Energy Exchange Circle 🤗 July 17th

  1. Welcome
  2. Christina’s Distance Healing Box
  3. Updated Notes (17 July 2021) From Praecog29
  4. Those In Our Circle Over The Next Two Weeks


to the next update from the Energy Exchange Circle Wiki 2021 - a wiki combining energy exchange requests made on Spells8.

While the Energy Exchange category is the preferred place to ask and update requests, I’m thankful we all :heart: love and trust :yellow_heart: each other enough to be open about our needs across the site as we discuss other topics. (Links are provided to each request so you can find updates to them as they come in.)

Christina's Distance Healing Box

Christina4 is providing a Distance healing box :gift: - offering loving energy to people that need it. Thank you, Christina, for your heart for the :infinite_roots: Infinite Roots family.

An Updated Note (17 July 2021) From Praecog29

:pentagram: In the past month I have learned about true blessings, I’ve started down a path of new challenges while learning extreme patience, and I have been giving a new lease on life with new dreams to fulfill. :pray:t4: None of this would be possible without the love and the support of our family here.

The magic :sparkles: of the universe moves through us and we are blessed with freedom to tap into it and to bend it to change futures. This works. Maybe not as we always hope. But it works, nonetheless. Blessings to those on this list. :pentagram:

(If you are on this list, please provide an update. If I missed any requests, or if there are new ones you want to share, please leave a reply below. Thank you.)

Those In Our Circle Over The Next Two Weeks

  1. Sister is 7 months pregnant with complications.
  2. Her brother has a pulmonary embolism. (Update family is doing better little bit more as each day passes.)
  3. Wisdom regarding choices.
  1. Her son needs continued love and light wrapped around him.
  2. Requests support for herself.
  1. Sister-in-law lost miscarried. Please remember her family
  2. Asking healing energy. Just found out I’m 10 weeks pregnant and it’s causing strain on marriage and as a result I’m suffering with depression, anxiety and lots of chaotic energy
  3. Overwhelmed by life and needs help and relief with money, mental stress, and physical wellbeing.
    Update: Job Interview and possibility of a new home with her husband.
  1. Requests love and positive energy over the few weeks as she reviews with her doctor what can be done about her wrist.
  2. Her family needs lifted up.

Thank you! I have my appointment on Tuesday so I will provide an update then :hugs:


My new doctor has me in a new type of bandage to see if that will help me heal up. Other than that, it’s just waiting to see if my skin knits up right now. Wish me luck!


Praying and sending blessings to everyone mentioned above. Thank you Benjamin for the service :pray:

This is my favorite way to create a simple distance healing moment:

  1. Relax. Take a few deep breaths or do a belly breath.
  2. Collect your energy (aka centering) in the center of your body, or your heart.
  3. Visualize a white light and focus your intent on sending that light to an image of the person in your mind.

You can do this accompanied by a white candle and keep burning it as a symbol of that light continuing to shine. :candle:


That’s a beautiful healing spell, Francisco :pray:

Adding in my voice with positive thoughts and healing light for all those on the current Energy Exchange List- love and light to you!

:heart: :candle:


Thank you for continuing to include me, sweet @praecog29
I would, however, like to remove my name to make room for others! I am happy to report that my family is currently IN our new home and my husband has been doing SO MUCH BETTER.
I’m so grateful for each of you. You all do amazing things!!! :sparkling_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::champagne::sparkling_heart:


That’s wonderful news! Thank you for the update and I removed your name from the circle. Blessings to you!


So glad things are going better for you @sarah29, that’s great!


I went to my appointment & they put me on a Medrol dose pack. Think prednisone taper. Next Wednesday I am being fitted for a custom splint that I will have to wear for 3 weeks. After that if there are any issues lingering, they will see about a procedure. I have a tendon that is still trying to heal from the surgery last September. So thats what is causing the residual pain & discomfort. It’s causing my Fibromyalgia & EDS to basically flare & exacerbate the healing process.


I know wearing a splint is a pain but I hope this one helps you out. How long will it take for the splint to get back to you once your fitted?


I’m not sure :confused: maybe they make it there? I’m not sure :confused:

I’ll probably have to wear it past that for like flare ups in that area. I’m okay with it though. She said if I go swimming :swimming_woman: I can take it off or if I’m just sitting to watch TV :tv: or read :books:. Obviously, off for sleep :zzz: & showers :shower: too.

I had to wear one from October to March after the surgery & then the Dr extended it & then PT & OT extended it. I am happy that by the time we take our trips I’ll probably wear it while driving, just to be on the safe side.


Well, I hope they make it there and you’re able to use it quickly. None of this waiting a month for it to come in. Because it sounds as if it will do you good. Especially if you’re going to be driving.


Out of respect for her privacy and mental health, I will not be sharing all of the details. Siofra said I could add her family to the circle.

Her family has been told that they need to visit a close member ASAP because their time is short. Her family needs to be lifted up during this difficult chapter in their lives.

I personally am going to ask that we refrain from messaging her privately. It’s fine to wish her support in this thread but please refrain from tagging her, as well. Give her the space she needs to grieve and when she is ready I’m sure she will let everyone know.


Goddess, that’s awful. I’ll be sure to add her family to my prayers.


Thank you :two_hearts:


Prayers for everyone needing comfort and healing during times of struggle.


I don’t know if this is an actual request but I thought I’d share. Life is looking up as I’ve finally found my soulmate and my soon to be ex is extremely supportive.

Meanwhile, I’ve told friends privately that I’m planning on moving to the UK in a few years. My therapist says I can still reach for my dreams but they will be more of a struggle than they would have been in the past. She’s planning on helping me process as I move forward as she thinks I should be following through with my goals. I’m thankful for her support.

I’m in a catch 22 at the moment and I need my situation to break free from this holding pattern. I’ve been asking Selene for just that. Will you ask your deities for the same thing?


@praecog29 I believe that is an accurate way to present it to your father. You are being honest with him & it says that you have a course of action. I pray you continue this path & your dreams come to fruition. :heart:


Update on my sister in law-she lost our little bug 2 days ago :sob: please keep her and my brother in law in your prayers

Also in regards to my situation I got a call for a job interview at Panera bread in the city my husband lives in. Prayers that I get the job because that’s one step closer to home sweet home for my little family

@Susurrus lighting a candle for you as we speak


I’m so sorry for you & them. I will include them in my energy candles.

Thank you so much. :heartbeat: