Energy Exchange Circle 🤗 January 30th


to the third update from the Energy Exchange Circle Wiki 2021 - a wiki combining energy exchange requests made on Spells8.

While the Energy Exchange category is the preferred place to ask and update requests, I’m thankful we all :blue_heart: love and trust :blue_heart: each other enough to be open about our needs across the site as we discuss other topics. (Links are provided to each request so you can find updates to them as they come in.) I do encourage you to use the category, though, as this is a valuable, but often overlooked, resource on Spells8.

Why is this in the Activities Category?

For the next two weeks, please keep the following people in your collective consciousness. If you use a deity in your daily meditations :man_kneeling: :woman_kneeling:, magic, etc., please remember your friends from here in your personal practices.

(I know I may have missed some requests. If I did miss any, please forgive me because it wasn’t intentional. Feel free to put a request in the Energy Exchange category or as a reply to this thread or the linked Wiki.)

  • kasie
    Results on heart test came back with news she needs more tests.

  • kasie
    She received her helper! This is great news. :slight_smile:

  • krissie117
    Started PT and OT this past week. Yay! Everything from the waist down is good but the therapist wants to work on her hips.

  • Jeannie1
    At last update, her grandmother was out of the hospital and home health was helping her.

  • Jeannie1
    She had Important bloodwork on the 28th.

  • Cinnamonoob
    Wife is getting better after a bad fall on the back but nowhere near 100%.

  • FlagrumThorn
    Tough love for Nephew

  • Tamera
    Grounding and internal guidance away from negativity

  • christina4
    Uncle passed away this past week.

  • christina4
    Her brother had surgery on his spinal cord due to a tumor wrapped around his spine. He’s not able to lift his head and he may need another surgery.

  • berta
    Had a non-routine Cat Scan and routine Mammogram on 1-19-21. Tests went well…One test was fine…the other looks like they have prescribed further tests.)*

  • berta
    Her best friend fell and broke her hip two weeks ago.

  • vanessa13
    Has a friend who is in pain due to surgery and might need surgery again.

  • janelle
    While not a specific request, she got married (1-22-21) and we can rejoice with her about that.

  • mrs
    Her husband needs help with his willpower and he’s doing really well so far.


I hope everyone continues to heal and have some positive light over the next couple of weeks. Everyone deserves to have some peace this week as we transition into February.


I second that, Krissie. I did include updates to some of these and good news that I saw while reviewing the requests. I don’t want people to walk away from this list feeling down. I see this list as a positive thing - a way we can take action even when we are spread across the globe doing our own individual practices.

We are learning from each other. :woman_teacher:t3: We are supporting each other. We have seen “blessings” in our lives and we share those with each other. I feel it is important to consolidate the requests I see into one place because it helps us remember what has been requested.


I have some good news to add! I got approved for Medicaid! So I don’t have to pay for a supplemental plan AND I can also have a PCA to come in & help me around the house or with shopping. I just have to update my insurance with my providers. It’s very exciting news for me! My Dr has wanted me to have one for months now.

I hope everyone has good news this week too!


Thank you so much for adding me again @praecog29! I’m going in for that CT scan on Monday unless the weather turns really bad. I’m going to my leg doctor too so we’ll see about that. I just hope it doesn’t snow too much.

That’s great @Susurrus! I just knew that if I qualified for a helper you should too! I hope you don’t have to go on a waiting list that’s too long. Great news!


Just wanted to let you know that I got my blood work done and since I went to the doctors they found a infection but I got antibiotics! I hope it’s not Counterproductive. Would explain why I haven’t been feeling very good.
Thanks for all your blessings and prayers!


@Amethyst thank you! I’m very excited about it. I just have to go to my doctor’s office and change my insurance and then change it with the hospital so that my other providers have the new information.

@Jeannie1 I hope you start to feel better soon!


Hope the antibiotics help you feel better soon, @Jeannie1! I’ll keep you in my thoughts!


So sorry to say but I need to make an update on my brother, he now has pulmonary embolism. We were talking until 2:00am he said it’s hard for him to look at his two boys knowing he might not be there to raise them and watch them grow up. After we hung up I must have cried until…I haven’t stopped. So please keep my brother in any positive vibes possible. Thanks


I’m so sorry @christina4! I’ll light a candle for him now.


Oh my goodness! I’m sending you healing love & light for you & your brother. I’m so sorry to hear this also. I hope things start taking a turn for the better soon. If you need to talk or anything please let me know.


Thank you so much @Amethyst


Thank you @Susurrus it really means alot!!


You’re welcome, sweetie! I hope he gets better.


Sending love and peace to your family. I am so sorry they have to face this. There are people on here you can message if you need to talk.


my heart goes out to you and the family. I can’t imagine having to process your brothers I’llness. Try to get the rest you can and take care of yourself! You are doing the best you can! Keep your head up! Wrapping the light around you!


Thank you kindly :heart:


Thank you so much!!


Wishing a hearty congrats to those blessed with good news and sending warm thoughts and support to those struggling :pray::heart:

Many thanks to @praecog29 for kindly taking the time to put this lovely Energy Exchange Circle together! :hugs:

So sorry to hear the sad news, @Christina4- I am keeping both you and your brother in my thoughts. Lots of love and light to you both! :candle: :heart_decoration:


Thank you so much, Bri!! :two_hearts: