Merry meet!
Would you like some advice for the week ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to?
These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your week ahead
When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:
The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
The current position of the moon in the Zodiac
The current moon phase
The current position other planets in the Zodiac
Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)
Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it
Find My Sun Sign
Click here to find your sun sign
Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday!
Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).
- Aries : March 21 – April 19
- Taurus : April 20 – May 20
- Gemini : May 21 – June 20
- Cancer : June 21 – July 22
- Leo : July 23 – August 22
- Virgo : August 23 – September 22
- Libra : September 23 – October 22
- Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
- Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
- Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
- Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
- Pisces : February 19 – March 20
For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.
~ Horoscope Readings ~
For the week of Monday, September 18 - Sunday, September 24
Sun in : Virgo, Libra
Moon in : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
Moon phases : Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous
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Mercury : ↑ Virgo
Venus : ↑ Leo
Mars : ↑ Libra
Jupiter : ↓ Taurus
Saturn : ↓ Pisces
Uranus : ↓ Taurus
Neptune : ↓ Pisces
Pluto : ↓ Capricorn
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Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope
You reflect the moon this week, Aries- both of you embarking on a fresh path, growing in strength as you walk. Find yourself blessed this week as emotional encounters are easier to handle than usual and your cup remains full. No matter who or what you cross paths with in the coming days, know that you have the higher ground and the ability to show your best self. Look for ways to connect with those around you through bonding activities- you might watch a movie, go for a walk, share a together, and reminisce about happy memories. This is a great time to have a heart-to-heart with a partner, and if you were considering meeting with a therapist or mental health advisor, the signs say go ahead. You don’t need to rush this week- things are flowing at their own pace and will arrive at your feet when they are ready to.
Tarot Card : Queen of Cups
Last week’s new moon saw the start of some changes in your life, Taurus, but not everything has been going as ideally as you would like. You may get the sense that there are things you are missing or not picking up on- but don’t fear! When there’s a bump in the road, it’s only natural that some of the cargo gets shaken, but the powerful ox continues to move surely down the path. Be your namesake this week, Taurus, and set aside worries and fears about things outside of your immediate bubble. Gossip, lies, and false expectations are just flies that ought to be swatted away- do not let the pettiness of others keep you from your road to success. With both retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in your sign, it would be wise to avoid taking large risks, acting rebelliously, and gambling. Instead, keep your shoulders squared and your focus on the path in front of you. If you find yourself straying or harboring negative thoughts, meditation can help you stay on track and feel motivated. If you find yourself needing someone to rely on, look to a Libra- they may have exactly what you need to find your way.
Tarot Card : Ace of Swords, Reversed
With your ruling planet back in line and moving direct, Gemini, this week brings a sense of cleansing- which means the reemergence of things that had been buried under the hustle and bustle of daily life. Pay close attention as people, places, and activities that you haven’t thought about for a long time come floating back into your conscious mind. These memories may come suddenly and unexpectedly, but are worth considering, especially as the sun moves into Libra this week- your fellow Air sign and ruler of the House of relationships. Who, where, and what is coming back to you during this time? And why? You may find your answers while looking back through old photos or journal entries. A solution to a current problem may be unlocked thanks to the help of an old connection.
Tarot Card : Six of Cups
The winds are shifting and the seasons are changing, Cancer- as a sensitive soul, you may feel feel the shift as the sun moves signs this weekend. Although this feels like a grounded week for you, as the weekend arrives you’ll find yourself leaving your comfort zone and feeling unsure. Someone you trust may do something unexpected, and while it may not be an outright betrayal, it’s caught you by surprise and planted a seed of doubt in your beautiful heart. Observe and be honest with your emotions- ignoring them won’t make them go away!- but let your inner voice of reasoning say it’s part too. It is difficult when your head and your heart are pointing you in different directions, especially when your faith is being tested, but hold fast to your experiences and know that, no matter what the world throws at you, you can trust in yourself.
Tarot Card : Seven of Swords
Get ready, Leo- this week is yours for the taking! The recent new moon has helped you to refresh, and this week, as she grows brighter every night, she is inspiring you to step up and be your best self. The sun is changing signs once again, and as he moves, the action of your ruling planet is helping to fire up your own creative spark and powerful potential. As another boost, lovely Venus remains direct and at attention in your sign, shrouding you with her love and glory. Things are aligning and looking really bright for you, Leo, but it’s up to you to take this spark and make it a blaze! Trust in your own power and keep faith in the abilities you have cultivated during your life. From your connections and relationships to your achievements- everything you have learned and gained has become a stage for you to stand upon. So get out there and claim your spotlight, Leo- take action and shine brightly!
Tarot Card : The Emperor
Last week’s new moon in Virgo brought the start of a new cycle for you, and part of that new path is seeing an old cycle brought to a close- the sun sets literally upon Virgo season this week as the sun moves into neighboring Libra. The end of the fiery energy is a breath of relief for you, Virgo, as the spotlight swings elsewhere and you are left with peace and privacy. This week, enjoy as things are cooling down, becoming more stable, and, so long as you can set aside your duties, you will have more time for peace and contemplation. Mercury, your ruling planet, is direct and stable in your sign, helping you to process things that happen and maintain harmonious relationships with those around you. If you have been considering purchasing any new furniture or necessary things for your house, this is your sign to do so. And if after necessary expenses have been paid, you find yourself with extra money- consider tucking it away safely into your savings account.
Tarot Card : Ten of Pentacles
Energy builds throughout the week for you, Libra, as the winds begin to shift. Friday brings the gentle hand of the First Quarter Moon, reminding you to pace yourself and prepare for what is soon to come. As the work week changes into the weekend, your season begins with the sun parading into your sign! Bright and beautiful, the sun brings glorious blessings into your realm, helping to light up anything you have been moving towards and illuminating the path ahead. He comes on the day of the equinox, only two days after a First Quarter Moon- this is truly a time of balance for you, Libra! With all of the energy in the air, you are becoming a whirlwind of possibilities and potential. Mighty Mars remains upright and direct in your sign all week, adding to the fiery energy in the air and encouraging you to take your chances and act. Take this incredible energy of fire and air combined and know that you can do great things- power is in your hands and all around you. Wield it well and reap the rewards!
Tarot Card : Ace of Swords
The week begins just as the moon enters your sign, Scorpio, and you will hold the beautiful waxing crescent moon in your hands from Monday to Wednesday. As she grows brighter and stronger, so too will your energy and passion grow as the days pass. These strong emotions are not inherently bad and can often help you to achieve your goals- but as you are at heart a particularly passionate soul by nature, remember that too much of any one type of energy can cause the cauldron of emotion to boil over and wreck havoc around you. This week, allow inspiration to help motivate you, but never let your desires blind you- don’t let yourself get caught up in the moment, no matter how exciting and tempting it might feel. You are the master of your energy and you can direct it as you wish- so use that sharp mind and strong heart of yours to stay on course. Express yourself clearly, but take a seat when your turn is over- you will find that the words of others hold important and intriguing tidbits, if only you take the time to hear them out. You may benefit from spending time with a Capricorn this week.
Tarot Card : King of Wands, Reversed
Open your hands and accept the gifts being offered to you, Sagittarius- among them being a loving waxing moon in the middle of the week. On Wednesday, she will come into your sign and will remain with you, growing larger and brighter by the night. By her light, things seem bright and beautiful, and it’s best to accept them just as they are- don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! Good things are meant to be appreciated, not overanalyzed- so whether it is an offer, gift, or helping hand given in good faith that you find yourself faced with this week, consider carefully before turning it down. Even if it’s not something you necessarily need, rejection will hurt feelings and put up barriers between people. Take a path of balance this week and if you feel lost, just look up- in your worthy hands, the moon will blossom into a First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on Friday. Her blessing is one of harmony, balance, and slow yet steady growth. Know that you can be smart without overthinking things. Quiet your mind and trust that your feet already know the way. If you need help, look to a Virgo- they can help you navigate the path ahead, especially when it comes to financial and material matters.
Tarot Card : Ten of Pentacles, Reversed
You’re shining brightly this week, Capricorn, and you’re only going to get brighter with the blessing of the moon! A lovely waxing gibbous moon is coming to visit you this week- her growing light will bless your space from Friday to Sunday. After her time as a balanced First Quarter Moon on Thursday, she is here to help you find balance and regain your footing. The elemental forces around you are coming into equilibrium just as the equinox arrives. It’s time for you to feel secure and stable- consider this a healthy checkpoint on your way upwards along the path of your life. Know that the end of your week is supercharged, providing a big boost of energy available for you to tap into- use it to help you get things done, set matters right, and make plans for what is on the horizon.
Tarot Card : Queen of Wands
Look back over the past few weeks and you might be able to see the things that have been accumulating for you, Aquarius. Everything that has been building up is looking to reach a climax this week, so dig in, ground yourself and trust in your own abilities- you will get through this! All of the things you have “picked up” along the way, whether they are your burdens or someone else’s responsibility that you took on, have stacked up to the point where something needs to go- so make the choice to lighten your load before your mind and body make the choice for you. It’s time to set down the burdens and have a rest- goodness knows you deserve it. And whatever challenges come your way this week, know that there is a light at the end- on Sunday evening, a beautiful waxing gibbous moon comes into your sign. Becoming fuller every moment, she will watch over you and bless you with her healing light as the new week begins.
Tarot Card : Ten of Wands, Reversed
This week spells success for you, Pisces, although it may come in a different way than you first expect- after all, success is not so much the things we want as much as the things we need. And you are having some needs met this week, Pisces! As the moon becomes a lovely First Quarter of balance and the equinox brings a point of equilibrium to the skies, the waters of your world are quieting and you will find yourself with the opportunity to see yourself in a new light. Be honest, but also be gentle with yourself- you have been through a lot! Saturn and Neptune remain in retrograde in your sign this week, helping you to see things outside of the norm and look deep beneath the surface. Find your truth and find your success in the coming days. Expect to learn more about both who you are and the path you are currently on.
Tarot Card : Six of Wands
Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! To help you explore your full natal chart, you can use the many resources in the Astrology Master Post
Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- wishing you a blessed week!