Merry Meet Monday - Magick News of the Week! May 16 - 22 🌝

Merry Meet !

Welcome to your weekly update about exciting events in both the forum and the witchy world at large :mage:

Here’s what happening this week:

Upcoming Events :spiral_calendar:

Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on these one-day events!

[ [ Moon Phase : Full Moon :full_moon: ] ]

In the early morning today, Monday, May 16th, as well as into tonight, the skies above are alight with the beauty of a Full Moon . The exact time of peak illumination will depend on your location.


The full moon of May is called the Full Flower Moon :hibiscus:. This moon marks a time when spring is thriving and the world is blossoming around us. It is a time to work on growth, increase, creative pursuits, and abundance :basket:

Explore a special moon ritual and learn more about this moon on the Spells8 Full Flower Moon Ritual Page .


While each moon has its own unique qualities, every full moon is a celebrated time where the energy of the moon is at its most powerful. Now is a wonderful time to charge, cleanse, and absorb the potent energies of the moon.

For additional full moon inspiration, visit What to Do During the Full Moon :full_moon_with_face:

You can find the current moon phase for your location as well as a daily lunar spell on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :sparkles:

[ [ Group Ritual : Together with Your Coven :infinite_roots: ] ]

Join in for a shared group ritual meditation and coven chat on Thursday, May 19th - this activity is open to all active coven members :tea:

Spells8 Group Tea Ritual Beltane Spring Summer

  • The group meditation ritual has step-by-step instructions that you can join in on your own schedule at any time during the day

Group meditation rituals are held every Thursday. Feel free to visit last week’s group ritual to get an idea about what to expect.

Please note that group rituals are hosted in A Sacred Space - you must be logged into your active Spells8 account to access the ritual.

Don’t have an account yet? No worries! You can join Spells8 here :sparkles:

[ [ Freebie Friday :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Have a burning question on your mind? Seeking some guidance for how to best approach a problem? :thinking:

This is your chance to find some answers, as the talented @MeganB is kindly offering free readings via tarot or oracle! :crystal_ball:

Picture from Pexels

The next Freebie Friday post will be Friday, May 20th . For more information and to get an idea about what to expect, check out last week’s Freebie Friday :tada:

[ [ Moon Phase: Last Quarter Moon :last_quarter_moon: ] ]

On Sunday, May 22nd , we will be blessed by the light of the Last Quarter Moon.


The last quarter moon is a time of rest and the banishment of negative energies or forces in your life :broom: .

For more information about specific spells recommended for the last quarter moon, visit the guide Moon Magic: Spells for Every Lunar Phase: Last Quarter .


The Last Quarter Moon is a Waning Moon phase. For more Moon Magick and the best spells for this time of month, visit the Waning Moon Magick Guide :last_quarter_moon:

You can find the current moon phase for your location as well as a daily lunar spell on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :sparkles:

[ [ Other Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

A collection of curious (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week that may or may not be witchy-related:

:spiral_calendar: For more witchy and pagan holidays in the near future, check out the 2022 Pagan Holiday Calendar and the Spells8 Email Newsletter

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These activities are open to enjoy whenever you’d like- join in anytime before their deadlines!

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

Every week, a challenge is presented to all members of the forum to explore new areas of magick and bring out the best of everyone’s diverse talents.

The theme for this week is: Blooming with the Moon :hibiscus:

Blooming with the Moon Improve Growth Challenge

This challenge will close on Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

After this time a Props and Presents post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift:. A brand new challenge will arrive on Wednesday for all challenge enthusiasts.

Are you ready? Join the current challenge here: Weekly Witchy Challenge - Blooming with the Moon :hibiscus:

[ [ Spells8 Book Club :books: ] ]

Calling all book lovers! The next reading period for the Spells8 book club is now in session!

You can find more details and submit your book to read in the current thread:

:open_book: Spells8 Book Club XVII (Apr 29 - May 27)

Spells8 Book Club

Please note that this reading period will end on Friday, May 27th .

And if you haven’t done so already, please feel free to share and swap your book reviews from last session in the current Reader’s discussion thread:

→ :memo: Spells8 Book Club XVI - Readers’ Reviews!

More information about the book club and how to join can be found in Book Club F.A.Q and Introduction .

Happy Reading! :open_book:

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Do you have a little extra love to share and are looking for ways to help out a fellow coven member? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use some positive vibes your way?

Spells8 Energy Exchange Circle

The Energy Exchange Circle is a great way to support and show love to coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Wiki .

This month’s Energy Exchange Circle will end on Tuesday, May 31st .

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

[ [ Your Daily Oracle :angel: ] ]

Are you looking for a bit of higher guidance to help you out today? This collection of daily oracle card (as well as tarot and rune) readings is available for you to access and read thanks to the generosity of the coven :pray:

Spells8 Forum Daily Oracle Card Draws

Visit: April, May, June 2022 Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draws to enjoy a daily oracle message or share your own! :sparkles:

Please note that this oracle discussion will close on Thursday, June 30th .

[ [ A Dose of Inspiration :sunrise: ] ]

Positive affirmations and uplifting inspirations can be found in this communal collection!

From quotes to sayings, poetry and more- here is the place to brighten up your day thanks to the words of the coven :infinite_roots:

Affirmations and Inspiration

Visit April, May, June 2022 Affirmations, Quotes, & Sayings to be inspired by the words of others- or share your own! :blush:

Please be aware that this discussion will close on Thursday, June 30th .

[ [ Tending the Flame :fire: ] ]

Stop by the fire and tend the flame with your coven- this ongoing discussion invites all to come in, relax, and pick up a bit of motivation and support for the day.

Share a picture of your own flames or simply enjoy the lights of the coven! :candle:

Tending Brigid Brighid's Flame Spells8

Visit the discussion and Help Tend Brighid’s Flame :fire:

The Brigid Flametender discussion remains open throughout the year- please feel free to enjoy this activity as often as you’d like!

New Members :wave:

Merry meet to all of the new members who joined the forum over the past week!

:infinite_roots: Welcome to the Forum and the Infinite Roots Coven! :infinite_roots:

@jadusha, @heather59, @brittani1, @liz1, @chick, @chelby, @karen14, @a111, @deborah16, @brooklyn1, @jesikahlyn, @hope5, @amara, @New, @alexandra14, @ariel5, @Damsel, @carlene3, @megan26, @aaron2, @ciara2, @jezebel, @sarah57, @amy59, @ashley59, @jessica100, @michelle53, @deanna12, @lillian2, @michelle54, @Sparkslove16, @dana7, @stephanie2, @nikkole, @theresa8, @averilynn, @philip, @megan27, @nadine, @Steff, @ala, @Jottisaurus, @sarah58, @brianna9, @isabella2, @sissiejade, @mychelle, @mariah3, @angel22, @Mermaidvibes, @Shine-Bright-Amber, @jacqueline11, @summer8, @tammy16, @lavenia, @madison13, @hali, @lola3, @raymond, @gerliebeth2, @xiomara1, @Sammi86, @maryellen1, @dekota, @ChelseaKay88, @heaven, @chelsea22, @brooke5, @lauren19, @billie5, @adele1, @crystina, @gretchen2, @Wolf_Witch, @analin, @VirgoFire30, @vanessa17, @stephanie49, @roberta3, @radhika, @brittany40, @ydeisha1, @kim9, @kim10, @elisa6, @Oshenlynx, @maggi1, @lyz, @natalie15, @april26, @brooke6, @mary43, @chantel, @alyssa13, @dinaa

If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to say hello to your new coven by creating a new topic in the Introductions Category . Consider sharing a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick :sparkles:

We would all love to give you a warm welcome to the forum family! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

:raised_hands: FORUM ACTIVITY

Every week, those who share the most posts and give the most hearts receive an Activity Shout-Out. The top posters and sharers this week are:

  • @marsha- for both sharing the most posts and giving out the most hearts in the forum, on a two week streak! :writing_hand::heart:

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiration through posts and your love and support through hearts- your time here helping the coven is greatly appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Note : All those who receive Activity shout-outs for three weeks in a row are awarded the MMM Activity Badge . They will not be counted in Activity shout-outs again for a two-month rest period.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And of course, a very big thank you to all members of Spells8 :infinite_roots:

Your contributions and love help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world. Thanks for being here- Spells8 can’t exist without you! :sparkles:

Photo by Tsuruta Yosuke on Flickr

The Full Moon is in the sky above- will you be working any moon magick tonight? :sparkles: Share your celebrations and experiences! :raised_hands:

Whether it’s magickal or mundane, feel free to share your current happenings or give a shout-out to your fellow coven members in the comments below!

Blessed be! :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:


Merry meet Monday! We survived the weekend :smile:

Congratulations x2 :tada: :confetti_ball: @Marsha! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, wisdom, & love throughout the coven :infinite_roots:

I actually have an appointment this morning at 9 AM so sometime after that I will be in & out of the forum. Today is my day off from doing anything outside. 3 - 4 days in a row feels like a year on my body, but it’s a good owie & tension… My front garden is just about done & next weekend we can transplant seedlings to the main garden & put down a layer of manure. We have friends that own horses & we know how they are taken care of (we even go over & help; well, my daughter mucks the stalls while my husband gets the horses :racehorse: into the rings so she can change out their hay, water :droplet:, food & all the fun horse stuff. Her favorite is brushing them at the end in the paddocks (sp?)… anyway… if it wasn’t from someone we knew I’d be leary of using the manure. We know how they take care of their horses. I know, I’m oddly picky about some things… :rofl:

Tonight I have an abundance spell that I would like to do & will have my crystals & moon water out. I haven’t done a “spell” in a while, let’s see if I still “got it”… :joy:

Mostly I’ll be around the house getting caught up on the inside stuff that is upstairs. I won’t be able to go up & down the stairs home by myself. Unfortunately for me, my dogs are deathly afraid of the basement stairs & don’t know how to use a phone or call for help… :woman_shrugging:

Speaking of, I’ve done so much that even with my ankle braces on, yesterday I was leaning on a rake & turned to go to the porch & landing sitting on my toosh in the middle of the garden. So I just sat there waiting for my husband to come back & help me up for about half an hour. While I sat there waiting, I just started weeding & pulling out old roots around me :joy: So now there are these 2 piles of weeds & acorns & old roots that need to be moved. Otherwise, the garden is happily doing its thing. :laughing: After that, I was banished to the couch for the rest of the night by my family.

Should someone have a request for a draw from one of my decks that they would like me to do, I’m open to suggestions. I just don’t have a pull to anyone deck today, I’m taking that as the rest of me saying, hey lady, give yourself a break… but… that rarely ever happens this close to 6:30 AM. Feel free to suggest a deck or a rune draw. I suppose I should give you the deck options too!

My Tarot & Oracle Decks from another post about decks. :smiley: The runes I have an oracle & actual rune sets. I love my Agate :gem: runes, the Black Tourmaline :gem: ones I use to carry in my pouch of crystals that I am working with each week/day… however it turns out. Sometimes I add or subtract based on the day.

I hope everyone has a great week & I can’t wait to connect with everyone this week! :heart:


I’m adding pictures of what I’ve done over the last couple of weeks so you have something to reference:

This is the front garden, most of my time was spent in there Saturday & Sunday. There’s a small pile of weeds by the first bunch of flowers the bigger pile is up against the rocks :rock: on the short edge by where I was standing. It’s addicting, I can’t go outside & see a random patch of grass, weed, leaf :fallen_leaf: , or old root or root systems without pulling them out & putting them in the pile :rofl: Every time I said I was going inside, I wound up walking by, noticing something & pulling things out of the ground either in the front, the side, or back. My husband & neighbor said I may need some help. :joy:

This is in the backyard, we got it turned & weeded & ready for seedlings the weekend before Mother’s Day :bouquet: The 2 kinds of mint we just let do their thing each year & it actually went under the fence on the 1 side is traveling through my backyard… it’s pretty bunched up by the fence though on the outside… rodents don’t like mint… & there is a chute going across the garden the other way too… I’m thinking of just letting it go OR transplanting some to grow along the sides of the house & under at least our front porch.

The original greenhouse got damaged when the oak branch went through the top so we used what we had here to fix it the best we could for this year… the frame was fine. The wrap is a plastic that like tightens when it gets warm & settles… it squeezed the top of the frame :laughing: Then I had to use Gorilla & Duct tape to get some of the pieces to stay stuck in the windstorms last week. So it’s unique, but gets the job done!

Sprouting Seeds in the greenhouse! :seedling:

This is what I have done so far around my Oak :deciduous_tree:, I have climbing nasturtium popping up around the base of the oak. I still have to move the leaves to the branch pile & pull up 2 saplings that have grown behind it between the oak & the pine… they are still pretty new, but they are crowding each other now.


Congrats @marsha :heart: :partying_face: Thanks for being an amazing asset to the coven!

CW: Mental health, anxiety, depression

I’ve been feeling very, very overwhelmed with everything going on in my house lately. Last night during the eclipse, I actually had a full-blown panic attack. My skin felt like it was on fire and I just couldn’t calm down. I even had a panic-induced nightmare, so that was fun. I haven’t gotten much sleep and I’m just hoping my heart calms down a bit so I can focus on the work I need to get done. I’m having difficulty even listening calmly to my daughter when she talks to me. All the peopleing has just sent me over the edge.

I hope you have a good day too, @Susurrus – I’m glad you got to spend some time outside in your garden :herb: Take it easy today and I hope your appointment goes well! Your garden pictures are lovely. Thank you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


@MeganB, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough time. :hugs: I can relate to your struggles. Panic attacks are the worst! Part of me wants to offer advice, but I know you’re aware of all the many tools and methods to deal with anxiety. So, instead, I will say that I acknowledge and empathize with your situation. You are seen, heard, and cared for. Thanks for sharing, and I hope things get easier soon. :heart: :hugs:
Hugs and Love,


Happy Monday everyone! I hope y’all had a good weekend. Congratulations to @marsha for being awesome! You’re wonderful!

Wow, @Susurrus! Your garden is looking wonderful! It’s gonna be so great once everything blooms! I love the pictures! Take care of yourself though, lest you do too much. Get some rest today, hon!

@MeganB I’m sorry you’re having problems. Is there anything I can help with? I keep you in my prayers at night.


@Amethyst i definitely did too much, my knees decided today is a great day to ot work right. :rofl: Moo :dog: & I have been binge watching Criminal Minds. Im prpud of what got done though. My husband & son helped me when they were with me. I won’t do much or stuff like that without someone home with me. Its a good kind of rest day though.


Sending you loving :two_hearts: positive vibes :white_heart:
:candle: for you


Not really right now, but I appreciate that! It’s more of an adjustment period than I thought but I’ll move through it. Thank you, though! :heart:

Thank you very much :heart: I appreciate you!


Thank you so much @BryWisteria :heart: :heart: :heart: and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!

@Susurrus Thank you for all you do and the wonderful information you share :heart:

Thank you @MeganB and thank you for your magickal presence and all you do here on the forum! You are appreciated! :heart: As I was trying to watch the Eclipse (that we couldn’t see because of the clouds :cry:) the energy was disruptive. Anyway, that’s what I felt! I am so sorry you had a panic attack and nightmares. I can understand why. As much as I love my family, it’s so difficult when they come to visit!! I find people draining too, it’s hard. I hope you can find a private sacred space and do some protection spells. :people_hugging: :heart:

Thank you for your kind words @Amethyst you are too kind. If you haven’t noticed you are pretty awesome and amazing! :heart:

Thank you ladies for your kind words! :hugs: @BryWisteria :heart: @Susurrus :heart: @MeganB :heart: @Amethyst :heart:


I hope a day of rest is all you’ll need. Criminal Minds is almost as good as Law and Order, LOL! Sounds like you and Moo had a restful day.

You’re welcome! I hope you adjust soon and get some time for yourself.

Aww, you’re sweet! Thank you, love! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’re welcome @marsha!

I did manage to be somewhat productive, there was a lot of resting though, :smiling_face:


Shout out to @marsha for a two-week streak with all her love and posts. Way to go girl :heart: :dizzy: :sparkles:


@MeganB sorry to hear that, those panic attacks can really be scary and it is hard to calm down. Don’t worry about all the work, if you are not up to it, wait until your heart calms down. Your health is more important than all the work.

I hope everyone is feeling better @Susurrus and @Amethyst you all have been so helpful to me. I’m still feeling tired and drained trying to do some of the simple things. I hope things get sorted out so I can feel like I can do more things. That full moon with an Eclipse sure hit some people more than others. I hope everyone is doing okay after the moon hit us last night. Take care everyone.


Thank you so much, @debra2 :heart:


I was definitely in my feels & overly focused on my yard so we can put the seedlings in the big garden next weekend.

I did manage production later in the day, but tomorrow may be another easy day. Its okay, i got hyperfocused on the yard & sun & no winds.


Update to the MMM:
This week’s group meditation ritual is now live in #sacred-space! More information about this week’s ritual, required ingredients, and more can be found in the ritual post here:

5-19 Sun's Blessing Solar Magick Ritual

(Group Ritual - May 19) :sun_with_face: Sun’s Blessing Ritual

The super blood moon eclipse had some pretty powerful and chaotic energy- now is a great time for a check-in meditation to recollect yourself in the gentle and healing light of the sun :sun:

Looking forward to sharing a cup with you then! Cheers, Infinite Roots :infinite_roots: :heart:


Wow such a green thumb! Love the little seedings and your green house set up! Would love to do something like this one day however my little windowsill herbs aren’t doing well thanks to my lovely cockatiels who love eating it… :woman_facepalming: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Awwwwwn this are so beautiful, wish I was living closer to see myself :heartbeat: