Merry meet!
Would you like some advice for the week ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to?
These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your week ahead
When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:
The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
The current position of the moon in the Zodiac
The current moon phase
The current position other planets in the Zodiac
Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)
Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it
Find My Sun Sign
Click here to find your sun sign
Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday!
Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).
- Aries : March 21 – April 19
- Taurus : April 20 – May 20
- Gemini : May 21 – June 20
- Cancer : June 21 – July 22
- Leo : July 23 – August 22
- Virgo : August 23 – September 22
- Libra : September 23 – October 22
- Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
- Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
- Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
- Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
- Pisces : February 19 – March 20
For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.
~ Horoscope Readings ~
For the week of Monday, September 25 - Sunday, October 1
Sun in : Libra
Moon in : Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus
Moon phases : Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous
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Mercury : ↑ Virgo
Venus : ↑ Leo
Mars : ↑ Libra
Jupiter : ↓ Taurus
Saturn : ↓ Pisces
Uranus : ↓ Taurus
Neptune : ↓ Pisces
Pluto : ↓ Capricorn
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Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope
Blessings of abundance to you, Aries! The moon enters your sign late Thursday, and without wasting any time, you raise her high and bright as the fiery and wondrous Full Harvest Moon early Friday. In your hands, she is resplendent, full with the bounty of the harvest season and glowing with overflowing prosperity. With all this abundance, it can be easy to indulge, and while there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself now and then, remember that too much of even a good thing can quickly ruin the fun. Enjoy with a sense of self-awareness this week- set your boundaries clearly and do not let yourself stray across them. Remember that not everyone is as blessed with the things and opportunities you have in your life right now, so being gentle, understanding, and kind with those around you is the best way to stay on high ground this week. Consider donating this week- a gift of resources or time to charity, or even simply sharing your time with a friend or family member in need. The more you share, the more your blessings are likely to grow.
Tarot Card : Nine of Cups, Reversed
The full harvest moon is bringing blessings of abundance to your sign, Taurus! Full and resplendent in neighboring Aries on Friday, she is a fiery moon that encourages action and taking the reins. She will still be nearly full when she knocks on your door Saturday night, Taurus, and she is encouraging you to open your door and open your heart. This week is a week to spend with those you love and treasure- find time to spend with the people you love most and let them know that you prioritize them. Jupiter in retrograde in your sign is reminding you that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy your time this week. And both Jupiter and Uranus, also in retrograde in your sign, are urging you to look around- you don’t need to travel far or even go out of your way to find the things you are looking for. Answers might be right under your nose, or in the hands of someone already at your side.
Tarot Card : Two of Cups
The harvest moon approaches with promises of abundance, but some forms of abundance are harder to see than others. As you count your blessings this week, Gemini, be open and honest with yourself and your current situation- what things are true “needs”, and what things are just “wants”? You may need to set aside some “wants” for the moment in order to take care of more immediate needs- including the need for self-care. You can also benefit from an opportunity to look closely at your work-life balance, be it your career or responsibilities around the house- are you doing too much of the work, without getting an equal share of the pie? Your ruling planet, Mercury, is direct and ready to assist- if you feel things aren’t equal or there is an injustice left untreated, remember to advocate for yourself. You are smart and well-spoken when you choose to be- speak up for yourself and make your needs known! If you find that you need assistance this week, a Leo may have just what you need to be successful.
Tarot Card : Queen of Pentacles, Reversed
You’re on course, Cancer- don’t doubt yourself now! Something that you have been working on (especially if you something started within the past two weeks) is being put under scrutiny. Whether the voice of uncertainty comes from someone else or is being whispered from within, don’t let nay-saying get in the way of your goals. To overcome any nagging doubt, reflect on what made you start the project or endeavor in the first place. Remember your spark and nurture it- it’s not time for it to go out now! You have the chance and the ability to manifest this dream and make it into a beautiful blaze! If you hope to travel this week, double-check that your directions are correct. Give yourself extra time when commuting and, when given the opportunity, you may wish to stick to the route well-traveled rather than veer off into the unknown.
Tarot Card : Two of Wands, Reversed
The full harvest moon is ablaze in your fellow fire sign Aries this week, Leo, and it is bringing you a basketful of abundance! The fiery energy is being nurtured by lovely Venus, a divine feminine planet currently direct in your sign. Together, fire and earth energy are combining to give you quite the blessing in terms of your material well-being- look for presents, a potential raise, a lucky win, an order, or new material goods finding their way to you over the coming days. Consider putting in some physical labor around your home- even a small project or mini-renovation will help to invigorate the space and how you feel in it. Acts of generosity, kindness to others, and gifts to charity- be it time, money, or goods- will help your abundance to continue to grow in the long run.
Tarot Card : Queen of Pentacles
The energy of last week is continuing into this week for you, Virgo, and it looks like you have a bit more to experience before you can move on from the things you are currently dealing with. That being said, you are moving forward, and unlike money or medicine, progress doesn’t have a strict unit of measurement! Rest assured that you are improving and you are healing- even when the positive changes can be hard to spot, they are there. Healing is a physical, mental, and spiritual process and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows- sometimes healing hurts. But you, ruler of the Sixth Astrological House of well-being, are the master of this journey and every day and every step forward count as your success. Know that your ruling planet, Mercury, is direct in your sign and offers a helping hand- speak loud and clearly when you find you need assistance, and a helping hand shall come.
Tarot Card : Ten of Swords, Reversed
The positive energy of last week continues to grow for you, Libra, as your season is now in full swing! With the sun lighting the way the path appears clear for you, and if you stick to the road well-traveled and the things you know, it’s likely to be an easy ride. That being said, there is the possibility for more- you have the chance to turn off-course and venture into the unknown this week, with potentially very exciting rewards. Look for opportunities out of the norm and consider indulging yourself in yet unexplored ways- there are sides of you that you have to meet, and plenty of wonderful things still out there in life for you to enjoy. How well do you truly know yourself? Mars, direct in your sign, is encouraging you to be bold and take calculated risks if the odds are in your favor. You have the chance to feel successful both physically and spiritually this week.
Tarot Card : The High Priestess
This week is a fresh one for you, Scorpio! Your cup is full and the door is open straight ahead- pay attention to the ideas swirling in your mind and be sure to write down any that are worth building on in the future. Creative energy is all around you, so open your senses and feel the seasons shifting in the air as the full harvest moon brings many forms of abundance. This week is a good time to express gratitude, and when the opportunity arises for you to repay someone who has done you a kindness, be quick to step in to their rescue! Gratitude breeds more gratitude, and will increase your overall abundance in the long run. Expect some form of relationship news in your social circles this week- it may be one of pregnancy or birth, marriage or a break-up, or a relationship getting started.
Tarot Card : Page of Cups
Behold the harvest moon, Sagittarius, and all of the blessings it is bringing to you! This week is one of abundance, where your cup is full and you have the chance to be surrounded by good company. Others are looking to you for your wisdom and confiding in you, Saggitarius, so be sure to draw on your many experiences as you offer your advice. On Friday, the full moon will ignite in your fellow fire sign Aries, encouraging you to lift your glass and celebrate- do something fun that brings you joy! Good activities for you this week include going to parties, seeing a theatre show or other performance, enjoying drinks and apéritifs with friends, and coffee dates.
Tarot Card : King of Cups
Chin up, Capricorn! Cups are being raised to the full harvest moon this week, but while others are out partying, this is more of a time of reflection for you. The changing seasons are bringing back memories of times, places, and people gone by and the nostalgia- although pleasant at times- can leave a sad taste in the mouth. You are a strong and sturdy earth element sign, but that doesn’t mean that you lack a soft side- beneath the sometimes tough exterior you show to others is a loving and warm heart. This week, that beautiful heart of yours needs some tending to. Consider postponing strenuous activities or things that bring you stress to make room for self-care. Know that Pluto, planet of transformation, remains at your side, gently encouraging you to take the time you need and not worry about what others think- this time is for you and you alone. Treat yourself to something that makes you smile.
Tarot Card : Ace of Cups, Reversed
Your week begins with a charming waxing gibbous moon visiting you, Aquarius- she is bright, beautiful, full of potential and is sharing those blessings with you! In your responsible hands, the moon will be nurtured and guided as she continues to grow. You follow your duty and hand her over to Pisces in the middle of the week, but her departure from your space may invoke a feeling of subtle sorrow or loss. As her light grows distant, you may find yourself looking for more- that the things you currently have aren’t enough, that your current situation isn’t bringing you enough joy. Look to the skies on Friday when the moon you so carefully nurtured blossoms into a beautiful full harvest moon, sharing her light and abundance with all. Let her love and light remind you that you are enough just as you are- emotions will pass, periods of going without will pass, and abundance will return to you in time. You are on the right path, keep your head up!
Tarot Card : Queen of Cups, Reversed
The moon is yours in the middle of this week, Pisces, and she is sharing her blessings with you! Nurtured and healed in your hands, you help her reach her full potential just before you hand her over to neighboring Aries where she will become a glorious Full Harvest Moon on Friday. She symbolizes the connection between the final and first Zodiac signs- when one cycle ends, it is simply the start of another. Continuation and connectedness are your themes for this week. Recognize the end of something, but rather than drown in mourning or become lost in reflections, acknowledge the new beginning that comes with it. Saturn and Neptune remain in retrograde in your sign, continuing to push you to think beyond boundaries that others set for you and helping you make your own way forward. You have the power you need to get things accomplished. When windows of opportunity open, trust in yourself and step forward with confidence.
Tarot Card : The Emperor (sub: Knight of Cups)
Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! To help you explore your full natal chart, you can use the many resources in the Astrology Master Post
Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- wishing you a blessed week!