know when to feed him by watching what he’s doing. :joy_cat: :cat2:


So I found this online before Samhain and I typed it up to put in my BOS

Way to See a Person’s Future Husband with an Apple & Mirror

Written By Goody Feed Team

Timing : Samhain Night






Prerequisites of the myth states that you should be single and not in a relationship for this to be accurate.

The Spell:

  1. Wait till midnight on the night of Halloween
  2. Prepare a mirror, an apple, a knife and a lit candle
  3. When midnight strikes, peel the apple in front of the mirror in one long continuous strip, making sure that it must not break or something bad would then happen to you.
  4. With your right hand, toss the peel over your left shoulder.

There are several versions as to what would happen after you follow this methodology.

One : When the apple peel hit the ground, it would be in the shape of your future husband’s initials.

(So if looks like a J, it could well be Justin Bieber or your classmate Jin Jin Jin.)

Two: You would be able to see how your future husband would look through the mirror after you have peeled the apple in front of the mirror.

Three: States that you should recite this charm when you peel the apple for it to work


I pare this apple round and again
My sweetheart’s name to flourish plain
I fling the pairing o’er my head
My sweetheart’s letter on the ground be read.

Four: Another method instructed a girl to light two candles at midnight, then sit in front of a mirror and eat an apple.

She was then asked to brush her hair, where an image of her future husband would then appear in the mirror behind her shoulder.

Why the mirrors? Mirrors are always considered as portals to the shadow world. In a house where someone has recently passed away, all mirrors are covered, so the person’s soul won’t be trapped inside.

If you break a mirror, it can create 7 years of bad luck, unless you gather all the pieces and wash them in a river that runs south

Bobbing for apples was originally another form of divination called the “aipple dooking” in Scotland, where a tub is filled with water and apples are floated on the surface.

The first person to actually grab an apple with their teeth without the help of their hands would be the first person to marry and he/she can then peel the apple and toss it over their shoulder to see who the person would be.


Ahhhhh such a great idea, @MeganB! Ohhh choices, choices- so many methods to look into! :star_struck: And @Amethyst and @Berta have already found such fascinating ones- I gotta do some digging and see what I can come up with too! :grin:


Name of the divination practice : Pyro-osteomancy (aka Oracle Bones)

What it involves : A traditional method of divination dating back to the 4th to 3rd millennium BCE in China that involves burning animal bones as part of a fire ritual :bone::fire:

How to read : Bones are heated with fire and the cracks that appear are interpreted by an oracle bone reader. After the reading, a written inscription is recorded to preserve the prediction for review in the future :scroll: .

Information from : The HarvardX free online class PredictionX: Oracles, Omens, Prophecies

Oracle bones are interesting not only from a divination perspective, but this method jumped out to be in my online course because this practice stresses the importance of journaling and recording your findings :open_book:

The written interpretations of oracle bone readings have been preserved from early Chinese Dynasties and offer fascinating insights to what life was like thousands of years ago.

The course says that oracle bone readings began in the 4th millennium BCE and were most popular during the Shang Dynasty. Today, it is no longer a popular or widely practiced method.

It’s a very interesting divination practice, but probably not one that I will add to my personal divination arsenal! Always fun to learn about though :blush:

Thanks again for a fun challenge, @MeganB! :two_hearts:



I lied. I’m going to extend this particular discussion for another week since tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and many of us didn’t have adequate time to participate (myself included). The NEW due date is December 2!

This is your reminder! This challenge closes tonight, November 25th, at 11:00 pm EST!


Oh no! I missed this one, completely by accident. My week was very up & down & full then I got distracted making ornaments. I am making them as gifts for my friends this year. I will try to do better with the next one though! I’m so sorry.


No worries! I actually extended it for another week :slight_smile:


Perfect! I still have time! Thank you so much!


Thanks so much for the extension and this is going to be great! I get excited and a bit nervous since I should be studying more!! I am on a limited time so thanks for the time! Thanks for this Megan!



Pronunciation /ˌdivəˈnāSH(ə)n/ /ˌdɪvəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/

noun: divination; plural noun: divinations
the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.


Professor Trelawney : " Certainly I knew, Minerva. But one does not parade the fact that one is All-Knowing. I frequently act as though I am not possessed of the Inner Eye, so as not to make others nervous. "

HA! I dressed up as Professor Trelawney for a Halloween party I went to in 2019. It was a blast. I do not claim to possess the gift of inner Eye, and I am often intimidated by those who do. BUT that doesn’t mean I don’t have an interest in the arts.

One ancient practice is the I-CHING The Chinese Art of Prophecy
You can use the sticks or coins reading the pattern of heads and tails of 6 tosses to create one of 64 patterns. Then the meaning is interpreted.


PROFESSOR TRELAWNEY!!! :heart_eyes: Omg @Berta you just made my day- that is a PERFECT costume!! :clap::two_hearts: And I am drooling over your divination collection- what did you think of I Ching ? I’ve been considering reading that one for a while now! :open_book:


@BryWisteria well, like I said this stuff sort of freaks me out. I ‘played’ with it all for a short time but the answers were a little too spot on and I put it all away in the attic… That said…when I was working with these items I preferred methods like the I CHING where the readings were spelled out and could be ‘looked up’ rather than say ‘crystal ball gazing’. For instance- I have two cups for tea leaf reading. One is just your standard china cup…the other is a ‘fortune telling cup’. The plain one leave too much space to engage my over active imagination … the fortune telling cup is more straight forward…though probably not as ‘authentic’. Perhaps I just don’t want to face my creative mind or trust my intuition.

(LOL) Short answer… I liked the I CHING… it has been around a LONG time and I found it intriguing. I would recommend a deeper dig into its mysteries. Look for vintage books… That little book is kind of a joke but the old yellow book is probably more traditional information. The I Ching Book of Changes - Wilhelm, Baynes, Princeton University Press is still available for about $20-$25 US…but you can also find it in vintage or second hand shops for about half that price.


Unfortunately this only gives directions on how to use the yarrow sticks to obtain the 6 numbers of the cast… It does not go into interpretation. For that you have to download the book and I was shy to do so.


:black_cat: I have two cats and I didn’t even know this was a thing! I’ll have to keep an extra eye on my cats, although they tend to just sleep :rofl:

This brings up something I used to do when I was a kid with apples. We would twist the stem to the alphabet – each twist was a letter – and whatever letter it came off on was the first letter of our future partner’s name. Not sure where it came from, honestly, but sometimes I still catch myself doing it subconciously :rofl: even though my boyfriend and I have been together for 12 years and don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon! :apple:

That’s a very important thing to consider when doing divination. I almost always write down my in-depth readings, but when I pull a card a day or something like that, I don’t usually bother. I might in the future to see if I can identify patterns, but who knows!

Thanks for sharing this one. I didn’t know about burning the bones, but I have heard of throwing the bones and reading them that way.


You look just like her there! Professor Trelawney is one of my most favorite characters!

I’ve heard a lot about I-Ching, but never really what it is. Thanks for sharing! I’ll have to give it some more research.

I’ve always wanted to read tea leaves but :tea: I’m not much of a tea person and I don’t like loose leaves floating around in my drink :rofl:


Yeah, my cat is always accurate about predicting naptimes. LOL.


Well I made a video for you all and I am not authorized!!!:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Anybody that can help?


That can be the most fun sometimes- letting your creativity run wild and finding many different meanings! :laughing: I usually look at the tea leaves for a few minutes and then choose whichever vision feels the most right to me. But I can understand that more direct divination methods can feel more reassuring when there’s just one answer :grin::+1:

Thanks for the info on I Ching- I’ll have to look into it more! And I am in love with that cup- the Zodiac signs around the saucer are such a lovely feature :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::coffee:

Is it a Youtube video? If you copy the URL from the page, then post into the text book (with a blank line/space above and below) the video will upload directly into the post.

If it’s not working- no worries! Just upload the URL link and we can click it and view it that way too :blush:


Well I reach all my psychological needs in the future by Jeannie

For a different nation I worked on the tarot spread by Barbara Moore which was called Maslow’s hierarchy spread

First I meditated using the elemental meditation on spells eight.
Second I lit my candles starting from the north green candle east blue candle south red candle and west white for a water weight can be use for just about anything.
I opened a circle for protection during my divination calling on the quarters!
Third I use my amethyst crystal to help my psyche powers and intuition for my third eye.For each category are used a crystal to help enhance my intention during my meditation and divination.
My question to the cards are a mirror image of myself in Spirit.
Well I read all my psychological needs in the future for the next year? Using the spread called Maslow’s hierarchy spread!

Muslims hierarchy spread by Barbara Moore states that Montecillo’s hierarchy of human needs divides human needs into five levels. According to this theory the bottom level must be fulfilled or nearly fulfilled, before attention can given To the next actual development then they are in finding food.

The spread can help you see where you are in terms of your human needs. Positive cards usually indicate the need is being met in a healthy way. Negative cards often show that they need is not being met or is being met in a unhealthy way by identifying the unfulfilled spaces you can then make a plan to move forward and progress on your personal and spiritual level.

1-5psychological- The basic needs and breathing food water sex and shelter.

6-9 Safety security needs like employment protection resources and health.

10-12 Belonging human relationships such as friendship family and intimacy

13-14Self-esteem and sense of self gain and confidence achievements and respect Barbara more Tarot spreads

15 self accusation realizing and for filling personal potential spiritual and personal growth
This is my interpretation of the cards
The emperor- I have showed lots of success with this energy this card is a number for and when I think of this card I think of strength. The king is honored by others and is an authoritative figure. This is a masculine energy he sits on his chair that is made of cement and has a ram that represents the airy symbol for fire. He has lots of passion. Yes I have lots of passion and determination. For personal potential I am showing off right now because this is a really good card to get. The energy will give me lots of fire to get things done in regards to realizing and fulfilling personal potential spiritual and personal growth.
Safety security needs like employment protection resources and health.
Six of swords in Mahnaz rowing the family towards safety reminds me of my husband who has my back and is trying to get me to safety. Helping the family out this card represents a hardship when it comes to safety or employment or health. The water shows the journey may be rough ahead in this arena for example security needs like employment protection resources and health and may be rough but the energy shows me that I am not alone when it comes to employment I am working towards my goals I am secured and with this energy I am not alone I have doctors to help me with my physical and mental aspects I am not alone when it comes to my spirit guide they are always there for me even during the rough patches. I will always have resources there to help me during these times and I need to remember that I do have security.
Temperance- This Angel is on top of the water with 1 foot in the water and another foot touching the earth. This energy tells me that I am safe because I am grounded and centered the Angel has a triangle that represents the air and the future looks good because your energy is flowing very well. In regards to my safety security needs like employment protection resources and health ID to make time for healing. This tells me there is going to be the sun energy therefore there is light and my days and I can see that I will feel safe and protected with the light surrounded by me and the sun is ahead.

The star- The star energy is great when it comes to my safety security needs like employment protection resources and health. This is the best card out of the whole Doug and his very positive. I will be gifted with safety and protection for employment and my resources and health. I have hope for my future and feel the cards are telling me that All my wishes To feel secure are coming. I will feel a inner peace coming from the outside world.

Ten of Rods - Element of fire this energy has a lot of passion to work hard. He has all the rods together in the picture that tells me that I will be working like a dog. So that I will have security. His rods are all put together really neat and shows me that I am planning ahead. I think that I will be progressing towards my goals. One step in front of the other he has a heavy load and even though your load is heavy you still have one step in front of the other. Taking one thing at a time. This is me a hard-working person who has a rolled on her shoulder.

Overall I see that I am a hard-working person that seems to have safety because I am grounded centered and protected.
10-12 belonging human relationships such as friendships and family and intimacy. This energy is the night of ones that is the fire energy. The fire represents action and the night of wands is very powerful energy that takes charge. In a year from now you will find that you have love and belonging when it comes to friendships and family and intimacy. The mountains in the back represents a hard climb and even though it is difficult you still face your fears with strength. You are going to find victory over love and belonging. The ride is a little bumpy but when you get hot tempered remember thatIf you find a outlet you will prosper.

King of wands the king of wands shows fire and action towards love and belonging I am Strong in my relationships. I am friendly and kind I am also confident enthusiastic I will help others in anyway that I can.

Page of swords page has a sword which is the air energy that deals with the intellect. The page is the first stage of growth in regards to a younger person who is just starting off but to correlate to myself I still need to Work on my relationships as far as my friends and family go I need to find balance with friends and family and work. I will be honest it is not easy I have children. I have difficulty during my days at work. I am trying to learn to be a good communicator and friend too. Overall the night of wands the king of wands page of swords are all positive cards and say that love and belonging are for me in the future I will have abundance of friends and family but it takes work.
Psychological the basic needs of breathing food water sucks in shelter.
Justice will prevail just take a deep breath and know that everything will be OK the Justice card is the sword energy. Energy that is unpredictable but the sword is ready for battle. She was crowned with the royal energy when it comes to our intellect and she is smart. She weighs all the good and the bad and find balance during her work family and friends. I am a Libra so the car does resonate with me. This is a strong energy that has a strong personality when it comes to judging what is right and what is wrong. She has tough time balancing out the good and the bad and making good decisions but she will do her best to make sure there is a good outcome for the justice view of Point.

King of swords-swords are the element of air which pertains to authoritative and confronts the psyche and finds her intellect in regards to any of the basic needs of breathing food water sex and shelter. The king assorted food is food for thought dealing with my psyche I am a worrier. This warrior has a hard time to go to sleep but it has to do well at work. Sex is good for me I have a strong appetite for sex this year I am ready for battle and concerned with all justices. The sword represents him being connected to the divine. Because the sword is pointing towards the sky it represents being one with the guard in the goddesses. I am channeling in to my wisdom.

Eight of pentacles this masculine energy has work to do in his hard-working when it comes to the future there is no time to waste. There are a little details that must be done he has his hammer hammering away at all the work. I am creative I have learned the craft and I am learning new skills every day.

Moon- Feminine energy and powers that help to my basic needs of breathing food water sucks and shelter. Number 18 1+8 = 9 my prime number is three so the high priestess energy arises and I must look inside myself and answer some questions regarding my basic needs. I’ll be quite honest this is a hard card for me the crab is hidden psychic powers that can help me with my breath. When I think of breath I think how I got my breath and how I am connected to the divine when it comes to psychological needs iCan grow and look up to the goddess and the moon energy’s and all the phases!
The crab also indicates my instincts that are intact regarding all of my basic needs. My fears may arise and that are from my subconscious mind. Go to spirit to help with this in anyway and they can give me strength! Going back to the crab it’s a symbol of my fears because he is crawling out of the murky water of my subconscious. The crab indicates that I may have fears in mind however I must decide which way that I want to go with my life when it comes to my psychological needs. I have a hard time with this card.

13-14 Self-esteem a sense of self gain from confidence achievements and respect Barbara more tarot spreads.

This energy is at the first stage which is the page a young person dealing with self-esteem and basically needs to grow up. I have lots of confidence and respect for self and is hard for my own personal growth that I don’t give myself credit for. This energy has a lot of material gain ahead in regards to my achievements and respects. The messages there is room to grow. I am obedient in the craft and I can emerge and be more self-confident. The guy look straight ahead because I just need to look forward people will see personal growth.

Self-esteem- Episodes of self gain from confidence achievements and respect.
Two of swords -Element error a new project is on the way but if you don’t have confidence in so then it will backfire on you in order to have self-confidence one must use your third eye and then you will see spiritual growth. The swords are heavy but with dedication you can stay focus. Your hands are crossed and you may have some walls up. Open your heart stop trying to protect yourself and you will be more so confident. It may be difficult to do life blindfolded with your eyes close. Meaning I should take the blindfold off.
You are still young but try to open yourself up to the heart chakra to gain some self-confidence achievements and respect.
Goddess guide me by Amie Zurn are in monte Farber