Merry meet!
Would you like some advice for the week ahead? Is there anything you should be aware of, or perhaps something exciting for you to look forward to?
These readings - designed to be used as general advice, warnings, and/or encouragement, as decided by the divine - are provided with the hope of helping you get a peek at the coming days and prepare for your week ahead
When creating each specialized horoscope, the following details are examined:
The general qualities of each of the Zodiac sun signs
The current position of the sun in the Zodiac
The current position of the moon in the Zodiac
The current moon phase
The current position other planets in the Zodiac
Any advice from the divine (delivered through a tarot card for your sign)
Before we begin, take a moment to find and learn about your sun sign if you aren’t already familiar with it
Find My Sun Sign
Click here to find your sun sign
Your sun sign is the Zodiac sign that the sun was in at the time of your birth. In order to figure out your sun sign, all you need to know is your birthday!
Find your birthday in the list below. For more information about the general qualities and traits associated with each Zodiac, click on the link (the blue text).
- Aries : March 21 – April 19
- Taurus : April 20 – May 20
- Gemini : May 21 – June 20
- Cancer : June 21 – July 22
- Leo : July 23 – August 22
- Virgo : August 23 – September 22
- Libra : September 23 – October 22
- Scorpio : October 23 – November 21
- Sagittarius : November 22 – December 21
- Capricorn : December 22 – January 19
- Aquarius : January 20 – February 18
- Pisces : February 19 – March 20
For those on the cusp (those born at the very beginning or tail end of a Zodiac sign month), you may find that you feel closer to one of (or both of) the Zodiac signs on either side of your birthday. Feel free to look at the readings for both and choose whichever resonates with you most.
~ Horoscope Readings ~
For the week of Monday, October 2 - Sunday, October 8
Sun in : Libra
Moon in : Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo
Moon phases : Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent
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Mercury : ↑ Virgo, Libra
Venus : ↑ Leo, Virgo
Mars : ↑ Libra
Jupiter : ↓ Taurus
Saturn : ↓ Pisces
Uranus : ↓ Taurus
Neptune : ↓ Pisces
Pluto : ↓ Capricorn
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Select your sun sign to receive your horoscope
Last week’s full harvest moon in your sign left you with blessings of abundance, Aries, but it’s on you to choose what to do with that prosperous energy this week. As the first sign of the Zodiac, you like to get things done and are able to move fast- checking things off your to-do list and making quick progress as the days seem to fly by. But as you work to accomplish things this week, make sure you take the time to think about the why behind your task list. Moving forward is great, but where are you moving to? Make sure that the decisions you make and the actions you take over the coming days are helping to get you where you want to be.
Tarot Card : Two of Swords
This week begins with the waning gibbous moon resting gracefully in your sign, Taurus. As she shines her gentle but illuminative light on you on Monday and Tuesday, things you thought were laid to rest may come to the surface once again. It’s okay to reminisce, but don’t let yourself get stuck in sad memories or sink into the dangerous mud of “what ifs”. Know that your ruling planet Venus is moving from heated Leo into orderly Virgo on Sunday- as the planet of beauty and self-confidence becomes grounded in your fellow earth sign, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and your needs. You’ve done well and you’ve made it this far- rather than dwell on the road behind you, look up at the road ahead. You have the power to set a strong and hopeful course from here forward.
Tarot Card : Three of Swords
Look to the skies, Gemini, as a lovely waning gibbous moon enters your sign on Tuesday. She will stay with you during the middle of the week, helping you to embrace your emotions and find a peaceful path forward. You may feel a shift as your ruling planet Mercury moves from grounded Virgo into fellow air-sign Libra on Wednesday. Direct and focused, the movement of Mercury can help to free up blocked or stagnant channels of communication and help you create new bonds of friendship. On Thursday, the moon moves on, but leaves you with the possibility of freedom- know that you have the ability to cut loose the things holding you back. Set down your burdens and let yourself breathe.
Tarot Card : Ten of Swords, Reversed
Things have been developing for you lately, Cancer, just not quite in the way you expected- but no fear! Even if there are a few bumps in the road at the beginning of the week, there is light ahead- look to the skies as a beautiful waning gibbous moon enters your sign on Thursday. On Friday, in the heart of your domain, she becomes a beautiful Last Quarter Moon. The light of your ruling planet has a strong sway over you, so look to her when you feel stuck or unmotivated. Find encouragement every time you see her symbol or her image this week- in many ways and many forms, she is helping you on your path. The moon will depart on Saturday, but rest assured that she continues to point you in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to hunker down and heal this week- you may need more quiet than noise, and more time in serenity than with others. Traveling long distances may be better off postponed.
Tarot Card : Eight of Wands, Reversed
Energy builds up throughout the week for you, Leo, reaching a crescendo as the weekend arrives. The weekend will bring you the chance to relax, so look to the skies late Saturday as a lovely waning crescent moon enters Leo. She is a moon of decrease, growing smaller with each passing moment, but just because something seems small does not mean it is weak! Remember this as Venus, the planet of beauty, moves out of your sign on Sunday- she may take some of your self-confidence along with her, but will in turn help you to embrace your own inner divine masculine energy. Remember that no matter how you appear in the eyes of others, you have the heart of The Lion and you hold power in your hands. When the time is right, take your stand and take action- your inner flame is burning brightly and is there to guide you if you need it.
Tarot Card : Knight of Wands
This is a week of choices for you, Virgo, with one thing after another lining up as the days pass. There’s a lot going on, so consider using your gifts as an earth-based sign to get organized, in whatever method works best for you! As Wednesday arrives, know that Mercury, your ruling planet, has to say farewell and move along, and as the planet of communication departs into airy Libra, you might find yourself having a harder time than usual reaching people. But in Mercury’s wake comes another, more beautiful visitor, as Venus comes dancing into your sign on Sunday. The planet of love, beauty, and self-confidence makes a lovely pair with The Maiden of the Zodiac- use Venus’ influence to embrace your inner divine feminine energy and see the beauty you hold within. If you were considering shopping for new healthcare or beauty products or waiting to add a new outfit to your wardrobe, this weekend looks to be a good time to do so.
Tarot Card : Seven of Cups
Go out there and get 'em, Libra! The sun remains bright and strong in your sign, and smack in the middle of the week Mercury is on his way- the outgoing planet of communication is flying into your sign on Wednesday. Direct and upright, this air-aligned planet is enhancing your ability to converse well with others and make plans that actually happen. You can benefit greatly from doing fun activities with other people- whether it’s co-workers, friends, family, or a romantic partner, there is a lot to be gained from sharing time with those who make you smile. What can you do to expand your horizons this week? If there is something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t made a move yet, this is your sign to go out there and make it happen.
Tarot Card : The Hermit, Reversed
October is here and Scorpio season is creeping ever closer- here in the dark days of the waning months, as night grows ever longer and Samhain approaches, it is possible to go beyond borders that can’t usually be breached. This week, consider benefitting from your deep nature as a water sign ruled by transformative Pluto to look for ways to learn more about yourself and your history. You might with ancestors who share your blood or passion, or by seeking out lessons from previous lives. Acknowledge the truths and revelations that you find, but do so with an open heart- what has happened is already locked in the past. If you can, choose the path of forgiveness for both others and for yourself this week.
Tarot Card : Judgement
Whoa there, Sagittarius! You’re moving quickly these days, which is to be expected of someone who is both fire-aligned and mutable. The days are flying by and you seem to be making a lot of headway- but where, exactly, are you going? This week, the universe is urging you to pull back on the reins and catch your breath- even for just a moment. With all of the hustle and bustle going on, you may have lost sight of the greater things in your life. Check your moral compass, any goals you’ve set for yourself, and reassess the priority of the things you are doing this week. Focus on those that serve your greater purpose, and if something doesn’t deserve your time, energy, and attention, don’t give them away for free! Your attention is valuable- focus it where it best serves you and your goals.
Tarot Card : Knight of Swords, Reversed
Spooky season is off to a bright start for you, Capricorn- the sun is shining and the road ahead is looking clear, so pick up your pace and keep that proud head held high! You may encounter a few shadows on your path this week, but they are nothing to fear- the brightest lights cast the darkest shadows, and we all have some shadows inside. This isn’t the time to linger on the things that could be fixed or improved on, though- instead, this week encourages you to focus on your talents and abilities. And you have so many wonderful gifts to share with the world, Capricorn! What are the things that make you happiest? What makes you smile? If you can find ways to nurture and share those things with others, your blessings are looking to be bountiful this week.
Tarot Card : The Sun
Good things that have happened recently are continuing to bring you blessings, Aquarius, and the harvest moon last week has set the stage for celebration- it’s time to raise your cup! This week is one of sharing joy, especially with those in your close circles. Whether it’s going to a party, inviting friends over for a meal, or simply hanging out for fun, this week is encouraging you to make and take opportunities to enjoy time with others. Here in the harvest season it is especially important to express gratitude- what are you most thankful for, Aquarius? Take some time to savor the blessings in your life, share them with others, and enjoy yourself- go have a good time, you deserve it!
Tarot Card : Three of Cups
The harvest season is here and it brings many blessings, but also temptation- as we look around and see what we have, there’s a natural inclination to daydream about having more. There’s nothing wrong with setting realistic goals, but also it’s important to be open and honest with ourselves- what things on your mind are realistic achievements, and what things are perhaps more glitter than gold, Pisces? With dreamy Neptune, your ruling planet, topsy-turvy in your sign, it can be hard to sort out priorities and see the truth in our desires. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done- this week, you can benefit most from nurturing gratitutde for the things you have. Tending a gracious heart will help the blessings you already have to continue to grow and thrive.
Tarot Card : Nine of Pentacles, Reversed
Disclaimer: Horoscopes are based on sun signs as this is the sign people are most likely to know about themselves- but a person is much more than their sun sign alone! To help you explore your full natal chart, you can use the many resources in the Astrology Master Post
Whatever the divine has in store for you over the coming days- wishing you a blessed week!