Merry Meet Monday - Forum News! March 15th ☘

Wishing everyone a very Merry Meet Monday ! :sparkles:

Here’s a peek at what’s in store for this week.

[ [ Group Ritual- Together with the Coven :handshake:] ]

Join in for a shared group ritual and tea meditation on Thursday, March 18th - this activity is open to all members of the forum! :coffee:

Group meditation rituals and conversations are held every Thursday. Feel free to visit last week’s group ritual to get an idea about what to expect, and look for an announcement on the main page of the forum for details about this week’s group ritual :hugs:

[ [ Freebie Friday :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Have a question on your mind? The lovely @MeganB is kindly offering free readings for coven members via tarot or pendulum.

The next Freebie Friday post will be Friday, March 12th . You can find more information and get an idea about what to expect in last week’s post .

[ [ Sabbats: Pagan Holidays :wheel_of_dharma: ] ]

This Saturday, March 20th marks the special Sabbat Ostara :rabbit: for those in the Northern Hemisphere.


Friends in the Southern Hemisphere will celebrate Mabon :fallen_leaf:


Click on the pictures and links above for more information about these exciting holidays!

You can also visit Wheel of the Year to learn more about the 8 Pagan Sabbats :wheel_of_dharma:

[ [ Moon Phase: First Quarter Moon :first_quarter_moon: ] ]

Depending on your location, you will be blessed by the light of this moon phase tonight- Sunday, March 21st

You can find current moon information for your location as well as complementary spells and rituals to draw on its energy on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :sparkles:


The Moon Magick Guide to First Quarter Moon Magick on Spells8 says the following:

This is an excellent time to take action regarding your deepest wishes and to address your biggest blockages. It is a great time for growth and self-healing . As a continuation of the previous phase, the energies present at this time can help you feel more lucid and aware of how your intuition and second natures are developing.

Looking for ideas for spells and rituals specific to the First Quarter Moon? The Waxing Moon Spell Page has a lot of information including history, meanings, and a collection of spells and rituals that work in harmony with this moon phase.

[ [ Other Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

Some other non-witchy but interesting (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week:

Look ahead at more upcoming events in the Spells8 2021 Pagan Holiday and Wiccan Calendar :spiral_calendar:

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These are current activities that can be joined any time before their deadlines

[ [ Coven Name Vote :ballot_box: ] ]

Come one, come all! It is time to decide on a name for the forum family Take a look at the finalist coven name choices and choose your favorite in the poll.

Cast your vote here! [POLL] Choosing a Coven Name :ballot_box_with_check:

Please be aware that the poll will close automatically on Thursday, March 18th. Be sure to pick your favorite by that time!

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

Every week, a challenge is presented to all members of the forum to explore new areas of magick and bring out the best of everyone’s diverse talents.

The theme for this week is: Magick in the Arts :art:

This challenge will close Tuesday, March 16th at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)

After this time a Props and Presents post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift: And as always, a brand new challenge will arrive on Wednesday for all challenge enthusiasts.

Are you ready? Join in the challenge here: Weekly Witchy Challenge- Magick in the Arts :art:

[ [ Divination Discussion :crystal_ball: ] ]

Ready to put your divination skills to the test? Hoping for feedback on your readings?

Join in for this week’s Divination Discussion to gain new insights and experience different methods of divination :mag:

Ready to put your skills to the test? You can divine here: Divination Discussion :8ball: Let’s Catch Up

Be sure to get your entry in by the deadline: Wednesday, March 17th !

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Do you have a little extra love to share and are looking for ways to help out a fellow coven member? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use some positive vibes your way?

The Energy Exchange Circle is run by the warmhearted @praecog29 and is a great way to support and show love to coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Circle 2021 Wiki .

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

[ [ Spells8 Book Club :books: ] ]

Calling all book lovers! A reading period for the Spells8 book club is now in session !

You can find more details and are welcome to submit your book in the current thread: :open_book: Spells8 Book Club V (Feb 26 - Mar 26)

Please note that this reading period will end on Friday, March 26th!

More information about the book club and how to join can be found in Book Club F.A.Q and Introduction .

Happy Reading!

New Members :wave:

A very warm welcome and merry meet to all of the new members who have joined the forum over the past week:

@wendy10, @elizabeth19, @dawn10, @aimee1, @lisa30, @sheila2, @aida, @kristine4, @matilda1, @harpreet, @dupinder, @jessica46, @rebecca12, @wendy11, @jessica47, @tina6, @terry, @toady, @marci, @leeanne, @jodie2, @phoenixshaver, @megan11, @adrian3, @sheena3, @wesleigh, @pheladi, @mary23, @alanna1, @summer2, @kathryn9, @joelynn, @miroslava, @nicole25, @kimberly29, @kalise1, @jane2, @Garnet, @sharon11, @lorne, @CatfromCanada, @deviaugh, @anna10, @melissa12, @wesley, @RetroLynx, @brooke2, @kristy4, @karry, @tasha3, @amy19, @carmen3, @katie9, @ayyyyitskay, @phoenix_dawn, @asheley, @jamie14, @alda, @kristil,

If you haven’t done so already, feel free to go to Introductions and create your first post. Consider sharing a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick :sparkles:

We would all love to give you a warm welcome to the forum family! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

  • Cheers to the lovely @Susurrus for writing the most posts and sharing the most hearts in the forum- on a three-week-streak! :writing_hand: :heart: It is always a blessing to read your interesting posts and see your creative crafting- thanks for all that you share! :sparkling_heart:

And of course a very hearty thank you to all members of the Spells8 coven! Your contributions and love help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world- you are all wonderful :sparkles:

The Ideas of March, St. Paddy’s Day, and more- do you have any fun plans for the week ahead, magickal or mundane? :sparkles:

Give a shout to your fellow coven members and share what’s on your mind in the comments below!

May the holidays and Sabbats bring joy to you and your loved ones as the Wheel of the Year turns ever onward

Blessed be! :sparkling_heart: :shamrock:


I’ve decided I’m going to have a good week! I should get that American Stimulus money this week which will make me able to get a few things I need, like a new bed! I’m looking forward to it. I have a doctor’s appointment but it’s just a follow-up one and it’ll be easy peasy. It’s the foot doctor so mainly it’s like going to get my nails done. LOL.

So I am going to have a good week! And it’s supposed to be sunny this weekend so that’ll make for a great Ostara. I’m looking forward to welcoming spring. Even if I’m going to use wooden eggs in my celebration instead of real ones.

Hope y’all are having a great week too!


Loving the sound of this, For me this week I plan on heading down to the beach hopefully today, I do welcome the Spring :hugs: but right about now it feels so much like Summer :hot_face::hot_face:.

This week should be a goot week for me. Hope all is well with you guys.

N🕯ck W🕯ck


I welcome this week with positivity and healing protective energy.
Tomorrow we go for my daughter’s orthodontist consult for her Wisdom teeth extraction, she is pretty nervous.
Then next week we’re taking off on a family getaway for 3 days.
@Amethyst Oooh a new bed sounds awesome!
@NickWick enjoy your day at the beach, I go every chance I get even in the cold just to watch the waves.
20210313_180805_HDR 20210313_181434_HDR
This was Saturday evening, it was a bit chilly so we just sat in the car with the windows down and the heat on… :laughing:
The house in the pic is my dream house, I just love it.
Decorated my altar for Ostara tonight (Tuesday)


Hope everyone has a beautiful week,
Blessed Be,


Thank you @Rowan , sending you extra positivity and healing on this weeks journey. I will definitely enjoy the beach.

Sending you L❤ve & L🕯ght


Good Monday Morning! Thank you for the shout out, I am just extra chatty lately.

I can’t wait to see what the coven name! I think the only thing I am more excited for is the symbol to come afterward. Our art witches will have their work cut out for them!

I’m struggling with reading my book for the book club, my life just doesn’t allow me to fit in all the things. I am enjoying the resin work though.

I made a couple of bottles with sea glass & beads in them. One of them I put forget me nots in the bottom & 2 different colors of pigment in them. I also, made 2 dishes, but the glitter came rushing out of the bottle because I forgot to tighten the shaker & man is there a lot of glitter in those. They were supposed to be blue & are more of a silver glitter. I will have to post a picture of them once they come out of the molds.

We also had a makeshift St. Patty’s Day parade in my neighborhood. We just went around the neighborhood on golf carts & walking then made our way back home. It was a lot of fun. I have pictures from getting ready for that & a couple of the actual parade starting.


OOH, the beach! @NickWick and @Rowan I envy you so much! I’ve been to the beach a couple of times but they were all when I was young so I barely remember. It must be so awesome to be able to go and watch the waves.

You still have time to do your reading @Susurrus, but it sounds like your resin work is really taking off. You’re so very crafty.

Glad you’re all having a good week!


Thank you! Today I added flowers to some things to see how they would come out & I found out that my Tree of Life mold is on it’s way to me!


Very cool! I can’t wait to see what they’re like with the flowers in them, and the tree of life mold sounds awesome!


Woohoo- treat yourself, @Amethyst! It sounds like you have a great week ahead with the stimulus check and easy doctor’s visit. Hope you have a wonderful time, have fun with your Ostara preparations! :rabbit: :two_hearts:

Gosh, I am jealous at the sound of that- enjoy the beach and have a blast for those of us still stuck in winter, @NickWick! Have a blessed week :beach_umbrella: :heart:

Sending good thoughts to your daughter for her wisdom teeth extraction, @Rowan! I remember the hardest part of getting mine pulled was thinking about it beforehand- the waiting is the hardest part! :tooth: I hope everything goes well and you all enjoy a wonderful family getaway :blush:

No worries, @Susurrus- I’m also struggling to get through my book this month :open_book: :sweat_smile: Life keeps throwing other things that get in the way! Luckily it sounds like your other crafts are a blast- keep having fun with the resin, you’re making beautiful masterpieces! :sparkles:

Aside from some crazy weather (sunny, then snow! Then warm, then hail! Warsaw weather can’t make up its mind :laughing: ) it looks like a pretty calm week here. We’re unfortunately heading into a third lockdown so most things will be closed again. Luckily, we’re used to finding things to do at home by this point! :grin::+1:

Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far- happy Tuesday! :heart:


We have had some crazy weather here, it will be in the 60s then freezing in the subzero wind chills with a snow squall then back to sunny & nice. Mother Nature is drunk :rofl:

Thank you so much, I’m waiting until this afternoon to take them out of the molds today because I added some things to them yesterday. I think I need to make a lot of them in bulk to be able to sell them. Maybe when I have my craft room done I will do set up a shop on Etsy.

@Jeannie1 thank you for the words of encouragement about it. I’m still nervous to start my own shop. If I do, I will post a link in the forum for it. I will keep you posted.


Thanks, @BryWisteria! I’m going out tomorrow to go shopping for a new bed after my doctor’s appointment. Hopefully, I can find what I want.

Hee! That makes as much sense as anything else!


I just got a new bed in July & it has been a life changer. My other bed was a Tempurpedic type of bed. This bed is much more comfortable, I believe it’s a Nectar bed. I hope you enjoy bed hunting & pick one that is perfect for you!


Thanks darlin! I don’t know what I’m getting yet but I can’t afford that much … we’ll see what I find. It’s been ten years since I bought one so it’s about time!


Sounds to me me Mother Nature can be cold!:cold_face: And drunk :woozy_face: lol
Better stay inside and stay by a fire!
It’s nice over here it’s like in the 70s! the sun :sun_with_face: shine is out and Clocks move forward! I just got my seeds for my garden. I just need to get paper towels and germinate my seeds! I tried it once and the roots got stuck to the paper towel. Any suggestions? My friend said just to use a towel. Well maybe I’ll just YouTube some videos. Lol :laughing:So I need to do all that! Sounds like a good idea. Stay warm and cozy!


Good luck with the bed hunt, @Amethyst! I hope you can find the perfect one :bed: :blush:

Oh yikes @Susurrus- hope the weather sobers up sometime soon and you can get some nice sunshine! :sun_behind_small_cloud: :grin:

If the paper towels are natural and biodegradable, then there’s no worries if a few pieces stick to your seed roots! You can plant them (seedling, roots, and paper towel bits) right into the soil :seedling: Good luck and happy gardening, Jeannie- enjoy that lovely weather! :blush:


Thanks so much! I’m excited, but I’ve got to keep an open mind today . I drew the Tower reversed today so that’s got me worried. But if I keep an open mind and listen to others I think I can keep my Tower from crumbling today.


Mother Nature seems to have calmed down. The wind is gone & the air is nice.

On a side note, my hot flashes are nonexistant now too! I don’t know what was going on, but I haven’t had them again since last week. So I’ll take it. Those were brutal.


I know it’s never fun to turn the card and see The Tower, @Amethyst- but I think you have the right idea! :+1: With your deck’s warning, I hope you were able to play it safe and avoid any chaos that was coming your way. Be well! :two_hearts:

Glad to hear it, @Susurrus! Hopefully the hot flases will leave you alone now :crossed_fingers: . Enjoy the lovely spring weather! :blossom:


@Amethyst, how did your day go? Did you figure out the tower reversed?

@BryWisteria of course I say that & yesterday I had a couple of hot flashes, one right after the other… I took a shower & was better. & of course in our forecast for tonight there is 1 - 2 inches of snow. My husband had to go to work early to make sure the plows/sanders were ready to go, just in case. Oh Mother Nature, take a break… :rofl: