~Clear Quartz~đź’Ž

Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms. The atoms are linked in a continuous framework of SiOâ‚„ silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiOâ‚‚. Wikipedia

I couldn’t find any correspondences and I apologise!! if anyone has any of that info, I’d be more than happy to add it.


Clear Quartz is also known as the “Stone of Power” because it amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz is believed to protect against negativity and attune to your higher self. Quartz crystals are very programmable and have a tendency to hold an intention much longer than other minerals.

Set your intention with your crystal

Try to increase your awareness and be present in your body and mind. Hold your crystal in your hands and try to be open to its vibration. After you’ve identified what you want, say your intentions out loud. You can repeat it three times to fully attach this message to your crystal.

The clear quartz above is called a twin well because there are two points attached to each other.

The two above are geodes that my son and I broke open together.

And that one is a skeletal which is when crystals develop under conditions of rapid growth and what you see is hollow depressions. I have more but I couldn’t get the camera to focus…grr. Lol

And here are some clear quartz points.

And I thought this was pretty neat.


Here’s a clear quartz activity for anxiety or just when you’re feeling like you need to recharge.

Place a clear quartz point in each hand with one facing the opposite direction. Take a few deep breaths and let the energy of the crystals run through you body and auric field. While doing so, visualize a white cleansing light enter your body through one of the crystals and out of your body through the other. Do this for as long as it takes or until you’re feeling better.

If you do this exercise, let us know how it went.


@christina4 , so interesting! I’ve just starting collecting crystals and becoming familiar with them. I have like 14 small to medium pieces. Cataloged them with their names, meanings, usage, and pics on my phone. Otherwise, I’d forget what they are used for. Lol… last night to work, i took my small piece of Jasper in my pocket. Been feeling a bit tired- it actually really worked! Kept me going the whole time at work. ( It says Jasper suppose to energize and give you a :zap: of energy. Like caffeine…)
Blessed be.


Thanks for this post @christina4

I LOVE clear quartz… perhaps love should properly be defined as obsessed. This is a sample of my collection.

CLEAR QUARTZ Correspondences:
Solar System : Moon, Sun, Uranus
Element : Air
Number: 4
Tarot : Star
Angel: Gabriel
Direction: All
Goddess: Hecate
Intentions & Powers : Abundance, clarity, dignity, energy (psychic), integrity, life (vitality), transformation, wisdom + those specific to clear quartz - activate/awaken, the afterlife, astral realm, awareness, balance, beginnings, blessings, calm, challenges, clarity, communication, community, concentration/focus, consecrate/bless, consciousness, divination, dream work, enchantment, energy (receptive, universal), friendship, gratitude, guidance, harmony, healing, hexes (protection from), inspiration, knowledge, love (attract), magic (angel, black, moon), the mind (calm), negativity, nurture, power (general magic), pregnancy /childbirth, problems, protection, psychic abilities, purification, rebirth/renewal, self-work, the senses (inner hearing), sex and sexuality, skills, spirits (banish), spirituality, stimulation, strength, visions.
Season: Winter
Zodiac : Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini
Days: Monday, Sunday
Energy Yin, Yang

( from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences - Sandra Kynes)


Thank you so much!!! I couldn’t seem to find my info or any other info anywhere. I’m going to write this down!! And you have a stunning collection!! :heart_eyes::star_struck:


I have a red jasper arrow head on a cord that I wear and it does help alot!! It helps tremendously to keep the correspondences about the stones bc it gives you subconscious reminders and eventually you end up remembering the info.
Every collection starts with just one.


Very interesting @christina4! I only have one decent sized clear quartz. Looks like I need to get some more!


Clear quartz is so beautiful and versatile! :white_heart:

I have two bracelets of clear quartz pieces, one’s light and graceful, made of smaller and sharper crystals, and the other one heavy and robust, made of larger and rounder ones. Choosing the way I wear them I can influence my energy field, either to balance or focus it.

Another fun thing I noticed, the crystals on the bracelets need contact with my skin to have an effect! Thin fabric diminishes it to about half, wearing over a sweater sleeve almost completely, and through PVC I can’t feel the effect at all!


I have to feel certain ones. I learned a trick to feel the energy of crystals. Depending on how big and where you’ll be using them…try taking a few cleansing breaths then rubbing your hands together and hold the stone in your hands. Visualize any color representing the stones energy coming out of the stone and into your body through your hands. Have the colored light fill your auric field. As you do the visualization, if it’s a bracelet then put it on and hold that thought or feeling you have from the stone stay with you. I hope that this helps!


That is a very helpful visualization @christina4, thank you! :blush:


Of course :blush::two_hearts:


This is a great collection of information and guidance for clear quartz- absolutely lovely, @Christina4! :gem: :sparkles: Thanks so much for the helpful guide and also for sharing your stunning treasures- you have quite the collection! And @Berta too! :star_struck:

I could have sworn I had at least one piece of clear quartz, but alas- I can’t seem to find it :laughing: Guess that means it’s time for a new one! :grin::+1:


Just a sort of … grusome fact, when Quartz strikes a hard surface under high velocity it generates electricity. They use Quartz crystal in the nose of Antitank missiles. It’s called Piezoelectric detonation.


Not gruesome, at least not too bad. Interesting. I wonder if we’ll ever get phasers if they use quartz crystals or something. You never know!


Yes! How could I forget that? That was one of the first things that I learned about quartz. Rub two quartz crystals together and you’ve got a light show. Lifesaver mints have peizoelectricity, too. The white mints in the clear wrappers. Our mouths are shut so we don’t see it happen.


I think that’s a really cool fact about Quartz- I learned something new today! Thanks for sharing, John :gem: :star_struck:

That’s wild! I found a video by Smarter Everyday on YouTube that captures that spark (normally hidden in our mouths) when we crunch Lifesaver mints:

Digging a bit deeper, it looks like that while quartz has piezoelectricity (electric charge/light caused through deformation) Lifesavers display something very similar but mechanically different called triboluminescence (light caused through being broken).

I had never heard of either of these terms before- thanks for bringing this up! It’s fun to learn about :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :books:


HAHAHAHA… that used to be a fun party activity in High School…“Hey baby want to make some sparks?” All you need is a partner, a roll of Wintergreen Lifesavers in a dark closet… Bite the lifesaver with your incisors. lips open, and watch the sparks fly…(nudge nudge wink wink…) It was amazing how long it took to make that roll of lifesavers disappear. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Haha :laughing: I learned both the terms and I still got them mixed up!! I only remember the -escence part of the terms. Lol
But, yes @berta that sounds like a great time :sweat_smile:


I wish I had seen this earlier. I had been wearing my favorite piece of quartz since Friday. I took it off yesterday to hang it up. I’m going to try and get my crystals out under the moon tomorrow night.

I will try the activity though when my anxiety acts up again. I’m sure it will later today. Every afternoon it seems like it starts. So I’ll let you know how I do with it.


Sounds good! I’m getting my crystals and oils and essences all ready for the first full moon of the year! All day is when my anxiety starts :roll_eyes::joy: