This is MasterPost of information on the Greek & Roman Deities & Information.
Please be aware that any topics included within this post that are posted in A Sacred Space can only be viewed & interacted with by members logged into their active accounts.
Greek & Roman:
- Witch Challenge: Greek & Roman Traditions, Magick, Pantheons, and More
- 11 Goddesses of the Forest, Wild Animals, & Nature
Greek Deities: Information, Devotionals, Etc
- Top 10 Ancient Greek Goddesses
- The Olympians - Deities of Ancient Greece
- Apples in Witchcraft
Magic and Mythology
- Orphic Hymns: Translation into Modern Greek - external site (Please Note these are in Greek, using Theio may help with reading them)
- Greek Devotionals Question
- Secret symbols of the Olympian Gods
- Zeus Greek God of Thunder: Spells8
- Zeus Leadership Devotional: Spells8
- Zeus
King of the Olympians
- Zeus/Jupiter Challenge Entry: AIRAM
- Orphic Hymn of Zeus the Thunderer
- Hera Goddess Course: Spells8
- Hera - Greek Queen
Goddess of the Sky
- How Do I Begin Working With Hera?
Aphrodite (See also: Roman Venus)
- Chant to Apollo: Spells8
- Symbols of Apollo
- Apollo Chant for Healing
- Apollo: Greek God of Music, Prophecy, & Healing - external site
- What are good offerings to Apollo?
- Ares God of War: Spells8 Gods Lesson
- Ares’ Warrior Chant: Spells8
- Orphic Hymn to the God Ares
- Finding your Patron Deity
- Ares Warrior Chant
Artemis (See also: Roman Diana)
- Artemis Gratitude Prayer: Spells8
- Witchy Challenge Entry - Ritual & Chant for Goddess Artemis
- Artemis/Diana Goddess of the Wilderness
- Hecate, Selene, Artemis
- Why do we blow out candles on birthdays? ….?
- homeric hymn of artemidus
- Athena’s Devotional Prayer for Wisdom: Spells8
- The Myth of Athena & Poseidon
- Owls and Athena
- For Athena devotees
Demeter (See also: Roman Ceres)
- Gaia Goddess Lessons: Spells8
- Gaia Devotional Chant for Youth & Beauty
- Gaia
(Films, Shows, Classes)
Worshipping Gaia, the Mother Earth Goddess
- Honoring our Mother Earth, Gaia(Weekly Challenge, Catch up!)
- Why I cry for our Planet, and Gaia
- Books about Gaia
- Hecate: Spells8 Goddess Temple
- Hecate of the Crossroads Incense: Spells8
- Hecate’s Devotional Chant: Spells8
- Hecate Devotional Justice Prayer: Spells8
- Hecate’s Keys of Life Spell
- Hecate information
- November 16th is Hecate’s Night
- Hekate - The Queen of Witches
- Hekate: Goddess of Witches -The witch, The rebel
- Hecate Is Going To Eat Your Face
- Hecate History, Theology, Mythology
- Hecate and Samhain
- Working with Goddess Hecate
- Hekate Trifecta
- Witch, Hekate, & Morrigan… Oh My!
- Hecate Anthem
- Hecate Meditation Music
- Proclus: Joint Hymn of Hecate & Janus
- Orphic Hymn to Hecate
- Hecate (or Perseis)
- An Danzza ☽ ☆ ☾ Hekate - Song
- Hekate Incense Recipe Infographic
- Hekate´s Prayer
- Hekate Ritual with a Hint of Justice: November 16
- Hekate/Hecate Book Recommendations (wiki post)
- Hekate, Lilith, & Me
- Hekate’s Night - and Chant
- Newly Working with Hecate
- Hekate Crossroads Spell PDF
- Praying to the triple moon goddess
- Archangels, past lives, and Hekate
- Working with Goddess Hecate
- Prayer to Hekate to Avert Evil Spirits
- Invoking Hecate With Shakespeare
- Sorcery of Hekate by Jason Miller - Online Course Review
- The Hekataeon: Nine Day Rite
- Hekataeon - Part 3 - 27 Epithets of Hekate
- The Hecate Epithet Art Project (The H.E.A.P.) 81 Images of Hecate
- My chant / prayer to Hecate
- Hecate: Traducao Seridina
- Is Hecate Calling? Discover the 5 Signs of Her Presence
- A nightly ritual for the Queen of Witches #witchcraft #hekate #hecate
- Hecate: Akna Zavi Almeida Saavedra: Video
- Spell to Connect with Hekate
- Goddess Ekati Kronia and Symbols
- Hekate’s Animals
- Herbs & Plants of Hekate
- Hekate & the Masculine Gods
- Hail Mighty Hecate
- Hecate’s Keys
- Personal development and the Goddess Hecate
- Hekate’s night celebration and a coincidence?
- Hecate………………Scylla and Lycaena
- Archangels, past lives, and Hekate
- Hekate/Hecate Book Recommendations
- Persephone: Goddess Lesson Spells8
- Persephone Chant for Rebirth & Renewal: Spells8
- Persephone
Goddess Queen of the Underworld
- Persephone
- Persephone Dual Deity
- Link on Persephone
Hades / Pluton
- Hades Greek God of the Dead, King of the Underworld: Gods Lessons Spells8
- Hymn to Hades, King of the Underworld: Spells8
- The Three Realms of Hades 🖤
- Ritual of Equilibrium: Honoring Persephone and Hades
- Pluton
Greek God of the Underworld
- Selene’s Devotional Chant for Courage: Spells8
- Selene- My Favourite Goddess
- Dealing With The Divine ~ Selene & Moon Art
- Today’s Devotional to Selene
- A tribute to Selene
- Hecate, Selene, Artemis
Roman Deities: Information, Devotionals, Etc…
Ceres (See also: Greek Demeter)
Diana (See Also: Greek Artemis)
- Diana’s Love Devotional: Spells8
- Diana of the Moon Incense: Spells8
Song to Diana, Goddess of the Hunt & the Moon
- Artemis/Diana - Goddess of the Wilderness
- Goddess Fortuna Lesson: Spells8
- Good Luck Prayer Goddess Fortuna: Spells8
- How can I worship and work with Fortuna?