Deity Spread

I did the identify a deity spread tonight and could use some help with interpretation. Here’s my research but would love for your advice, input, or thoughts on who may be reaching out to me? I circled the names that stood out to me/gave me a “feeling”. Sometimes I feel foolish posting on this site, so please forgive me. I would appreciate any help! I even included an 8th card in this reading because I’m very interested in working with a deity.

My cards are:
•1: The Devil
•2: The Star
•3: Knight of Swords
•4: 6 of Cups
•5: 2 of Wands
•6: 2 of Swords
•7: 4 of Pentacles
•8: Knight of Wands


Hi @amandakay,

Congrats on the successful deity spread - it sounds like you got some great insights! Now it’s all a matter of taking the next step forward from here :railway_track: :sparkles:

This sounds to me like your intuition is making itself heard - I’d say listen to those feelings of yours! If Lilith and the Morrigan are drawing your attention, that is the best place to start.

I’d suggest reading Their histories, legends, and correspondences to see if either (or both!) of Them are a strong match. Have you found some good resources yet? There are quite a few around the forum and site - here a couple you might explore:

Wishing you all the best as you deepen your connection with the deity(ies) calling out to you, @amandakay! Blessed be :raven: :sparkles:


Never feel foolish about making a post @amandakay that is what we are here for. No question is a stupid question and we sometimes just need help in seeing something because we overlooked something or we are unsure. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Now for your reading. As @BryWisteria said do your research on the two you are feeling a pull too. I do see them both in this reading. I lean more to the Morrigan on it, but please read up on them both and see which you feel is pulling you more. Excited to hear how it goes!


This is exactly what I came to say after looking at your reading and notes. I don’t know too much about the two deities you circled but we do have a lot of information on both of them!