đź”­ Horoscopes - Your Astrology Reading for the Week (Aug 14 - 20)

Merry meet!

Would you like some advice for the week ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to? :eyes:

Zodiac Horoscope Messages Spells8

~ Welcome to Horoscope Readings! ~

These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your week ahead :crystal_ball:

When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:

  1. :scroll: The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
  2. :sun: The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
  3. :full_moon: The current position of the moon in the Zodiac
  4. :crescent_moon: The current moon phase
  5. :ringer_planet: The current position other planets in the Zodiac
  6. :sparkles: Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)

Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it :star2:

Find My Sun Sign

Click here to find your sun sign

Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday! :birthday:

Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).


  • Aries : March 21 – April 19
  • Taurus : April 20 – May 20
  • Gemini : May 21 – June 20
  • Cancer : June 21 – July 22
  • Leo : July 23 – August 22
  • Virgo : August 23 – September 22
  • Libra : September 23 – October 22
  • Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
  • Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
  • Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
  • Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
  • Pisces : February 19 – March 20

For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.

~ Horoscope Readings ~

For the week of Monday, August 14 - Sunday, August 20

:astrology_sun: Sun in : Leo
:astrology_moon: Moon in : Leo, Virgo, Libra
Moon phases : Waning Crescent, New Moon, Waxing Crescent

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

:astrology_mercury: Mercury : ↑ Virgo
:astrology_venus: Venus : ↓ Leo
:astrology_mars: Mars : ↑ Virgo
:astrology_jupiter: Jupiter : ↑ Taurus
:astrology_saturn: Saturn : ↓ Pisces
:astrology_uranus: Uranus : ↑ Taurus
:astrology_neptune: Neptune : ↓ Pisces
:astrology_pluto: Pluto : ↓ Capricorn

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope


:aries: Aries

Looking bright, Aries! The rocky road of last week has turned smooth and you have come to a wide open space- the skies are clear and the road ahead is calling your name. This week, you will benefit most from keeping an open mind and communicating with others. You will have the chance to make some new connections this week- don’t shy away from those who are reaching out to you, as they may have important information that you need to hear. This is also a good time to travel (so long as your adventure isn’t being used primarily to escape from your responsibilities).

Tarot Card : Page of Swords


:taurus: Taurus

Whoa there, Taurus- over the past few weeks, you have accomplished quite a bit and have had a lot of things going on. Even the mighty and enduring Bull needs breaks- isn’t it time for a rest? This week, you would benefit most from taking a step back from the hustle and bustle to recuperate. Grab your favorite book (or treat yourself to a new one!), find time for meditation, go to bed early, and consider treating yourself to something that brings you peace. Know that you can relax without worries, as prosperous and lucky Jupiter as well as thoughtful Uranus both remain steady and upright in your sign this week. Allow the world to spin as it always does- it’s time for you to sit back and enjoy some rest and contemplation.

Tarot Card : Four of Swords


:gemini: Gemini

Banish feelings of insecurity, Gemini, as this week the Universe wants you to know that you are in the hands of the divine. Although they can seem distant at times, there is a greater force out there that is watching over you, offering love and protection as you go about your days. Through your actions and decisions, know that you are shaping the space around you and are designing the world as you wish it to be. Keep mindful intentions this week and, should you need any guidance, look to figures of authority. Whether it is your boss, teacher, father, policeman or doctor, there is someone out there nearby who will be able to help you.

Tarot Card : The Emperor


:cancer: Cancer

It has been a rather bumpy ride for you lately, Cancer, with lots going on and some significant changes that you are working through. But even when it seems dark and that the challenges might be too much, the Universe knows that you are stronger than you think- in balance with your warm and loving heart, The Crab has a tough shell they can use to keep themselves safe! This week, there is some negative energy creeping in the space around you that may manifest as uneasiness at work or school, jealousy from peers, or disagreements at home. It’s uncomfortable, yes, but it’s nothing you can’t handle- rather than rise to meet it with aggression, you have the option to wait it out behind your tough shell. Retreat into your heart and mind- you have a beautiful sanctuary inside you where you can weather out a bad day and find peace.

Tarot Card : Five of Wands


:leo: Leo

Bright blessings to you, Leo- you have both the sun and the moon in your paws this week, combining their duality to bring many blessings into your space! The week begins with the waning crescent moon coming to visit- she will stay, gradually fading in light until she becomes the new moon of August in your realm on Wednesday. Even when she retires to rest, you will still have the light of the sun. This is the fiery tail end of your season, as next week the sun will continue its journey- so make the most of it! Revel in your achievements, express gratitude for the things you appreciate, and look for ways to celebrate. With Venus still in retrograde in your sign, you might consider finding ways to express gratitude for your partner and/or best friends too- your bright energy can bring a lot of warmth and happiness to those around you.

Tarot Card : Nine of Cups


:virgo: Virgo

As the ruler of the Sixth Astrological House, you have a natural tendency to assist others and strive to bring order, but this week, your good intentions are better spent working on yourself and your own projects, Virgo. In the middle of the week, you will carefully take the dark moon away from neighboring Leo, and will nurture her yourself as she regains her light. As a lovely waxing crescent, the moon will remain in your caring and dutiful hands until the weekend begins. Although Marcury may provide a nagging influence and Mars is causing sparks of conflict this week, it is in your best interest to ignore outside influences and confrontation- this is because you have everything you need and are able to work peacefully on your own if you so choose. There is a bright light on the horizon- as next week, the brightest planet in the solar system, the sun, is coming to you for his yearly visit in Virgo.

Tarot Card : Three of Pentacles, Reversed


:libra: Libra

The energy of last week is lingering for you, Libra, but there is hope in sight. Take a moment to acknowledge the biggest issues and factors influencing your life at this point. As you observe them, be open and honest with yourself- while some things in your way are out of your control, there are several things that you are holding onto that aren’t serving your greater purpose. Right now, you are clinging on- to people, ideas, things, or habits- that you no longer need and that are actually preventing you from thriving. Can you let them go, knowing that doing so is in your best interest? If you need a guiding light, look to the sky- the beautiful waxing crescent moon, full of love, light, and growth, is coming to visit you in your sign this weekend. Borrow her strength and grace- she can help light your way forward.

Tarot Card : The Devil, Reversed (sub: Three of Wands, Reversed)


:scorpius: Scorpio

You’re in for a balancing game this week, Scorpio, so plan your moves carefully and be mindful of how you play your cards- in the game of life and love, you have an advantage but not a certain victory. Who are your “partners” this week- be it a romantic interest, spouse, best friend, co-worker, or family member? In the hustle and bustle of daily life, you may find yourself butting heads. When that happens, it is time for you to step back and clear your head and your heart- remember that your partner is not your opponent, you are a team! Success for you this week means taking the time to see things through the eyes of others, being willing to trust and slow to retaliate, and letting others share their thoughts before you make your move.

Tarot Card : The Lovers, Reversed


:sagittarius: Sagittarius

The good energy from last week is carrying into this week for you, Sagittarius, but stay sharp- you’re on track right now and should continue to head in the direction you are going. There are going to be some small bumps this week- these may come in the form of thoughtless comments from others, self-doubt, or distractions that tempt you off course- but these minor issues are nothing in the grand scheme of what you are doing. Keep your goals in mind and stick to your ethics- don’t let anyone force you into something you aren’t comfortable doing, no matter how persuasive they seem. Know that you are where you need to be right now- so keep going, Archer, you are well on your way to great things!

Tarot Card : Nine of Wands


:capricorn: Capricorn

Smile, Capricorn- things are looking up for you this week! The things you have been juggling lately are beginning to stabilize, becoming easier to manage and less stressful for you. The effort you have put into building relationships with others is yielding fruit, meaning strengthened bonds and a sense of becoming closer with those you hold dear. Transformative Pluto remains in retrograde in your sign, allowing you a chance to pause and immerse yourself in the current moment. Ask yourself: who brings you happiness? Who do you want to spend your time with this week? Look for ways to be in the company of friends, family, and partners. Now is a great time to go on dates, get-togethers, have tea or coffee, or reunions.

Tarot Card : Two of Cups


:aquarius: Aquarius

Positive energy has been building up for you over the past week, Aquarius, and it is continuing to rise over the coming days- the question is, what will you choose to do with all of the potential you currently hold? As a thoughtful air sign, you have the blessing of creativity- this is your push to put those ideas of yours into action! What things spark joy in your heart? How can you, ruler of the Eleventh Astrological House of Community, share your talents with those around you for the benefit of all? If you’re having a hard time getting started, keep your eyes open- someone you look up to will provide inspiration and encouragement over the coming days.

Tarot Card : Page of Wands


:pisces: Pisces

The things you have been learning lately are building up inside you, Pisces- what was once a quiet simmer is becoming a roiling boil. This is a time of discovery for you as you uncover the true nature of yourself, the people around you, and the world. Your spirituality is ready to thrive- orderly Saturn in retrograde has opened the door to break free of the limitations that once held you back, and your ruling planet Neptune in retrograde is letting you escape illusion to see the truth. But know that in your hands is a blindfold- the dark is bleak but quiet, and if you wish to remain there longer, you can. Whether to wear the blindfold or to break free and continue to pursue the truth- you have the power of choice.

Tarot Card : Eight of Swords, Reversed

Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! To help you explore your full natal chart, you can use the many resources in the Astrology Master Post :star:

Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- may you have a blessed week!



Last week was less chaotic for me than Monday and the Tower card let me expect. The work thing was moved to October, so I’ll have a couple of months for other things, or maybe just rest. I’ve been feeling entrenched in deep and sluggish vibrations, and it seems like they’re continuing. Curling up into my shell to wait it out feels perfect. :heart:


Thank you @BryWisteria :goat: :people_hugging: :capricorn:


Hmm… :thinking: I’ll have to think on this and how it applies this coming week. Interesting!


Yay! It’s great to be an Aquarius this week. Lol! :heart:


Hmm at first I was like “Nope, not this week” but after some thought I can make that fit. Love you all :heart: :aquarius:


@CelestiaMoon It sounds like The Tower ran its course and you overcome a lot of the turbulence- good for you, Celestia! Goodness knows that you deserve some time to curl up and rest after all the excitement you’ve been working through. I hope you’re able to get some good rest this week- may it be a nice one for you! :heart:

@Shadeweaver You’re very welcome Shadeweaver! :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :blush:

@MeganB I hope it proves to be helpful in some way- wishing you a good week, Megan! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Ostara Go get 'em, Ostara- let that creative mind of yours shine brightly! :aquarius: :sparkles: :wand_tarot:

@Nixi You’ve got this, Nixi! Lots of love to you too- hope you have a nice week! :heart:


Thank you love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Crawling under blankets and curling up into a ball sounds like a good plan for this week! :smile_cat:


Any extra room in there? :laughing: It’s stormy and grey out today and it’s really feeling like a make-a-cocoon-in-bed kind of day :sleeping_bed: :two_hearts:

Sending hugs! :hugs:


Of course, there’s always room for you love, and plenty of softness and warmth to make the outside world not exist :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well, so far it seems like things are moving toward The Lovers Reversed :sweat_smile: but now, I’ve been reminded of the card and the advice. Hopefully, things smooth out now that I’ve had this reminder.


Awwww thank you, Celestia! :hugs::two_hearts: It feels like a good time to build a pillow fort and hideaway where it’s safe and snuggly and warm! I’ll bring some tea and goodies, okay? :laughing: :cookie: :teapot:

What do we always say about being happy that it tracks, but also not happy because it tracks? That :sweat_smile:

I hope that things smooth out quickly and peacefully for you asap, Megan! :people_hugging: :heart:


Awww that sounds perfect! :blush: :cookie: :teapot:


I know, I know… happy that it’s right, but not what it’s right about :joy: Thank you, @BryWisteria – things are starting to smooth out, I think.


@CelestiaMoon :heart: :hugs:

@MeganB Glad to hear it! May things continue to move in a positive direction for you throughout the rest of the week- so mote it be! :two_hearts:


:clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkles: :hugs:



When I first read this post on the 14th, I wasn’t sure how to respond… so I didn’t! But today, Bry, I read it again! Everything is spot-on!!! I’m in awe of your accurate card readings. Thank you, lovely lady!

With much love :heart: and big hugs :hugs: always


Awwww it’s my pleasure, Marsha- I’m happy if they could be helpful in some way for you! :heart::blush:

Big hugs right back at ya- love and light! :hugs: :two_hearts:


The week of Aug 14 - 20 has passed, so please visit the Astrology Section to find the new horoscope readings for this week! :star2:

(If you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)